Mainly Fucking Virgins

At some point I was going to need to be milked and I thought it would be amusing to put myself in the position of admitting to my problem and asking for help. I pictured myself holding my bloated, sagging breasts — milk dripping from my nipples and begging for relief. The image stimulated me even more and I had to focus to stop the milk production before my fantasy became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

After Connie left, Bambi came in from cleaning up the kitchen and sat down with me. She smiled at me and put her hand on mine.

"I'd offer a penny for your thoughts, but I'm sure I know what they are already," she said. "Would you like to start collecting? We'll need to get you tested for several diseases that I'm sure you don't have before you can donate."

"You sound like you've been doing some research," I said.

"Yes, well, I have to confess I've been trying to get a jump on our little contest. I have been following the protocol for inducing lactation and I have a hospital-grade electric pump on order. It should be here in a few days."

"So you were going to go ahead even if I decided not to do it?"

"Yes. I looked up the uses of donated milk and then I read some of the case histories." She hesitated and swallowed several times before she went on. "They were... very moving." Her voice came close to cracking as she spoke. Obviously the stories had affected her deeply.

Composing herself, she said, "You have enough on your plate, honey. I didn't want to put anything else on you. Would you like me to make you an appointment with Dr. Bonner? He's an OB/GYN who I have gone to for years. He can do the blood tests and give you a complete physical at the same time."

The word 'complete' got my attention. I started to wonder if a doctor could tell anything about my 'special gifts' and if it was worth the risk.

Bambi was ahead of me again. "You need to get established with a doctor anyway," she said. "You told me you didn't want to go to the same one Yvette had been taking you to, and Dr. Bonner was nice enough to give me your birth control pills just on my promise to bring you in for a check-up before too long. If you are worried about going, I want you to remember that Frank Bonner has been my doctor since I was your age, he does respect doctor-patient confidentiality; and the new Federal laws concerning disclosure of a patient's records are quite strict. If he does discover something, I am sure it will never leave the room."

She seemed to trust Dr. Bonner, and if he was good enough for her, he was good enough for me. To turn this down would be to say I didn't trust her judgment, which I certainly did, and I had no intention of insulting her.

"You're right. I need to get checked. OK, whenever you can get an appointment for me, I'll go."

"Don't sound like it's something unpleasant. I think you will like Dr. Bonner. He has a sense of humor and he doesn't think he's God. I hate doctors who know what's wrong with you before you open your mouth."

"The doctor Yvette took me to acted like he used to work in a concentration camp. He always treated me like he thought I had something really nasty and it was my fault for catching it. That might have just been the ugly things Yvette had been telling him, though. Anyway, I guess I have a poor opinion of doctors because of that."

"I'll call first thing in the morning. I'll get you an appointment for one day after school. I'll pick you up and we'll go together. How's that?"

"Great! Are you going to tell me what you said to him to get him to prescribe those birth control pills? I mean the extra-strong ones."

"I hoped you hadn't noticed the switch. When you first started to... make changes in your body, and I saw how what you were doing put such a strain on you, I worried that you might be burning up the hormones along with all the calories. I called Dr. Bonner back and told him you were very sexually active. He called in the new prescription right away."

"So he'll also need to do a pelvic exam?"

"Of course. Why are you worried about that?"

"I'm afraid he would think I was abnormal."

"You're certainly unusual. Let's leave it at that."

"No, there is something specific that I haven't told you about." I paused to think how to explain. She looked at me supportively while I thought it out. "It's just been happening for the last couple of days. You see... stuff goes in, but it doesn't come out."

Bambi got this really puzzled look. I described my disappearing-cum trick in detail. She seemed interested, so I went into more detail about how it happened and how I felt about it. The more details I went into, the stranger her expression got, until she finally put up a hand.

"Stop!" She said. "I'm about to cum just listening to this."

I said, "You too? I'm so wet, I'm making a puddle on the chair."

"Let me see."

I turned the chair and slid my butt to the edge, pulling the apron up to expose my pussy. I spread my legs so she could see how hot I was. My clit was big and hard. It was sitting up and begging for some attention.

"Oooo, this is new," Bambi said, getting down on her knees to look at my clit at close range. She decided it looked good enough to eat, so she put her lips on it and let it slide into her mouth, where she licked it with her tongue.

I lost it right there. Nobody is as good at oral sex as Bambi. She had me creaming almost instantly. We heard a loud crash of silverware hitting the floor in the kitchen where Neeka was loading the dishwasher, followed by a muffled, "Oh God!" as she climaxed with me.

My legs started jerking on their own and I had to pull my knees up to my chest and hold them with my hands to keep them from jerking me right off the edge of the chair. Bambi kept on licking my big clit, teasing it into ever-greater paroxysms of orgasmic delight. She was merciless. I wanted to beg her to stop and I wanted to beg her not to. By the time she let me coast to a stop on my own, I was so pleasure-saturated that I was almost delirious. I had to hold onto the table to stay upright. From the kitchen we heard a low moan, followed by more silverware dropping as Neeka tried to get up too soon.

"Does she always do that?" Bambi asked.

"Yeah," I slurred. "If we are within a few hundred feet of each other we cum together. The closer we are, the more intense it is. When we're together, I can't tell whose climax is whose. Remember yesterday, up on the deck? We got lost in each other. I felt like I was in her body."

"Amazing! So if both of you are in the same house, I can make both of you cum by making either one of you cum? That's great!" She grinned a very evil grin and I knew what she was planning.

"But what have you been doing to this?" she flicked her talented tongue across my slowly shrinking clit, sending me into another, smaller, orgasm.

"I made it bigger," I said.

She opened her mouth to ask, 'why' and then decided that was a dumb question. Instead, she asked, "What have you been doing with it, now that you made it so big?"

"Mainly fucking virgins," I said, and she knew exactly what I meant. "I haven't had a chance to explore all the possibilities, yet."

"I can think of a few things," Bambi told me.

"I bet you can."

"Mostly I think I'm going to enjoy sucking on it. It's just the right size for that and it feels so good in my mouth."

"Next, you're going to say I taste like chicken," I laughed, crossing my legs to get the morsel under discussion out of sight.

"No, you definitely taste like girl. Sweet, succulent, delicious, frequently juicy girl. Nothing else tastes quite like it."

"Hush! You're going to get me hot again."

"I'm doing my best. But you're right. We shouldn't neglect your guests."

"Our guests," I corrected. "They like you just as much as they like me. Some of them even more. Jolene, for instance. She likes you a lot."

"I'm flattered. And I like her, too. You know, when I first saw her, I thought she was kind of plain. But she has an inner beauty that shines through like sunlight through clouds. When I look at her now, I see a lovely young woman. I definitely understand what Bud sees in her."