A Secret Identity?

I shut the door for him and leaned in and whispered in his ear, "I don't mind if you look, Frank. But try to be complimentary about it."

His eyes flashed back to my breasts briefly before he faced front with a thoughtful expression. I hoped he wasn't giving himself a headache from the strain.

"You OK, Frank?" Gail asked him.

"Yeah," he said with a surprised tone. "Yeah, I'm good." He was coming away with an understanding about the use of force that I think was a revelation for him. He turned to look at me. "Nice meeting you, miss," he said politely.

"Sam. Just call me Sam. You be careful, Frank. There are a lot of very bad people out there."

The look in his eyes told me he had acquired a new category in his book of bad people and good people.

"I'll be careful, Sam. I will, for sure." He managed a smile that told me he would remember our agreement.

Gail drove off with a small wave. I walked back to Neeka and Sue.

"Business associates?" Sue asked.


"They looked like policemen."

It was time to use my fall-back cover story and hope that it would satisfy her curiosity. My fame was obviously spreading quickly in the law enforcement community, which I supposed was a good thing. I hoped it was also spreading among the criminal element as well. The one place I didn't want it spreading was at school. I needed some place I could still pretend to be a normal girl.

"They were, Sue. They are Police Detectives." I rooted in my bookbag and pulled out my badge. I flipped it open and let Sue have a quick look. "You could say they are brother officers."

Sue reacted badly, to say the least. She got this terrified look and she clapped both hands over her mouth as she backed into the side of Neeka's small car.

"You're the police? Oh, my God! You're going to arrest me!"

At first I was stumped. I could not imagine what the heck she was talking about. She was so serious about it that I almost laughed. I kept a straight face while I tried to figure it out. I saw Neeka hiding her grin behind her hand and I asked her silently if she knew what Sue was on about.

"She thinks you're going to bust her for fraternizing with a student," she giggled in my head.

"Oh, no! How can I convince her I'm not? I just told her I'm a cop!"

"I don't know, but you better do it quick. She looks like she's about to fall to pieces."

An idea came to me. It wasn't the greatest idea, but I was short of options and Neeks was right about the time factor. I gave Sue a stern look and said, "Right! Turn around and put your hands behind you."

She complied immediately without making a sound. I reached in my bag, but I hadn't brought my fanny pack, so I didn't have my restraints. Neeka pulled off her hairband and gave it to me. I twisted it and slipped it over Sue's wrists, then I opened the car door and half-shoved her into the back seat and climbed in after her. Neeka ran around and jumped in the driver's seat, but didn't start the car right away.

"OK, Sue. I'm going to have to search you for weapons. Turn around and face me."

She scooted around on the small seat so our knees were touching. She looked like she was about to cry. It almost broke my heart, but I kept my 'official' face in place and patted her down. As I did so, I felt her breasts jiggle invitingly under her blouse.

"It feels like there is something suspicious here," I announced to no one in particular. "I'm going to have to unbutton this blouse. Hold still, now. I don't want to hurt you."

She stoically squared her shoulders, a posture that made her blouse move in the most delightful way. I was having second thoughts about letting her wear a bra. She was a real head-turner without one. I quickly undid her buttons and pulled her blouse open. Her breasts stood out proudly on her chest, two round and full mounds that moved with the slightest twitch of the hard pectorals under them. Her nipples were large pink circles with puffy bumps in the center, like cherries on a pair of sundaes. When she got excited, they would be fun to play with.

I put my hands under both breasts and announced, "Just as I thought. A pair of deadly weapons! I guess I'll have to do a better job of searching you. Sit back against the door!"

She looked confused, but she did as I told her. I leaned forward and pulled down the zipper on the side of her skirt and yanked it and her panties down to her knees before she could utter a squeak. I picked up her feet and took her panties and skirt away and tossed them in the front seat.

Sue still looked terrified. But it was alternating with a look of puzzlement and alarm. She was virtually naked in the backseat with an authority-figure who had just stripped her. She was still cowed, but she was beginning to suspect that something was seriously not right about this.

"OK, I guess I have to do a cavity search. Spread your legs and pick up your ass."

She hesitated and I said, "Do it! Now!" as sharply as I dared.

Her legs flew apart and she presented her pussy to me with an expression that was starting to show signs of obvious arousal. Her breathing was becoming rapid and she was flushed down to her creamy white breasts.

