Please Feel Free to Explode in Me

"He certainly does. And if the price for it is for him to treat me more like a sister than a mother, then I am quite willing to pay it. I think it is a wonderful compliment that he thinks I look and act like a teenager. It makes me feel ten years younger."

"I've never thought you looked your age. If you wore the current teen fashions and used less sophisticated makeup, I bet you could pass for 18."



I wasn't just being nice. When we were talking the night before, she seemed just as relaxed and open as Bud. I couldn't tell if she were actually trying to behave like 'one of the guys' or if was just unconsciously behaving differently because of Bud revising her role for her. I wondered how much of our behavior is influenced by how others see us and how they expect us to behave. I had already noticed that if you treat someone as a friend, they will usually act like one and that if you treat someone respectfully and courteously, they usually respond in kind. A lot of how I tried to act with strangers came from this.

I showed her a couple more stretches and we did them together. We were doing back-bends when I noticed that there was someone on the wooden stairs overlooking our secluded spot.

"Good morning, Bud. How long have you been there?" I asked.

Bambi stood up so fast her hair whipped over her face. She covered her groin with one hand and crossed an arm over her breasts, which was a futile effort for her since not much could be hidden behind an arm.

I wanted to giggle, but that wouldn't have been helpful. Instead, I mimicked Bambi and covered up. The only difference was that I tried to make it a sexy pose instead of a startled one. It worked. When Bambi saw me pose, she followed suit, bending a knee and pointing her toes.

Bud said, "Not nearly long enough. I'm sorry to disturb you. I just wondered where everybody was. When I saw you out here, I just had to stay and enjoy the show."

Bud's degree of enjoyment was pretty clear from the large bulge in his shorts. He had put of a pair of old, tight, cotton-knit shorts to come to breakfast in and the outline of his cock was easy to see, even in the dim morning light. It looked like a snake about to crawl down his leg. A big snake.

"Well, the show is over," I said. "Would you be a gentleman and help us on with our robes?"

Bud got awkwardly to his feet. When he stood up, his cock strained against the thin fabric of his shorts. The sight got my blood going. I heard Bambi take a sharp breath, so I know she was looking at it too.

Bud apparently decided that if he got to look, then we deserved the same courtesy, because he made no attempt to hide his condition. He seemed proud to have two naked girls stare at his manhood.

He happened to pick up my robe first. He held it up and I slipped my arms into it. He wrapped it around me and pulled me against him. As he hugged me, he pressed his cock into the crack of my ass and rubbed it up and down. I clenched my butt-cheeks on it as best I could until he stepped away and picked up Bambi's robe.

I watched with interest as he did exactly the same thing to her. The look on her face was marvelous. After marking both of us with his organ, he walked back up the steps toward the side door. "See you in a minute," he called.

When he had gone, Bambi said, "Is that how he usually treats you?"

"Yeah. I guess I encourage it."

"I never... I mean, I hadn't thought it through. He's never had a sister. When he said he was more comfortable treating me like a sister, I didn't realize that you were the example he would be following."

"You said you'd pay the price," I reminded her. "And you sure didn't put up a fight. In fact, you looked like you were enjoying every second."

"Yes, well... I guess I was," she smiled. "If you can put up with it, I guess I can too. It's for a good cause, and all." Her smile broke into a grin.

I couldn't resist yanking her chain. I asked, "And what will you do if he decides to bend you over the kitchen table and fuck you silly?"

The idea apparently had a certain fascination for her. She got a vacant look in her eyes and kept saying, "oh, my" over and over as we walked back to the house.

Apparently, Bud's treatment of us had been more calculated than spontaneous. When we sat down to breakfast — still without Jim, who appeared to have taken up residence with the Morgans — Bud wanted to discuss it.

"OK," he said, "I guess I should ask if I need to apologize." He glanced at me and then turned to look at Bambi, who blushed, but stared down at her plate as she shook her head 'no'.

"Good," he continued, "Because I want you to know that I feel like a big weight is off my back. When we were talking last night, I thought I had this thing sorted out in my head, but this morning I realized that something was still bothering me."

He took a deep breath before he went on. He didn't seem upset, but this was clearly something he was taking seriously.

"The biggest problem... MY biggest problem has been living in the same house with an incredibly sexy female and trying not to feel sexually attracted to her. When you add a second incredibly sexy female who doesn't mind at all if my dick tries to jump out of my pants every time she walks into the room... well, it makes my head hurt. Both of them." He smiled thinly at his little joke.

"Basically, I had to know if you were going to be offended or uptight if I allowed myself to react to you the way my cock tells me to. I'm sorry for being so... graphic about it, but I feel a lot better now. I think I've finally adjusted to the situation."

Bambi took her time responding. She took a couple of sips of her coffee while she decided what to say.

"Bud, I want you to know that I have never considered an erection to be offensive, no matter whose it was — especially if it was on my account. I realize that this is something that men can't consciously control and that makes it the most sincere of compliments. So, if I turn you on, don't be ashamed of it. It makes me feel good to know that I'm still desirable. If you get an erection because of me, I want to know it. If you hug me and there is a hard cock between us, I won't be offended. But by the same token, if I flirt with you or I need some 'special time' with you, I hope you will be as understanding. I have the same kind of biological urges that you do and young studs with big cocks get me turned on — sometimes to the point where it affects my judgment. So if I seem to be throwing myself at you, please understand that one of us needs to be mature and draw the line and it may not always be me."

I thought that was very well put. She avoided any mention of blame or definitions of inappropriate behavior and she even got in a quid-pro-quo for herself, which I thought was a neat way of shifting some of the responsibility for restraint back to Bud in a much more palatable form. This was going so well I decided to put my two cents in too.

"And Bud?" I said. "If you feel yourself getting so turned on that you think you are going to explode, please feel free to explode in me. I'm not ashamed to say that I'm addicted to your cock and I need a regular fix."

Bud smiled, Bambi smiled, and I smiled. We all seemed to be satisfied with the new understanding. I suspected that nothing much would change except that Bud would be happier and he and Bambi would find some new facets of their relationship. Basically, they had just agreed to accept each other 'as is' and not to worry about repressing or hiding their sexuality. That had to be a healthier situation for everyone. Besides, if Bambi had the urge to drive Bud wild, I would most likely be the one to benefit.

Judging from the looks going around the table, we were all looking forward to being able to express our sexuality without having to worry about offending someone else. It was also pretty clear that the discussion itself had been something of a turn-on. I know my imagination was running hot and from the distracted look in Bambi's eyes and the way she kept tugging her robe to make it rub her nipples, she was getting warm as well.