Give it to me!

J and J followed me like puppies as I dashed around at a speed which seemed slow to me, but had them puffing pretty hard by the time we got to the door to the boys' locker room. They both balked at going in, so I had to drag them along with me.

"Sorry, guys," I explained, "But it's more convenient for me to dress and shower in here than to run back and forth all the time."

They seemed excited and wary at being in there. The last time they had been naked, so perhaps it was understandable that they kept looking around like someone might jump out at them any second.

I pulled off my top and let them 'oooo' and 'aaahh' for a bit. They each got to play with the bells, which sounded odd in the reverberating concrete and steel room.

To my relief, neither of them pressed me for details of where and who and when, so I didn't have to elaborate on the highly-spun story they had already heard. That they accepted it at face value, I doubted. That they respected my privacy enough not to give me the third-degree on the subject, I treasured.

"OK," I said, pulling on my crop-top and shorts, "I've got to get up to the weight room and work out. If you want to come along, I'm sure you will be welcome, but I have to warn you, this is not play-time, it's all business."

Lacking the desire to participate in what they considered a male-only activity and not being as at home in the locker room as I was, my friends left with all deliberate speed.

When I arrived at the weight room, everyone was already well into their workouts. From a look at the available equipment, it seemed I had my choice of working my abs or my calves. A quick pose in the mirror told me that my legs were very nicely turned, thank you very much, and so I decided to go with the abs.

The school budget hadn't stretched far enough to provide specialized equipment for each muscle group. The workout station for upper and lower abdominals was a bench with a strap around one end for holding your ankles down. I only knew this because I had seen a couple of the guys use it the previous week.

One thing I had seen them do to enhance the value of the exercise was to hold a dumbbell against your chest while doing sit-ups on the bench. This looked like a good way to double the benefit, so I picked up a couple of medium-sized weights and lay down on the bench. I quickly discovered that I wasn't going to be able to hold them against my chest like the guys, so I compromised by holding the dumbbells against my shoulders and letting them fall forward as my torso came up to a vertical position. I them did a bicep curl and let the momentum force me back down onto the bench before repeating the exercise another 19 times.

I was halfway through the first set when I noticed that Roger was watching me curiously. I couldn't think of anything that should be raising his suspicions, so I ignored it. When we both took a break, he leaned over and said, "That's an interesting elaboration on the ab workout. You know, I bet you could even increase the range-of-motion and get your triceps and your lower back into it too."

For the second set, I tried that. I started with the weights behind my head and my elbows next to my ears. I pulled the weights up to my shoulders before starting the sit-up and again lowered them until my arms were straight. This time I also leaned forward, keeping my elbows locked and raised the weights slightly above my back. I reversed the movement going back down.

I could feel tension in my abs, my chest, my shoulders and my arms at some point in the exercise. Combining the weights with such a large motion made the tension travel up my front, down my back and my arms. The muscles being worked changed at each position and I could feel that there were a lot of places being targeted that wouldn't have been if I had stuck to the standard routine. Roger seemed to think so too, because he gave me a thumbs-up when I looked over to get his reaction.

I took no small amount of satisfaction at that. That Roger had accepted me as just one of the guys was good enough, but to think that I might actually have made a contribution was very heady indeed.

I was finishing my third set when Steve came over to watch me. He was standing by my feet with his head cocked to one side. I thought he was about to criticize my technique, when I realized that he was just ogling my boobs. I wanted to drag him off to a private spot and screw him silly.

I finished the last set a little faster than I should have. When I got up to put the dumbbells back on the rack by the door, Steve followed. He looked like he wanted a word with me.

"I missed you," he said in a low voice. If he had got down on one knee and proposed, I could not have been happier.

"I missed you too, Steve," I said. I held out my arm and rubbed my bicep so everyone would assume we were talking shop.

"So, like when can we get together?" He wasn't wasting any time. I liked that.

"I dunno. My schedule is pretty full. Why don't you just rip my shorts off and fuck me right over there on the bench?" I said, teasingly.

"You think I won't? I've been thinking about you all weekend. It wouldn't take much for me to do just that."

I wanted to hear what Steve had been thinking about me almost as much as I wanted to wrap myself around him and see how much pleasure we could give each other. Suddenly, time was a very precious commodity. We had just 40 minutes before we both had to be back in class.

