Hanging out after Gym

Lamont blinked water out of his eyes and looked down at what I was doing to his black cock. He smiled at me and said, "I knew you couldn't keep your hands off my cock. No chick can resist a brother's big dick." He watched me handling him and he seemed to melt. "OK. You got a deal. How could I say no, since you asked so nice?"

I reached underneath his cock and put my hand around his ball sack where it attached to his groin. I closed my fist and tugged gently but firmly on his balls.

"A wise decision," I told him. I turned and addressed the room, "OK, who wants to do my back?"

The big hairy guy with the deep laugh won the honors, mainly by physical intimidation. He was a bit rougher than my usual back-scrubbers but I thought Steve had other things going for him. For instance, he made an excellent loofah. I soaped him up and then rubbed myself all over him, giggling all the time as his hairy chest tickled me. Having an appreciative audience didn't hurt a bit, either. If cocks could applaud I would have had a standing ovation.

The group was all smiles as we toweled off and got dressed. My stunt had put everyone at ease. Any girl willing to shower with the wrestling team was definitely 'one of the guys' as far as they were concerned. Even Lamont was smiling. He had forgiven me for impugning his manhood and spoiling his practical joke.

I dashed around barefoot and still damp to the girl's side to finish dressing in my regular clothes. I just made it to English class as the bell rang.

I was trying to surreptitiously dry the water in my ear with a tissue while I thought about how well things had worked out with Steve and the wrestling team. If they thought my joining them in the shower was a one-time deal, they were badly mistaken. Now that I knew I was welcome, there was no way I was going to go back to showering and dressing all alone on the other side of the building.

Mainly I was still walking on air after hearing Steve tell me he loved me. I never dreamed he felt that strongly about me or that it would come on us so suddenly. It seemed just the day before yesterday that he was raping me and a bunch of my friends out behind the gym. Such wonderful memories! Even if the relationship with Steve didn't last, and we had to split up and go our separate ways, the joy I felt at that moment would be a cherished memory forever. I was positively glowing, and not just from all the scrubbing I had received.

Gym class was one of those old social disease video epics that tried to scare the bejeebers out of you without ever actually telling you precisely how you managed to catch the disease. One of the girls in the row behind me pointed out in a whisper that the guy in these videos was always named Bob, and all we had to do to avoid diseases was to stay the heck away from anyone named Bob. This caused a lot of giggling and a threat from Coach Simpson to turn on the lights if we didn't quiet down. I thought a more effective threat would have been to make us watch the video again.

Mercifully, the bulb in the video projector burned out with fifteen minutes to go in the period. Coach told us to behave ourselves while she went on a predictably futile trip to the A/V department for a replacement.

The door hadn't even shut good behind Coach when the room erupted with conversation.

Polly said, "Phooey! I wish we didn't have to watch these nasty videos. I'd much rather go outside and get some fresh air than stay cooped up in here."

Angie agreed, "Me, too! It stinks in here."

"Oh, you just want to dress-out so you'll have to take a shower," Beth said. "You're just into having your back scrubbed, among other things."

"I admit it!" Angie said. "I like being washed. It's nice. I wish we had thought of this before."

"I like it, too," Heather said in her squeaky voice. "I think it's a great idea and I don't see a thing wrong with it. I'd like to thank whoever started it."

"Oh, that was Sam!" Polly said, pointing at me. "She started it with me."

"You were out that day," Angie told Heather. "You missed it. I thought it was really wicked at first. But then I got into it and it's soooo good. It's just so sensual, you know? I think the Japanese have been doing it for centuries."

"You want to hear about something wicked?" Heather asked. "I heard there was a bunch of girls who went streaking down by the gym the other day. Just running around totally starkers at school! Now that's wicked!"

"Nooo!" Angie said. "Really? That turns me on. Who would do something that kinky?"

I put my hand up and wiggled my fingers. "Me," I said. I knew there was a good chance I would regret telling this, but it was just about the wildest thing I had ever done and I'd never get a better chance to work on my 'sex kitten' cover.

"Nooo!" Angie said again. "You didn't!"

"We did. And you will never guess where we went... the boy's locker room!"

"You're kidding!" Polly said.

"No way!" Angie added. "Did you run into any boys?"

"No, thank goodness. If we had, you would have heard about it before now. There were some in there, but we managed to hide behind the lockers."

"That must have been really scary. Weren't you just terrified someone would see you?" Heather asked.

"It was exciting, sure enough. But we were just as turned-on as we were scared. By the time we got to our clothes, we were all horny as toads. If a boy had seen us, we probably would have raped him." Since I didn't want to name names, I hoped no one demanded more details of my adventure, so I tried to change the subject.

"Who saw us?" I asked Heather.

"A girl in my homeroom said she had gone out to the parking lot in front of the gym for something during lunch and she said she saw a bunch of girls run past the front door. She said she almost didn't think anything about it until one girl with really big tits ran past and then she realized that they were all naked." Heather told us. When she got to the part about the big tits she looked at my chest.

"Yeah, Sam sort of stands out in a crowd, doesn't she?" Polly said.

"She sure does!" Heather squeaked. "She stands out anywhere. Sam, would you mind terribly if I asked you a personal question?"

"Not if you don't mind if I don't answer it if it's too personal," I said.

"I just wanted to know... what bra size do you wear?"

"That's not too personal! I thought you were going to ask something really intimate. When I wear a bra, which isn't very often, I wear a 34H. I'm actually an HH-cup, but I wear nursing bras that have stretchy cups, so I can get by with a size smaller and get the extra support if I want it."

"A nursing bra?" Angie said. "With snaps and flaps and stuff? Isn't that uncomfortable?"

"No, the kind I wear doesn't have any of that. It just has seamless cups that can be pulled to one side. I had the same reaction as you when the woman at the store suggested it, but when I tried it on it was sooooo comfortable. I just wear them when I don't want my nipples to show. When my breasts grew bigger, my nipples followed. If I don't wear a bra, they poke out pretty far. See?" I threw my shoulders back to push my breasts against my cotton blouse. It wasn't one of the clingy ones, so my nipples weren't obvious unless I got excited or pulled the blouse tight.

After a few seconds of admiring my large nipples, Heather asked, "I thought when you were that big you had to wear a bra or they would hang down. Yours don't sag a bit."

"No, they don't." I said. "They may someday, but right now they are firm and high and I am going to go without a bra as much as I can."

"Even if your nipples show?" Angie asked.

"SO my nipples will show," I laughed. "I'm not ashamed of my breasts. I'm proud of them. I think they're great and I want to show them off as much as I can. I have a closet full of clothes at home that were all designed to show off my breasts. I just can't wear most of them to school because they're too sexy."