Entering Uncharted Territory

Jolene was too shocked to scream. The pain must have been pretty bad. Looking at the junction of their bodies, I could see that Bud was pressing into her small opening nearly hard enough to rip it apart. The muscles in her lower abdomen were contracting violently, trying to push the invader out.

Fortunately, Bud was experienced enough to realize this. He stayed perfectly still and waited for Jolene to recover enough from his first assault to relax enough for him to continue or for her to remember the absurdly long safe-word and try to spit it out.

It was only a few minutes before her breathing slowed and the muscle spasms quieted. Her eyes went from wild and wide to hooded and nearly unfocussed. She looked down at her groin and then closed her eyes and moaned with the pleasure that had started to replace the pain of being stretched so brutally.

I decided it was time to reward her bravery. I bent over and started licking the ring of pink flesh where it was stretched nearly colorless around Bud's cock. I added my saliva to the lubricants and then I flicked my tongue across her little clit. It was pulled so tight against her pubic bone that it was little bigger than a pimple. It must have been a very sensitive pimple, however, because she immediately climaxed.

You would have thought it was the first orgasm she had ever had, judging by the startled expression on her face and the way her eyes rolled back and her eyelids fluttered. I guessed it was certainly the first orgasm she'd experienced with a cock nearly inside her pussy and that that would certainly make a big difference.

As Jolene's climax started to wane, she moved her hips and experimented with wiggling her butt around to work herself looser to see if she could get any more cock in her. She smiled hugely as she worked herself around the head of Bud's cock. Obviously, the pain had now been completely replaced by pleasure.

"Oooooooo!" she said, huskily. "That feels fantastic! Let me feel it stretch some more."

"OK," Bud said. He shifted his hips and pressed in again so that her pussy was stretched some more. He held that position for several seconds, then he slowly pressed forward some more, putting great pressure on her nearly-destroyed virginity.

I thought the big moment had come. Surely having her hymen ripped was only a formality after she had cum once on his cock.

Bud looked down into Jolene's eyes, waiting for some indication of consent before proceeding with her deflowering. She looked back, obviously considering the matter. Finally, she said, "No. Not yet. I mean — antidissestampli, er, antidesserti... Oh whatever the hell that word was. Let's wait. This is so great, and I want you so much, but I want us to go the last bit, you know, in private?"

Bud nodded his understanding and smiled in agreement. They both wanted the ultimate moment to be a simultaneous triumph of the flesh and the spirit. Now that her lust was momentarily slaked, she wanted the sacrifice of her virginity to coincide with shedding the last resistance in her mind at being alone with Bud.

"I think I will enjoy getting used to this more than I thought I would," she said as Bud eased off. The head of his cock had almost made it inside. I remembered the first time he put that thing in me and smiled at Jolene sympathetically.

Bambi stroked her thigh as Bud stood and allowed Jolene to close her legs. "Oh, you'll have a lot of fun, all right," she said, knowingly.

"In the meantime, I still have something of a problem here," Bud said, stroking his rigid cock. "Would someone else like to have a go?"

The room went quiet as everyone considered the offer. I looked at Bambi to see if I could read her thoughts on her face. She was staring at Bud's cock and doing some considering of her own. As she thought it over, her hands stole to her breasts and she stroked her fingers over her nipples. I knew she wanted to do it more than anything, but her desire was up against one very large, very wide taboo.

Janice shook her head at the same time that Connie spoke up.

"Me!" Connie said, with an obvious effort.

Jolene rolled off the table and Connie took her place. She scooted her butt down so it was almost off the edge of the table and Bud resumed his kneeling position.

"Will you need to be restrained?" He asked, placing the head of his cock between the lips of Connie's pussy.

Connie took a sharp breath and thought about it. "No. Don't hold me down. But stop if I start to scream too loudly. And I'll never remember that damn word, so I'll trust everyone to know when I've had enough."

"OK," Bud said. Here we go. He pressed against Connie's opening. He pressed harder, then harder still. The head slowly stretched her more-experienced pussy out and slid inside much easier than it had with Jolene's never-used pussy. Even so, Connie still cried out and grabbed hold of the edges of the table with both hands, her knuckles turning white with the effort.

Bud paused and even pulled back a fraction of an inch. "Do you need to wait a little?" He asked.

"No! Oh, my God! It's huge!" She said, panting. "It's the biggest thing I've ever had in me. But, no, keep going before I clamp down. I can get used to it when it's all the way in."

Bud pressed on, shoving deeper and deeper still. As his cock slowly vanished into Connie's horny hole, her arousal skyrocketed. She started to blabber continuously, "Oh my God! Oh my God! Eeeeee! Oh, it's big! It's so damn BIG! It's just so fucking fantastically filling me up. It's, OW! It's — jeeez! Oh damn! Oh, don't stop! Keep going! Get that fucker in me! Do it! FUCK ME! Oh, fuck meeeeee! Jeeez!"

There were still four or five inches to go when Bud bottomed out in Connie. He pressed harder, but he only pushed her down the table. When he pulled back, she came with him, stuck on his massive cock until she loosened up or her lubricants built up enough to let him go.

"Oh, shit!" she said. "Pardon my French, but this is just so un-fucking-believable! I've never felt anything like this before. He's just filled me totally UP! I can feel him with every part of me. I feel like a glove on that big cock. This is great!"

Bud worked back and forth until he felt the tight grip on his cock start to slack off. All at once, a couple of inches of cock slid back out of Connie and he quickly put it all back in and added another small bit.

Her face told us that he was well into uncharted territory. When he pushed in she shut up and got a look of wonder on her face, as though she couldn't believe what she was experiencing. She went back to holding onto the table, but this time she pulled to meet Bud's thrusts.

As moving inside her became easier, Bud fucked her harder and faster. It was clear that he needed more sensation than before to reach climax, and he was trying to get it by giving Connie the screwing of her life.

Jolene saw that Bud needed more stimulation, too. She crawled between his legs and put her head next to the edge of the table. I didn't know what she planned until she started licking Bud's balls and the underside of his cock where it stuck out of Connie.

Bud responded by plunging into Connie even harder than before. She squealed with delight and her legs went up and wrapped around his waist. Her hands gripped the edge of the table tightly and the muscles bunched in her shoulders. He leaned further forward over her so their torsos would rub together and he could feel her breasts pressed to his chest. I watched her eyes roll and her mouth gape as her climax rose within her like molten lava rising in the throat of a volcano.

It was too hot a scene to watch and not feel carried along with Connie's arousal. Janice was on the sofa with her legs apart, trying to cram all her fingers in her pussy. Bambi stood transfixed beside the table tugging her nipples in time with Bud's thrusts. I was feeling so dizzy that my head seemed to be floating above my body and I felt like I was seeing things from a disconnected perspective.

I knew that watching this would only make Bambi hornier and hotter. I knew she was relying on me to keep her from doing something she might regret later. It was still possible that she might step over the line with Bud, but I could at least give her another outlet for her erotic energy.