Bitches in Heat

The dew made grass clippings stick to my feet, so I had to scrape them off on the cocoanut-husk doormat before I went inside. Neeka had the bacon sizzling in the pan and was studying the back of a box of pancake mix.

"What's four times one and three-quarters?" she asked.


"That was quick." She sounded suspicious about how I had come up with the answer so fast.

"Break it down," I said. "Four ones is four. Four halves is two. Four quarters is one. Four plus two plus one is seven. Don't give yourself a headache trying to solve the big problems, break it down into small, easy ones."

"Hmmm. I was about to say that's cheating; but that's kind of the way computers work, too. Only they break it down into binary. You know, just ones and zeros."

I wanted to ask her about how she got interested in computers, but I was afraid the answer might veer off into technical stuff and I was too buzzed to get my head around anything complicated. Doing her Practical Math problem for her had about pushed me to the limit. She glanced at me and nodded her agreement before going back to something less mentally challenging.

"That was certainly a hot scene you were in upstairs," she observed. "Are you starting a career as a sexual intermediary?"

"Yep, that's me — Sam Kramer, Sexual Facilitator... Expeditor..." My vocabulary dried up. All the blood that was supposed to be in my head must still be somewhere else.

"How many times did you cum?" The idea of a threesome seemed to fascinate her.

"Who knows? I lost track. Who counts?"

"Me. But I guess I'm just into numbers. The more the better."

"The bigger the better, too! 'Quality has a quantity all its own.'" As soon as I said it, I thought I had probably futzed the last one. Fortunately, Neeka wasn't going to let me sidetrack the conversation into an analysis of aphorisms.

"Would you like to do the same thing with me and Jim?"

That was pretty direct, especially for her.

"Sure! I'd love to. Middle? Top? Bottom? Anywhere you want me."

"Great!" She was thoughtful for a second, then she went on. "All this is just, you know, really mind-blowing. I thought of myself as something of an introvert with these hot fantasies. Now, we've gone so far past the stuff I used to fantasize about it isn't funny. You're empowering me."

"I'm what?"

"You're making it possible for me to be someone I only dreamed of being."

I had thought I had seen some changes in Neeka over the last few days. Now she confirmed it.

"The sex is pretty good, too. I'm just as high on it as you are."

"You mean that 'seriously fucked' feeling?" I asked, helpfully.

"More like 'terminally fucked'. I have so much jizz in me, I feel all squishy."

"I know the feeling. Nice, isn't it."


She put down the spoon she was using to stir the batter and lifted her darling little apron.

"I stopped in the bathroom on the way, but I don't think it all came out. I'm not leaking, am I?" She asked, opening her legs and peering down. Her little red strip was matted down, but there wasn't anything running down her thighs.

"Nope," I said. The idea that both of us were so full of cum that we might leak was terribly exciting to me. I lifted my own apron and patted my tummy where Bud had squirted me so full. I pushed it out and sucked it back in again, like a belly-dancer.

Neeka imitated me and we shared the experience while thinking nasty thoughts back and forth. The mental feedback intensified our arousal and made both of us hot all over again. We forgot all about making breakfast and let ourselves get carried away.

When my pussy got sloppy-wet enough I flexed my muscles and forced some of the juice out. Before it could run, I squeezed my legs together, spreading it over my pussy and my bottom. If I was going to be a bitch in heat, I wanted to smell like one. Of course, Neeka noticed what I had done. Pretty soon, her rear-end was wet, too and the room was ripe with the smell of sex. We pranced around the kitchen with our bottoms in the air, trying to out-scent each other and having a great time seeing how turned on we could get.

I don't know where we thought we were going with all this, but when the door swung open we were both so startled that we jumped and yipped like startled puppies.

"Well, what's going on in here?" Bambi asked, as we scrambled guiltily to look like we were doing something constructive.

"We just thought we'd help get breakfast started," I said.

Neeka was about to bust out laughing, which would not have helped our credibility one bit.

"Thanks! I was worried about running late," she said, stifling a yawn. "I got very carried away with Connie and Janice. They are both very enthusiastic girls and we were up and down all night. This morning we just got carried away."

She looked tired, but very happy. I started to tell her that we had looked in on her when she noticed our outfits.

"What on earth do you two have on? Turn around here and let me see. Oh, aren't you just darling! Those aprons look so cute on both of you." Her nose twitched. She smelled something hot that wasn't bacon.

"Come over here for a second, you two. Now bend over the counter here." She tapped the marble countertop with her fingernail and we obediently put our hands down and assumed the position.

"Ah! I thought so. Spread those legs. Get those butts in the air. Come on. On your toes! Bend over further. I want to see those pussies. Show me what you've been up to."

We obediently dropped to our elbows on the countertop, swayed our backs, raised our tails as high as we could and spread our legs. In this position, both our pink and juicy slits were fully exposed. Bambi wasted no time. She put a hand on each of our steamy pussies and stroked us from front to back. We both almost fell face first onto the cool countertop, moaning with pleasure at her soft touch. She used our juice to wet her fingers and then she put two into each of us and wiggled them around.

"I guess I don't have to ask if you two have been fucked today. You're both as loose as they come. Have my boys been making you happy? Hmmm?"

"Oh yes, ma'am! Very happy!" I gasped as Bambi pushed in past the second knuckle. Neeka mumbled something incoherent.

"Well, maybe they didn't do a very thorough job of it if you two are still running around with sopping-wet cunts." She pushed her fingers all the way into both of us and pulled up so we were forced to the tips of our toes.

I was gasping for air like a carp out of water. Neeka wasn't any better off.

"So you're a couple of horny sluts who need a nice hard cock in your little cunts." She pushed her fingers into us roughly as she said each phrase. We bounced on our toes; pushing our butts in the air as high as they would go so she could reach further into our pussies.

"That's it! Show me how much you want it. Show me how you're going to offer your hot cunts to the first boy with a stiff cock to come along. Come one, tits down on the counter, asses in the air!"

My hard nipples mashed onto the cool marble. There was a scattering of flour on the counter from where I had started to make biscuit-dough and my breasts and my face were rubbed in it. Bambi fucked us deep and hard, just the way we had been dreaming of. We were really getting off on her treatment of us. I was ready to do anything she told us to.

"Come one, now! Show me you want it! Show me how much you want a big hard cock. Show me how much you want to be filled up with cum. Grab those cheeks! Spread them wide and high. I want to see all of you. Turn yourselves inside out!"

I grabbed my butt-cheeks and pulled hard, raising my ass and spreading my pussy as wide as I could. Bambi took her hands away to judge how well we were obeying her orders. I pulled even harder, stretching my hole wide open until I cold feel the air up inside me. My juice was running in streams down the backs of my legs. I hiked my butt up as high as it would go, but Bambi just stood watching us.

"I'm not convinced," she said, "If you want to get a cock in you, you are going to have to beg for it like bitches in heat. Let's hear some whining!"