"In that case, I apologize for teasing you. But if you think I'm not serious, then we really need to spend more time together, because you don't know me very well at all. Mister, you have ten seconds before I get naked and beg for a hard cock. Any hard cock."

Steve didn't move. He still thought I was kidding.


Steve shifted from one foot to the other as he considered the possibility that I might be perfectly serious.


Steve made up his mind to take me at my word. He grabbed my elbow and led me out of the weight room into the hall. There really wasn't anyplace we could go before the countdown hit zero other than the locker room, so we made for that at a dead run.

It may have been a few seconds past zero when we dodged past the last row of lockers into the dressing area farthest from the entrance. I lost count somewhere along the way. I kicked off my shoes, shucked out of my shorts and jumped up on the wooden bench before removing my top. I made sure Steve was watching when I hooked my thumbs under the sides and peeled it off over my head.

"Oh, wow!" he said, looking at my jewelry. "I thought there was something new, but I never thought..."

"You like them?" I asked, making them ring for him. If he didn't, I was going to cut them off and have them made into the earrings I thought they were going to be to begin with.

"They're lovely. Really. I like them. But isn't this kind of extreme? Piercing and all? What made you do it?"

"It was just something I stumbled into. I didn't go out with the intention of having my nipples pierced. Afterwards, I thought I would see how things went before I decided to keep them or not."

"You mean if I don't like them, you'll have them removed?"


"You'd do that for me? I'm that important to you?"

"Yes, you are."

"Wow. I mean... gee! I don't know what to say."

"You've already said it, you lunkhead. Now, am I going to have to beg, or are you going to fuck me before I explode?"

Standing on the bench put my head a little above Steve's. It was a nice way to start, since I didn't have to climb up to get to him. He put his arms around me and pulled me against his hairy chest, then he kissed me and I melted into him.

We were sucking serious face when he pulled back and looked at my mouth.

"Something new here too?" he asked.

I put the tip of my tongue between my teeth and wiggled it at him before my next episode of show-and-tell.

"Yes. I had my tongue done, too. Tell me what you think." I stuck my tongue out far enough for the sleeve to show and held it there for inspection.

Steve looked at it curiously. He didn't seem put off or anything, just curious.

"That's so cool!" he said, finally, which seemed to be the opinion shared by everyone except Bambi.

He kissed me again, and explored my hole with his tongue, flicking the tip through it again and again. It was a real turn-on and it reminded me that I had another hole that I wanted explored too.

"Oh, Steve," I breathed, "please fuck me. Please fuck me hard. Please?"

Begging will get you just about anything when it comes to guys, especially if you are naked and horny when you do it. Steve slid his hands down to my butt and cupped my small cheeks in his big hands. He pulled my hips against him and I held onto his neck and threw my legs around his waist. My hot pussy was open and ready, just a few inches above his cock. Whenever he wanted it, he could have it.

I squirmed against him and let myself slide down until I felt him put the tip of his cock against my wet opening. The feeling was electric and I dropped down some more and started wriggling onto it.

It felt bigger than I remembered and I had to work some to get the head inside. When I had been penetrated, I flexed my vaginal muscles to try to suck some more cock into me. The effect on Steve was impressive.

"Oh, damn! That's so good! Oh, Sam! You're fantastic!"

It wasn't even in all the way and already I was 'fantastic'. Steve certainly knew how to make a girl feel good in all sorts of ways. He pivoted and put my back against the row of lockers lining the back wall. The hard metal mesh pressed into my butt and I flinched back against him. Taking this for passion, he pressed back, pushing into me until his cock was fully seated and my clit was riding on his pubic bone.

This was what I had wanted all morning. Heck, this was what I had wanted all weekend. The feeling of being joined to Steve like this went beyond the erotic. I felt something for him that was more than just sexual and I knew he felt something for me, too. Sex between us was great, but there was something more to it. We both thought it might be love, but we were both afraid to use the word too freely. I wanted there to be something special between us, and I didn't want to jinx it so early by overusing the word. I was pretty sure Steve felt the same.

