Open Your Mouth!!

"Now you know better than to be fighting like that. We'll have no more of this. You two kiss and make up."

Orders were orders, so we did what she said to do. We eased past the guard and put our arms around each other. We slowly let our faces come together and our lips touch. We kissed tentatively and tenderly. We pulled each other tighter and deepened the kiss some more. Then we opened our mouths all the way and tried to swallow each other's tongues while mauling each other with our hands. If we got any more passionate, clothes would have come off.

At some point during the kiss, the guard figured out that she'd been had. She muttered, "Oh, hell" and walked off before we found a way to embarrass her some more.

For some reason, the sight of two girls locked in a passionate embrace was just as interesting as two girls fighting, because none of our audience was leaving. If anything, they edged closer to get a better look, now that there didn't appear to be any danger from flying feet or fists. Most of them were our hormonally-saturated 12 to 14 year-old admirers from the game store hangout. The rest were older teens and a few curious housewives out shopping before they had to go home and start supper for their families.

The boys were remarkably quiet. I expected some more rude comments, but they all seemed completely focused on what we were doing. I could see that just about every one of them had their baggy shorts tented out by a hard cock.

The older teens seemed to be studying our technique and the housewives looked shocked but just as fascinated as the boys. Neither of us wanted to disappoint an audience, so Neeka and I just kept on kissing and caressing each other, our mock passion becoming more real by the second. I moaned loudly enough to be heard and I reached up and put my arms around Neeka's neck. After a bit, she slid a hand slowly up under my top and over my left breast, where she toyed with my ring and nipple, making me moan again and kiss her even harder.

You could have literally heard a pin drop. The only sound was our rapid breathing and our moans of sexual hunger as we kissed and fondled each other. I know a lot of our audience was breathing right along with us and more than a few hands were starting to stray closer to those boners. The housewives seemed to be standing with their thighs pressed so tightly together that I thought they might unbalance and fall over.

I thought it couldn't be much longer before someone lost it, so I tried to move things along with a few short, high-pitched squeaks, as though I were getting close to a climax. Neeka helped by boldly putting her other hand under my top and squeezing my other breast hard. I made a sharp noise in the back of my throat and let myself shudder strongly in response. Very little of it was acting. It had been more than a couple of hours since my last orgasm and despite Steve's considerable donation to the cause, I was pretty-well turned on by now and it wouldn't have taken much more to really make me cum.

Just when I thought I was going to have to do it for real, I heard a gasp from one of the housewives, followed by a groan from one of the older boys. The woman was obviously flushed and the wet stain in the boy's crotch left no doubt that he had cum from watching us, too.

Neeka and I immediately, if reluctantly, broke our embrace. She went to the woman and I went to the boy. The rest of the crowd rushed off to wherever they thought they could go to relieve themselves less publicly or to calm down before going about their business.

Neeka took the woman over to a bench and sat her down while she finished cumming. She gripped Neeka's hand tightly, grateful to have some understanding support while she was momentarily distracted.

The boy looked younger than the rest of the group he had been hanging with. He probably had less sexual experience and obviously less self-control than the rest. The wet spot was impressively large and there was a long trail of cum running down his leg. I waved to Sue and she came over with our shopping bags and stuff. We told him we were going to take him to get cleaned up, and then we walked him down to the restrooms behind the food court while hiding the front of his pants with our shopping bags.

We marched him right into the Unisex restroom in between the Men's and Women's. It had only one stall, but a lot of room to move around, since it was intended to use by families and handicapped people who needed assistance. Sue locked the door while I pulled off the boy's pants and briefs and tossed them into the sink to rinse them out. He seemed confused but very grateful for the assistance.

He didn't even try to cover himself, but just waited patiently while I wet some paper towels and started cleaning off his cock and balls for him.

"I'm Sam and this is Sue. What's your name?" I asked.

"George. George Whitley," he said.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"I'm 18. Really, I'm just short for my age," he protested, even though I had said nothing about him looking younger. He did look about 16 or so to me, but I would never say anything. I was always getting comments about how old or young I looked and I was becoming sensitive about it, so there was no way I would do it to someone else.

"You're not short, George. You're just the right height."

I suddenly felt very close to George. It was a very nice change not to have to look up at someone. And he seemed a sweet boy. I wondered if I had missed something by going straight to big guys and guys with big cocks. His innocence was very attractive — even sexy.