Her body was magnificent. If there was an ounce of fat on her, I couldn't see it. Her flat abdominal muscles rippled under her skin, standing out in sharp relief as though carved from the hardest marble. Her legs were overlapping straps of hard muscle from her torso to her toes. They looked powerful, but very feminine. Her hard, sexy butt bunched and rolled like two otters fucking in a party balloon. She had no trouble holding the awkward position I had put her in.

I put my hand between her legs and gently cupped her sex. I stroked her soft brown curls slowly and tenderly, gradually sliding deeper and deeper into her cleft.

She was completely distracted now. I couldn't tell if she still thought she was being arrested or not. Her desires were being awakened in full force and she pushed her pussy into my hand, encouraging me to explore deeper. I ran a finger between her outer lips and she shuddered at the touch. She was going to be easy to make cum and I was going to enjoy doing it.

I kept stroking her and she moaned in response. Her eyes closed and she let herself go, surrendering to me and to the delicious feelings I was giving her. Slowly, her knees moved further and further apart as she tried to get me to go deeper still.

I pressed my finger firmly against the slit between her labia and it slid inside through a very narrow opening barely wide enough to accept my small finger. Another bit of information essential to helping Sue Simpson had fallen into place. She was still a virgin - and a tight one, too.

As soon as my finger slid inside her, Sue let out a sigh that was halfway to a squeal. Her nicely defined abdominal muscles flexed and my hand was suddenly soaked with the vaginal fluid that poured out of her and ran down my arm.

Knowing how sensitive virgins can be about their unexplored territory, I carefully pulled my finger out and substituted something far softer and more sensitive — my tongue.

I probed carefully through her small hole, lapping up her nectar and licking parts of her that had never been touched before. She squeaked like a mouse and flinched away from the contact. Even that slight touch had been too much for her to take.

She recovered immediately, though, and pushed her pussy back up toward my face. She wanted me to try again. This time I used my tongue to leisurely trace the outline of her labia ending up with it poised close enough to her clit for her to feel the warmth on her throbbing nub.

She clenched her teeth and tensed herself for the main event. I considered keeping her in suspense for a while to heighten the experience for her, but she seemed pretty wound up by this time and she needed release in the worst way. I put my lips around her clit and then simultaneously sucked it and flicked my tongue across it.

Sue exploded into one of the most violent orgasms I have ever seen. In self defense, I threw my arms around her hips trapping my head between her thighs and hung on firmly as she thrashed about, seemingly trying to bash my brains out on the rear window of the car. Although she had a wonderfully muscled and toned body from all the exercise she'd been doing while leading all those sessions of calisthenics and running all those laps with every class, she was still nowhere near as strong as I was. I was able to keep both of us from being bruised while she strained and jerked.

When she had burned off all the pent-up sexual energy, she dropped her butt back onto the seat. I helped her straighten her legs out and then I pulled her hips into my lap with her knees in the air so she could lie down on the seat. I put my hand between her legs and gently stroked her soaked crotch and the insides of her thighs.

She sighed again, a high, keening sound. It was a sound of joy and discovery, as well as profound relief. She took several deep breaths and then sprang up and threw her arms around me. Neeka reached over and retrieved her hairband, which was remarkably still intact after the hard use.

"Oh, Sam! That was wonderful!" Sue said, kissing my ear and my cheek in a frenzy of joy and gratitude. "I never knew it could be like that! I never knew it could feel that good!"

"Sue," I said, with a note of regret in my voice that made her pull back and look me in the face to get the bad news, "I don't know how to break it to you... but... that was nothing. That was just a 'quickie'. You can have orgasms ten times that powerful. You can cum so hard and so strong that you'll think the top of your head has blown off and your brain is flying around the room trailing sparks."


"Yes. And Sue? Here's a really big secret. It will be a hundred times better than that when you get some guy with a really big cock to bust that cherry for you."


"Yes. Trust me on this one. We're a couple of cock-connoisseurs and we know what we're talking about."

Sue looked at Neeka for confirmation of my claim. Neeka nodded with the biggest smirk on her face that I have ever seen.

Sue buttoned up her blouse, but she let me continue to pet her pussy while Neeka drove us to the mall. By the time we got there, she had had another two milder orgasms and she was smiling so widely that we could see every tooth in her head. She didn't even put up much of a fight when I refused to give her panties back to her, insisting instead that she go commando until she could get something that would let her show off her muscular ass without panty-lines.

