He took me all the way back to the family room doors, where I put on my robe, hugged him goodbye and went inside to get ready for school. On my way, I passed the kitchen door and Bambi saw me.
"Good morning, Sam." She said. I stopped and leaned against the doorjamb.
"Good morning, Mom." I said with a smile that came very easily to my face. A little romp in the woods can do wonders for your state of mind.
She beamed back, happy to have me acknowledge that part of our relationship. She walked over to give me a hug, but stopped and reached up to pull a pine needle from my tousled hair.
"What on earth is this? Have you been in the woods?" She asked.
"Yeah." I answered, grinning happily. "Brute and I were pretending to be fairies. Well, I was a fairy, I don't know what he was pretending to be."
"Heavens! Are you all... nevermind. Silly question." She giggled. "I'm sure the two of you had a wonderful time." She sounded vaguely disappointed. "You better run get cleaned up, now. Breakfast is almost ready."
"OK," I said, and dashed upstairs to my room. A rich fantasy life is a wonderful thing.
My classes before lunch seemed to drag by. Nothing blew up in Physics and Dina and I competed as usual to see which of us could ask the smartest question in Miss Connor's Algebra class. After a satisfying detour to the Girls' room, I arrived in my third period class just as the bell rang.
As I put my bag away and got out my Social Studies textbook, I noticed that Mr. Locke had moved his lectern from the side of his desk to the front. This put him almost directly in front of me. I was very flattered at the attention and the risk he was taking by accepting my offer to let him look at me as much as he liked. I tried not to tease him too much, but whenever he came to the end of a section and he looked around to see if there were any questions, I leaned forward and dropped a shoulder to give him a good view down my top.
When the bell rang, I grabbed my bag and was about to bolt when Mr. Locke called me over to his desk.
"Miss Kramer, there is something I need to discuss with you. I don't want there to be any misunderstanding between us and I think it is important that certain things be clear."
"Yes, Mr. Locke?" I had been about to lean over the desk, but I sensed he was uneasy about something and I did not want to distract him.
"Miss Kramer... Sam. I wanted you to know that your work in this class lately has been exemplary. Your test scores over the last few weeks have climbed, even soared and your avid participation in the class discussions have been refreshing and at times even challenging for me. I just wanted to make it clear that none of your improved grades has anything to do with our, ah, understanding with regard to your, ah, endowments. Any grades you receive in this class are marks that you have earned."
"Mr. Locke, I want to assure you that it had never crossed my mind that I might influence you in any way at all other than through academic achievement. It was certainly never my intent to attempt any such thing. I know my grades have improved in this class, and I think if you discuss it with my other teachers, you will get similar reports from all of them. It is simply a matter of being motivated to take a greater interest in my studies and spending more time with the material. The more I understand, the more interesting things become and the more interested I am, the more I participate in classroom discussions." I looked around to be sure the room was empty before I continued.
"As for your admiration of my... assets..." I stepped between Mr. Locke and the door to prevent anyone from seeing what I was about to do. "I understand that there is no quid pro quo expected..." I put my hands under my breasts and squeezed until they bulged out of my halter and the areola were visible above the cups. I leaned over far enough for Mr. Locke to be able to see them crinkle up in response to my stimulation. "... or offered."
I picked up my bag and rushed off while Mr. Locke tried to get his eyes back in their sockets. I was pleased to be able to set his mind at ease. I was also pleased that I wasn't going to lose one of my biggest admirers over some foolish misunderstanding.
I gulped down one of the energy bars in my bag as I raced across campus to the gym. It was, ironically, one of the type sold to body builders as a means to pack on bulk quickly, and so had more nutrients and more calories than the typical dining hall lunch. The fact that is also tasted better than much of the dining hall fare was a definite bonus. I had expected to have to make sacrifices so I could spend time with Steve, but being malnourished didn't seem to be one of them.
At the gym, I ran down to the girls' locker room to change. I had put on my version of the wrestlers' outfit and was about to put my school clothes into my own gym locker for safekeeping when an idea occurred to me. Instead of using my locker, I put my clothes into my bag and carried it with me to the weight room.
As usual, there was no one in the hall and, to all appearances, no one in the gym. It wasn't until I got to the weight room that I realized that it was all a matter of acoustics. The floor in the weight room wasn't the gray concrete of the rest of the basement, it was a wood surface similar to butcher's block with cork floor-tiles on top of that.