"That's one impressive load, George. You must have enjoyed the show quite a bit to have made such a big mess."

"Yah!" He grinned. "I never saw anything like that before! That was way cool. I thought I was gonna explode," he laughed. "Then I did."

Sue rinsed the jizm from his clothes and wrung them out and held them under the hand-dryer. Over the roar of the dryer, I asked George, "Do you jerk off, George?"

"Sometimes," George allowed. He wasn't sure if there was a right or wrong answer to that question. He seemed very inexperienced, sexually. I decided that today was George Whitley's lucky day. He was in the right place at the right time and his fairy godmother had just arrived to help him out.

"George, I'm holding your cock and your cum is all over my hands. I think you can relax and be honest with me, OK?"

He let out a big breath and said, "OK. Look, I really appreciate this. This would have been bad if you hadn't helped me."

"Your friends would have made fun of you?"

"Oh, yeah! They'd have laughed like hyenas. I'd never live this down in a million years!"

"George, I'm not laughing. I'm very pleased that you thought we were so hot that you couldn't stop cumming right then and there. It's like, the ultimate compliment, you know?"

"Yeah? Cool! So, uh, can I ask you a question?"


"Were you really, uh, you know, doing it? Or was it just a put-on?"

"Which? The fighting or the making out?"


"Well, the fight wasn't real, but the fighting was. Do you know what I mean? We were just sparring, like boxers in practice. The kissing was pretty real, though. We were putting on at first — just to tease the rent-a-cop — but then we kinda got involved. Have you ever kissed a girl, George?"

"Sure. Lots of times." His defensive tone made it a very poor lie.

I couldn't help myself. He was so grateful and so trusting and he had been looking me right in the eyes and hadn't even tried to sneak a peek down my top. I stroked his damp cock with my bare hand and I kissed him full on the lips. If he had opened his mouth he would have got some tongue, too. I backed off after a few seconds and looked into his eyes.

"How was it?" I asked him. "About what you expected?"

At first he was too shocked to speak. His mouth fell open and his eyes got big and I felt his cock stiffening in my hand. It was amazing how quickly it grew. By the time it was rock hard and standing straight up, he managed to find his tongue.

"Wow! That was nice! I didn't know it would be like that."

"Well, I can tell you enjoyed it. This cock is so hard it could be a deadly weapon, George. I think you need to jerk off more often to keep this monster satisfied. Otherwise you could be a menace to any girl who sees this and throws herself at your feet, begging for you to give it to her."

George's cock was throbbing and twitching in my hand. The head was a livid purple color and the veins were popping out all over it. It was a good eight inches long and thick enough to fill my hand. I held the wad of wet paper towels in front of his cock with one hand and kept stroking with the other.

"Looks like someone is going to cum again," I said. "You go right ahead, George. Relax and let it go."

George got into the spirit of the thing, then. He watched my hand going back and forth on his hard cock for a bit, then he looked at my face. Finally, he got bold enough to look at my breasts and he licked his lips while he stared.

"Go ahead George," I told him. "It's the least I can do for a fan."

He hesitated just for a second, then he lifted my top and stared with the most beautiful smile on his face. He bravely put a hand on each breast and explored me as expertly as anyone has ever done.

"That feels really good, George," I told him. "You have nice hands."

He smiled at me and played with my rings and stroked my nipples, which made them swell under his fingers. His cock started to leak precum onto my hand and I used it for lubrication so I could pull harder without hurting him. He started pushing forward with his hips in a reflex fucking motion.

The smell of his cum and the feel of the hard cock in my hand and the look of newly discovered lust in his eyes was getting me seriously hot. I had planned on giving George an experience to remember, but it was starting to look like I was getting more involved than I had planned. I looked over at Sue for some guidance, but she was leaning against the wall next to the dryer with one hand holding his shorts and the other inside her panties, rubbing her clit. No help there, I thought. She was worse off than I was.

"George, I'm afraid you have got both of us so horny that we're past the point of no return," I said, nodding toward Sue, who was lost in her own world of erotic fantasy.

George looked at Sue and then smiled at me. This was going to figure big in his fantasies for some time to come. I felt his cock get even bigger in my hand and it twitched so hard it almost got away from me.

