I'd say... 20?

"No, not at all. I've known where this house was for years. My uncle used to take us out for Sunday drives and we would go past the houses of all the important people in town. He enjoyed telling us how often each of them would come to his restaurant and what they usually ordered. I know where Sheriff Foster lives, too."

"Oh? OK, I appreciate the diplomacy, Connie, but I like to be up-front with my friends, as much as possible. You obviously know something about what happened at the restaurant, so let's clear the air about that, OK?"

"OK. I wondered if it was a subject I should avoid, or how much I could talk to you about it. I tried to ask Uncle Sergio about it, but he said that the personal business of his customers is something we never talk about. You know, he feels very protective of all his customers, especially the important ones.

"Anyway, I haven't said a word to anyone about this. Even though my head was spinning, I remember seeing you and Mrs. Reynolds run to the restroom right before all the excitement. You must have gone out the back, because the next thing I know, you came in the front and you were all businesslike, so I knew we wouldn't be having any more fun." She smiled at me warmly as she said that. I returned the smile reassuringly.

"I saw you and the Sheriff talking. You were both very serious and all. I was surprised to see you talking to him. I didn't remember until later that you became serious before the Sheriff came in. That meant that whatever your business was started about the same tine that the Sheriff was attacked by that man in the parking lot. Then you came back in and told me to get two more chairs. Then all the cops in town converged on our parking lot. Then the Sheriff came in and sat down and you and he talked.

"When I seated him and his wife at their own table, he looked over at you and turned pale, like he'd seen a ghost. I didn't want to look like I was snooping, so I didn't turn around, but he asked for another drink right away. I heard him tell his wife that this was all confidential just before I went back to the bar.

"I decided that whatever was going on, you were someone I wanted to get to know. I put my name and number in the folder with the check and hoped that you would call. I'm sorry I couldn't talk on the phone. My mother was standing behind me, listening like it was any of her business. You figured that out, though and I was even more impressed."

"Thank you for keeping all this to yourself," I said. "I really appreciate your discretion and your uncle's attitude toward his customers. You understand, I can't tell you any more about that night, other than what you have already figured out. Something happened in the parking lot and I had to take care of it. The Sheriff was thanking me for helping him.

"Is there anything else you'd like to ask me before we go downstairs and meet my other guests?"

"Only lots! First, that night in the restaurant, you did a pretty convincing 'little girl' act. Only you're obviously older than nine or ten. How old are you, really?"

"Thanks. How old do you think I look?"

"I'd say... 20?"

"You're going by my figure, now. These do make me look older. The truth is — I'm only 18."

"Well, you startled me at first. I thought you were just precocious. Then I thought you would quit when you found out I wasn't wearing panties, but you just got bolder. Before I could figure out what to do about the situation, you had me so turned on that I would have stripped naked and let you fuck me with a bread stick right there on the table."

"Oh, wow! I can see I underestimated you, Connie. You've got a much better imagination than I do. The bread sticks never occurred to me. That's it. You're not leaving now, no matter what. I may tie you up and have a contest to see who can do the kinkiest thing to you."

"I knew I was going to enjoy this. Is there some place I can change clothes?"

"I was going to ask about the sundress and the white shoes with the matching purse. I did tell you to dress very casual?"

"Yes. But I had to tell Mama where I was going and when she found out, she wouldn't let me out the door in shorts and sneakers. My other stuff is in the suitcase."

"Well, one of you has very good taste. Come on downstairs and meet some of the others first so you can show off that nice dress. Bring your bag. There's a place you can change and freshen up."

I managed to keep my evil grin in check as I introduced Connie to Neeka and Bambi without mentioning any background or relationships. I did watch Connie carefully to see if she would recognize Bambi, but she didn't even look at her hard.

"That's a very nice dress, Connie," Bambi said. "Did you get that at Caxton's downtown?"

"Yes, I did. Thanks. My mother made me wear it. She thinks people who live in big houses sit around all day dressed-up. If there is a place I can change, I brought something else."

"You can use the bathroom under the stairs. The light switch is on the left inside the door."

When Connie had gone to change, Bambi said, "Ouch! I wasn't ready for that. I feel like a stereotype."

"Console yourself with the knowledge that she accepted you as a peer and felt comfortable enough to make the comment." I told her. It was as close to 'get over it' as I felt I could go. I hadn't thought about things like that when I set this up, but it was too late to turn back now. In "Mrs. Reynolds'" absence I wondered if there would be any other unfortunate comments.

The doorbell rang and I dashed upstairs. Jolene and Janice had arrived. I thought they had come together, but I saw Jolene's bicycle in the driveway and I knew it was just coincidence.

"Well, hey! Come on in. Everyone else is already here. We're all downstairs."

Janice wore a tube-top and shorts, which was what I had on, but Jolene wore what looked like an oversized nightshirt with moons and stars all over it. It was way too big for her and it hung off one shoulder and came to her knees. I couldn't decide if it was supposed to be stylish, if it was really a nightshirt she had decided to wear, or if this was the newest thing in clubwear. She also hadn't brought a bag, so she was going to be stuck with what she had on for the duration.

"Jolene?" I said.


"What have you got on besides that shirt?"

She blushed and grabbed the hem. She hesitated and then pulled it up under her chin. As I suspected, it was the only item of clothing she had on and the only thing she brought.

"Jolene, you are a caution! I know I said you would be getting naked at some point, but you really came prepared, didn't you?"

"Unhunh. Do you like it?"

"It's marvelous! Just the thing to wear to a sleepover. Now take it off."

Without batting an eye, Jolene shucked off the night shirt and handed it to me. She stood there in the foyer, naked as a jaybird, and completely unselfconscious about it. I had to admire her. She was determined to be a wild-thing. Her innocent looks and child-like personality made her exceptionally appealing.

I thought seriously about letting her stay nude. It would certainly be a great ice-breaker. I decided that it would be a distraction from the Bambi-experiment, though.

"Lovely. Just lovely. Jolene, you are fantastic. Save it for the right time, though. Here, put this back on."

She seemed almost disappointed that I wasn't going to let her stay naked. To placate her, I put my hands on her breasts and rubbed her nipples until they were puffy enough to be visible under the shirt. She put her shoulders back to make her condition obvious and we went downstairs.

Connie had changed into a pair of short-shorts and a tank-top that looked like it had shrunk to her figure. The shirt said, "The Olive Grove" and had the olive-branch logo of her uncle's restaurant on it.

Again, I made the introductions and again, no one so much as raised an eyebrow in Bambi's direction. Any look she got from Jolene, Janice or Connie was matched by a look they gave me as they each tried to guess our relationship. When we had all made ourselves comfortable on the big l-shaped couch, the first question was asked.