Sperm Raider II

Summer might have been acting as the Amazons cruelly aroused her, but Bambi didn't need to. I could tell from the way she kept clutching the shaft of the lamp that she was having a very hard time keeping her hands behind her. Too help her stay in character, I took the belt out of Janice's shorts and used it to tie her wrists together behind the lamp. She seemed grateful for making her play-acting predicament more realistic for her.

The Amazon queen called a halt to the fun that her warriors were having with Summer and proceeded to taunt her by threatening to cut her with what was obviously a rubber knife.

We didn't have a prop knife handy, so we had to make do with a brass letter-opener from the desk. Connie cast herself in the role of the chief because she was the one who went to get the letter-opener. She was pretty effective in the role, too. She was almost believable as she leered while lightly dragging the cold metal point of the brass blade over Bambi's breasts and pressing the edge under her nipple as though she were about to cut it off with a flick of her wrist.

Bambi's response to this was equally convincing. Her erect nipple became very hard and prominent, as though begging to be sliced off. Her breasts heaved in terror at the prospect of imminent mutilation. She quivered in quite realistic terror as the knife pressed into her soft flesh.

The performance apparently became a little too real for her because when the Amazon queen ordered Summer to be staked out on a grassy hill for further torment, Bambi declined to continue in the role. Instead she nominated Janice as the next star of our show.

Janice was perfectly willing to assume the role. As Summer squirmed against her bonds on screen, we stretched Janice out on the sturdy coffee table in front of the sofa. At first I was afraid Bambi would object to us abusing her furniture, but I remembered that this was the same heavy table that had already seen years of abuse from having the boy's shoe heels ground into it as well as a myriad of sports equipment thrown on it. Those dings and scratches weren't signs of an antique, just character in a well-used hunk of wood.

As Connie and Jolene positioned Janice on the table so her head would be supported, I ran to the drawer at the other end of the room and fetched a handful of pieces of rope suitable for tying up young girls.

When Bambi saw what I had done, she gave me a questioning look, but I grinned back at her. For her, the fragments of cotton cord represented a story of fear and terror. To me, they represented triumph and a small degree of glory.

We used the cord to tie Janice to the table with her arms over her head and her legs bent so that her feet were on the floor with legs apart and her ankles tied to the feet of the table. It wasn't exactly like the video, but it was a close as we were going to get in the space we had.

The Amazon warriors descended on Summer as she lay bound hand and foot on the ground begging for mercy. They kissed her and stroked her. They squeezed her breasts and pulled her nipples. The queen crawled between her legs and began to eat her pussy with an aggressive, but teasing technique that always stopped short of allowing Summer to climax. We copied their every move on Janice.

Before long, Summer was no longer begging for her captors to stop, she was begging them to make her cum and so was Janice. The Amazons had no mercy and neither did we. Bambi did the honors as the queen this time and she used her tongue to bring Janice to the very brink of climax before denying her release. She did this over and over until Janice wasn't acting any more, she was really desperate to cum.

It was at this point that we changed our own version of the story. Janice was pleading so pitifully — much more believably that her cousin on the TV screen — that we all agreed to allow her to have satisfaction and then nominate a new actress to continue the role.

Bambi, of course, did the honors. In one of the most intensely erotic scenes never filmed, she licked Janice's clit until the girl came so hard she snapped one of the ropes holding her to the table. It was one of the frayed ones, but it was an impressive sight nonetheless to see her arch her back and scream out her ecstasy while straining against her bonds as she climaxed.

Janice didn't quite pass out, but she was going to be sidelined until she recovered, so we helped her to a spot on the sofa where she could watch the rest of the video as well as our own version.

Before I knew what they were up to, Bambi, Jolene, and Connie had pulled me down onto the table and Bud had tied my wrists and ankles the same way Janice had been. Bambi pulled me down the table until my butt just stuck out over the end, then she went to work on my pussy while Jolene and Connie attacked everywhere else.

The three of them quickly had me worked up to a high pitch of excitement. Watching Janice get this treatment had already made me so hot my head was swimming. Now that I was getting the same treatment, it took no time at all for me to be willing to beg piteously for sexual release. As Bambi worked her magic on my clit, my begging became more and more credible, until I no longer needed to put any amount of acting skill into my performance.

On the screen, the Amazon queen called for the creature to be brought out. We all watched as a black man came onstage at spearpoint. He was wearing only a loincloth and was restrained by metal shackles and huge chains. His muscles were the rippling, bulging sinews of a champion bodybuilder. His skin glistened with oil and his expression was one of brutal lust mixed with hate.

The queen cut away his loincloth to reveal a massive cock that looked like it belonged more on a bull than a human being. It hung almost to his knees and it was coal black with a big pink head at the end that looked to be the size of my fist.

As the man looked at his victim, tied to the ground and helpless he took his cock in one huge fist and began to pump it. We all watched, fascinated as the big black cock grew thicker and stiffer and his big balls swung and bounced between his legs.

As entranced as we were with the video, we all turned to watch as Jolene took Bud by the hand and pulled him off the sofa and onto his feet. She yanked his shorts down to his feet and his cock sprang free.

Bud had been watching both performances with keen interest and needed no further stimulation. His cock wasn't quite as long as the one on the black actor, but it was certainly thicker and as Bud stood proudly to display his own equipment; his balls looked even bigger than the man on the screen.

Summer's character started screaming, 'Noooo! Noooo!" on the screen, but I couldn't work up any similar sentiment. Jolene took Bud's huge cock in both her small hands, and stroking it to be sure he was rock hard, she led him to a spot between my legs, where he knelt down on the rug with his cock poised at the opening to my pussy. At that moment, my own urge was to scream, "Yessss! Yessss!" And I'm not really sure that I didn't.

Bud waited patiently, for what, I could not be sure. He could have been torturing me. He might have been trying to prepare himself mentally. He might have been waiting for the action of the screen to begin.

Finally, Jolene pushed it between my open labia. With that, Bud pressed forward and started to work his rigid tool into me.

As soon as the wide head of his cock popped through my vaginal ring, I was in heaven. The combination of the excitement of playing the part of a tormented and raped young girl and the thrill of being fucked in front of an audience by a boy whose cock was like a drug to me had me cumming even before he had it all the way in.

Bud was true to his role, though. Even though my pussy was completely out of control and seemed to be trying to eat his cock alive, he kept feeding it into me until the head once again banged against my cervix. He waited, with his cock pressed against the gateway to my womb while it slowly opened for him. He put his hands under the small of my back and lifted me enough to allow him to line up for the final thrust. Then he rammed his hips forward, forcing me open the last inch and making me scream in pain as his cock smashed through into my innermost citadel of femininity.