"All right, sport. Here it is. I have got to have some of your cum and I have got to have it right now. I'm going to suck this hard cock for you, but you've got to promise me that you will never tell a soul."

"OK. I promise." The urgency in his voice was unmistakable. He was twisting his hips to make his cock squirm in my hand. It was about all I could do not to bend over and tell him to stuff that stiff cock into my pussy. For some reason I thought I should get to know a boy for longer than ten minutes before I fucked him, or maybe I was just rationalizing my selfishness in trying to keep George sweet and innocent as long as possible.

I got down into a squat and pushed my left hand under my skirt and pulled my g-string to one side of my swollen pussy lips. I took hold of the base of George's cock with my right hand and then I shoved it into my mouth and my fingers into my pussy at the same time.

Neither of us lasted very long. On the scale of nasty things that I had done, sucking off a boy I had just met in the restroom of the mall while being watched by my Gym teacher who was masturbating furiously at the sight was pretty high up. George wouldn't be the only one to come away from this with a big load of fantasy material.

I think I actually came first and my moans set George off. His cum jetted against the roof of my mouth and I sucked it down while bobbing my head up and down on his cock. I kept going as long as his cock kept pulsing. When it started to go soft, I ran my thumb along the underside of his shaft to milk the last drops onto my tongue, then I pulled it out of my mouth with a pop. I backed against the sink and rubbed my clit with one hand and squeezed my breast with the other. It wasn't the most powerful orgasm, but it was still wonderful and felt like it was going to go on for a while.

"Ever see a girl climax, George? Take a good look, because you're seeing two orgasms happening right in front of you."

Sue was leaning against the wall with her legs wide apart, shaking from the force of her climax and trying not to slide to the floor. The dryer cycle had run out long ago and George's half-dried shorts hung forgotten from one hand.

George was pale and his legs were unsteady from having all that blood diverted to his cock. Still, he looked at both of us like he knew this was the opportunity of a lifetime and he'd better not miss a second of it. He leaned forward to get a closer look at my pussy and I held my skirt up out of the way for him. He leaned so close I could feel his breath on my clit for a second before he licked it and sent me into orbit.

It was totally unexpected and his timing was perfect. My earlier description of a brain flying around the room, trailing sparks seemed very accurate. I also felt like all the nerves in my body had been electrified and my clit was on fire. He licked it again and the feeling just kept on intensifying.

"Am I doing this right?" He asked as he licked my clit for the third time.

I was cumming so hard I could barely hear him over the pounding of the blood in my ears and the orgasm shrieking in my head.

"Oh, yes! My God, George, where did you learn this? Please don't stop!"

George seemed reluctant to give away his secrets at first. Then, between licks, he said, "My friend Rubio told me about how this would drive girls crazy. I wasn't sure he knew what he was talking about until now."

"Well, Rubio was right, but you are the one with your tongue on my clit, so I'm inclined to give you all the points for technique. You're doing it magnificently well! Yeeeeeeee! That's good!"

George kept licking me and pushing my climax higher and higher. My clit kept growing and swelling under his excellent care until it was a big as it had ever been and still it stood up and begged for more. George's success at making me cum must have made him bold, because the next thing I felt was his lips sliding over my clit and him sucking on it hard enough to send a skyrocket right up my spine into my brain and light every iota of my body on fire with burning streamers of pleasure.

I must have faded out right after that because I came to sitting on the edge of the sink with Sue and George holding me upright. Sue had her hand on my jaw and was shaking my head to get me back to reality.

"Sam? Sam? Are you OK? Speak to me," she said, sounding less concerned than she might have. I suppose she knew I wasn't in any real danger.

George looked like he was certain that he'd killed me. The guilty concern in his eyes touched my heart. I asserted my balance and grabbed his ears and pulled his face to mine and tried my best to do to him through his lips what he had done to me through my clit. This time he opened his mouth, probably in surprise, and I almost sucked his tongue out of his head while expressing my gratitude.

"Holy shit, George!" I said, when I finally decided to take pity on him and let him breathe again. "You got skills, man! That was amazing!"

"Thanks! Um, what have you got in your mouth?"

I had forgotten about the piercing in my tongue. I had been so wrapped up with my bells and everything that I hadn't remembered to show everyone my tongue. George was the first to mention it since that morning. I stuck out my tongue and flopped it up and down so he could see the hole and the metal sleeve.