Opening up the Cervix

That alarm bell that was ringing in the back of my head fell off the wall and hit the floor with a 'thunk' and a 'sproing!' This was one of those things I was going to feel guilty about either way.

"Jolene, I want you and Bud to be happy. I would like you two to be happy together. I will do my best to keep Bud sexually satisfied until you and he can get to a point in your relationship where that is a chore you can handle on your own. I will take every opportunity to drain his balls so he won't get tense and frustrated. OK?"

"Great! Thank you so much, Sam. You are the best friend I ever had. I love you so much!" She threw her arms around me and hugged me tight. I held her and kissed her until I could pry loose from her enthusiastic embrace.

"I love you too, Jolene. Now let's get to bed. I'm beat."

We turned out the light and crawled into bed on either side of what had to be one of the luckiest guys every to walk the earth. I mean, how many guys' girlfriends beg other girls to fuck them to keep them happy? Of course, this wasn't going to be exactly an unpleasant duty for me either. I drifted off thinking about how awesomely great everything was working out for everyone.

I woke up in the morning to three pleasant things. First, I had been having a vivid dream where I was a gorgeous redhead being fucked mercilessly by a hugely-hung guy that looked a lot like Jim. When I opened my eyes, I found that it wasn't a dream. The redhead was Neeka and she and Jim were just picking up where they left off the night before. I was just feeling her climax being broadcast from the room next door.

The second thing was Bud's morning wood. It was a magnificent, rock-hard erection that made me hot just looking at it.

The third was Jolene sliding her mouth up and down the shaft while Bud rubbed her pussy with his fingers.

"Good morning, you two," I said. "Looks like we're getting an early start this morning, hmmm?"

Bud just grinned. Jolene stopped licking long enough to say, "You know what they say — the early bird gets the worm. I think this is a pretty big worm I've got here. Can you give me a hand with it?"

I got down at the foot of the bed and crawled in between Bud's legs. I licked and sucked his balls and tried Jolene's trick of sucking them into my mouth. They were too big to get both of them in at once, so I had to do them one at a time.

Bud seemed to appreciate it. It didn't make his cock any harder, but it did seem to make his balls swell up to have me suck on them. I thought it might make a difference in the volume of his usually prodigious load.

After a bit, I moved up and took over from Jolene on his shaft, while she moved up to the shiny head. I tried to get him as wet as I already was from sharing in Neeka's last climax. Jolene lapped up the precum as it oozed out and spread it around to make his cock slick.

When I was ready, I crawled up and straddled his chest. I put my ass in the air and positioned my pussy where he could reach it with his cock. Jolene picked up the big slab of meat and pointed it between my legs. I pushed back and got the head planted into my opening.

While Jolene watched, Bud pushed down on my shoulders to force his cock into my pussy. She gasped when the head popped in and slid inside several inches. I gasped too. That feeling of my body being invaded by something that big, of being impaled on a cock that felt like a fence post, was something I would never get used to. My eyelids fluttered and my pussy started a reflexive contraction. I had to wait until I could get calmed down before I could take any more.

Jolene tried to help out by licking the junction of Bud's cock and my pussy. That made me hotter, but it didn't actually improve the situation. I certainly wasn't going to tell her to stop, though. She was entitled to participate in this in any way she wanted.

When my pussy got used to its lodger, I was able to slide down a few more inches. Jolene stopped licking to watch my progress. She seemed fascinated that something that large could fit into a hole that small. I felt her hand on my abdomen as she felt the slight bulge that Bud's cock made as it pushed into me further and further.

Finally, she couldn't contain her curiosity any more. "Doesn't that hurt?" she asked.

I laughed sharply. "No! Oh, no! It feels wonderful. It only hurts until you get used to it — until you get stretched out some. After that it's just this fantastically great feeling. Remember what Connie said? It's like being a glove. You can feel it everywhere! And all at the same time!"

Jolene was trying to experience this vicariously through me, so I decided to get her as involved as I could. I put my hand over hers on my abdomen and moved it around to show her the depth to which Bud had penetrated.

When I had taken another couple of inches, I said, "That's as far as he can go in my vagina. See how there is still a few inches still to go? Now for my trick. You may not be able to do this. I only found out I can do it by accident and it just about killed me the first couple of times."

I leaned back to line my cervix up with his huge shaft. I wiggled around to center it and then I concentrated on relaxing one specific set of sphincter muscles. The sensations from there were more of pressure than anything else, but I knew I had done it when I felt it dilate and the head of his cock started to push inside my womb.

"He's going inside my uterus, Jolene. This is the only way I can take his whole cock inside me. Feel the top of the bulge here. You can probably feel the outline of my cervix around his cock. I'm probably going to cum like crazy when he gets it all the way in."

Sure enough, when I slid down all the way and my clit hit his pubic bone, I went off like a cherry bomb. I smiled when I heard a surprised shriek from Neeka as the powerful mental waves from my orgasm hit her. 'Gotcha back!' I thought. Then I was lost to anything but the pure, all-encompassing sensation of pleasure.

I vaguely became aware of Jolene embracing me, holding me upright. As awareness returned, I put my arms around her and pulled her tighter to me, crushing her against my boobs. To keep from falling over, she swung a leg over Bud, putting her pussy right in his face.

Never being one to look a gift pussy in the mouth (sorry, I had to say that), Bud used his tongue where it would do the most good. I felt her jump and then shudder in my arms when he licked her clit.

The three of us made a perfect triangle with Jolene and I straddling Bud and kissing each other like mad. I rode up and down on Bud's cock while Bud licked Jolene's clit and stuck his tongue as far into her pussy as he could. Jolene had her hands on my nipples and pulled on them as gently as if she had been raised on a dairy farm and had lots of experience handing teats.

Our three-way sex had me seriously hot and I was having orgasm after orgasm. My nipples were big and stiff and my clit was straining out and up. It had gotten big again and I was having a hard time getting enough friction on it in my position atop Bud's cock. Jolene eventually noticed my hugely swollen clit and left her place on Bud's face. Instead, she wrapped her legs around my hips and planted her pussy right where I needed it.

The wet, slippery feeling of going between her labia was wonderful and the hot velvet sensation of penetrating her vagina, even by only a couple of inches, filled me with such an intense sexual heat that I was nearly out of control. I grabbed Jolene's ass with both hands and started to fuck her rapidly with my stiff clit. I moved her up and down with my hands and rocked my hips, thrusting into her as deeply as I could. I went faster and faster, looking for greater and greater stimulation.