I was pretty sure about anything to do with Steve whenever we were together. It was one of those things that I couldn't explain. I just had a feeling that there was a mutual understanding that went back to that day outside the Gym. I wanted to spend some serious quality time with Steve so we could get to know each other better, but I had a sneaky suspicion that we already knew the important stuff. The rest would just be talk. But talk would be nice, too.

Steve waited a bit for me to get used to having his cock being inside me. It was a bit of consideration that I didn't really need, considering that I had bigger cocks than his in me almost daily. His was just special. It just felt right. It hit all the places that turned me on in just the right way, but left me able to appreciate the whole person, not just his equipment.

Sex with Bud was a wonderful sexual experience, but we both knew that's all it was. I loved Bud like a brother, and the sex we had was great, but we both knew our relationship wasn't going beyond whatever sexual adventures we might have. The feelings he had for Jolene were totally apart from what he felt for me, and I completely understood that, just like he understood my emotions for Steve.

What I felt when I was with Steve was a lot like what I felt when I was with Neeka. It was a sense of completeness, of being with someone who made you more than you were. That was really strange, because Neeka and Steve were about as different physically as it was possible to be, yet I felt something for both of them that I can only describe as love. Neeka knew exactly how I felt about her. She could hardly miss it, since it came to mind every time I looked at her. There wasn't the same sense of certainty with Steve. Instead, it was more a matter of faith. It occurred to me that I didn't need Steve to say a lot to me. I knew how he felt whenever he looked at me and whenever he touched me. Of course, whenever he made love to me it was clear as crystal how he felt.

Steve started moving inside me, rocking his hips and giving me short little thrusts. He pushed me up and back with each little shove and I decided that if I didn't want my back to get shredded on the wire lockers, I had better do something.

I let go of his neck and hooked my fingers into the tops of the uppermost baskets. I pulled up and took all my weight off of Steve. This left him free to touch me and kiss me without having to worry about supporting my weight too. He immediately got the idea and began focusing on our mutual arousal instead of holding me against the wall.

He was pretty damn good at the 'mutual arousal' end of things. In a matter of minutes he had me blabbering.

"Oh, God! That's so good, Steve. Oh, damn! You know how to make me feel so good! Umm, fuck me! Fuck me hard, Steve! Give it to me! Give it to me good and hard!"

Sometimes I swear that a boy's ears are his most sensitive erogenous zone. I had never really considered it when I was a virgin, but each time I tried it on a boy he responded so strongly to hearing me blather on about how good they made me felt or how their big cocks were driving me crazy, that I was convinced that the sweetest endearment you could say to a boy was that his cock felt good in your pussy.

Steve took me at my word. He started shoving his cock into me like he hadn't had any in months and he had a load of cum that he was truly desperate to plant in my belly. He kept on getting harder and faster and deeper until he was slamming his cock into me so hard he was within an inch of knocking me off the lockers.

I was already cumming deliriously when he suddenly grabbed my waist and snatched me off the wall. He jammed me down on his cock and threw both of us down on to the wooden bench. He ground his cock into me hard and I pulled my knees up and crossed my ankles behind his butt.

His cock seemed to get bigger and harder the more violent he became. With my knees up, I could feel it pounding into my cervix and the feeling was sending bolts of pleasure straight to my brain, obliterating everything but the overpowering need to be filled with his cum.

I'm not sure, but I might have said something like, "Oh God, Steve! Give it to me! Cum in me! I've got to have it! I need it, now! Fill me up! Give it to me!"

Steve put his big hands around my waist and pulled my hips hard against his. He arched his back and pushed his cock into me so deep that the head parted the opening of my cervix. That was new; I didn't think his cock was big enough to do that. By reflex, I opened up for him and gave his cock a couple of squeezes with my vaginal muscles to coax him into cumming.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGHHHHHH!" he growled and I felt the hot jets blast out of his cock and sear the walls of my womb. It was all I could do to hang onto consciousness as my climax peaked and then peaked again with every new stream of hot cum. Somewhere in the back of my mind, a small voice said, "He loves you."

When his convulsions slacked off, I used my pussy to milk the last drops from his cock before I let him pull it out of me. He looked me right in the eyes while I did it, so he knew it was something deliberate and not just a random muscle contraction. There was a whole book of things that we said to each other in those few seconds, and just by looking into each other's eyes.