"OK, you win. It needs to cool off anyway. It was so hot a little while ago it should be steaming!" she said, running a brush through her short auburn hair. The three of us tried to primp as well as we could before getting out of the car so it wouldn't be terribly obvious what we had been up to.

Sue didn't wear makeup, but her hair was a mess. As usual, my makeup needed no touch-up, but I wiped my juicy face clean with a moist towelette from Neeka's glove compartment and I pretended to add some blush from her compact for the sake of credibility and so Sue wouldn't feel rushed. Neeka combed out her red tresses so they cascaded over her freckled shoulders. We three were going to be a beauty pageant on parade while we shopped.

"It sure was!" I agreed. "But you needed it."

"I sure did. I can't remember the last orgasm I had, but none have been that good. Now, I feel so wonderfully relaxed! I must have needed that really, really badly."

"I think you have a few more coming."

"Are you going to give them to me?"

"We'll see. You had fun, didn't you? What did you like the best?"

"You pretending to arrest me. I thought it was for real at first. You made me so scared. Then you made me so wet I forgot about being scared. Then you made me have an orgasm and I forgot everything. Did we really do that in the parking lot at school?"

"Yeah. You had the car rocking real good. People were looking in and knocking on the windows and everything!"

"You tease! Oh, Sam! This is so much fun! I haven't felt like this in a long time. Thank you! Thank you too, Neeka."

"Always happy to make a new friend, Sue. But I'll be glad when Sam gets her driver's license. Then I get a chance to ride in back and have fun!"

"You have a badge, but not a driver's license? You're a funny kind of policeman. That is a real badge, isn't it?"

"It sure is. But it's just for emergencies. Sue, I'm going to tell you something that you have to promise me you will keep to yourself, OK?"

"I promise." She even made the cross-your-heart-hope-to-die gesture that I hadn't seen since I was 9. She was so terribly cute that I wanted to hug her. She was having a great time escaping from her 'Coach' persona and reverting back to the happier days of her life. I still didn't know what happened to her to make her need this, but she was obviously so happy now that I thought we should indulge her as long as possible.

"OK, I'm not a 'real' cop. I'm not running a sting for child molesters, like you thought. I'm not investigating anyone at school. I'm what you'd call a Special Agent and this is my cover."

"You mean like a secret identity?"

"Damn," I thought, to Neeka and to myself. "She caught onto that awful quick."

"She saw you vault the car," Neeka answered back, silently. "She saw the police car jump a couple of times, but she doesn't know it was because you picked it up. She didn't ask me a thing, she just waited patiently for you to come back."

"Kind of," I agreed. "But I'd have to be a Superhero to need one of those!" We all giggled at that. At least two of us were forcing it. I wasn't too sure about the third. "All I can tell you without breaking my cover is that I am more than I appear to be and I have special status with local law enforcement agencies. I'm afraid I really shouldn't be any more specific than that. For your own good, you see."

'Oh! I get it," she said. "You do undercover work! Because no one would suspect you in a million years, you can go places and do things that the police can't."


"It must be very dangerous work."

"Sometimes. But it can be very rewarding, too."

"I guess that explains some of the things I noticed about you in my class. You seemed to be holding back on many of the exercises. You're stronger than you look."

"Yes. I am more than I appear to be. But isn't everyone?"

"Perhaps. It would be nice to think so, at least. Don't worry. I will keep your secrets, Sam."

Her use of the plural made me think that she had already been doing just that. If so, Sue was already a true friend.

Neeka helped us out of the cramped backseat and we walked up the ramp to the mall entrance. On the way Neeka made a suggestion.

"Sue, you need some heels. Those running shoes don't do a thing for your legs."

"Oh, I don't wear heels. I don't have single pair in my closet."

"You should," I said. "You have a really killer pair of legs. You need to show them off more. Heels will certainly help. So would a shorter skirt. That one is almost past your knees."

"OK, but not too short. I don't like them so short I can't sit down in them."

"Well how about some shorts? You'd look great in shorts."

"That might be OK. Let's see what we can find."

My first stop was a pay phone near the food court where I called home to let Bambi know where I was. As I stood with my hand on the phone, I thought about how I would never have been anywhere near the mall without Yvette to chaperone me, if I had somehow made it here by myself, I would never in a million years have thought of calling her to let her know where I was. It was silly, but my hands were shaking so bad I could barely dial the stupid phone. I was so conditioned that for me to call home now felt like an escaped prisoner calling the police to report her whereabouts.