I'll make this quick

"All right," she said in a tone of acceptance, "Fighting it certainly hasn't worked and I've been very stupidly expecting it to for a very long time now. I may as well try it your way for a while."

"Good! I know you'll feel lots better without carrying around a load of sexual tension all the time. It sounds like you need to start out on a regular schedule and make adjustments from there. How does every three hours sound to you?"

"I don't know. I never thought... well I suppose I could try that. It will be strange, doing it by the clock like that." She looked like she was starting to think of this in a more positive light.

"Think of it as taking a little vacation a few times a day. I was about to suggest setting a timer to remind you, but we don't want you to get conditioned to climax whenever you hear a bell. Maybe you could just plan it into your day. I'm sure George can help remind you, won't you, George?"

"Sure! I can do that. We can do it at the same time. It will be a relief not to have to sneak into the bathroom when I need to..."

"To what? Flog the lizard? Bash the bishop? Caress the cucumber? Buff the banana?"

"OK, OK, when I need to jerk off."

"Good. Lucinda, what will you be doing while George is jerking off?"

"I'll be petting the pussy." She was smiling like it was something she was looking forward to now.

"Wonderful! Don't you both feel better now that this isn't something you feel you need to hide from each other?"

"Yes," Lucinda said, "I certainly do. I feel much better now."

"It's sure a load off me!" George said, smirking at having thought of a pun himself.

"Then I think we will leave you two to plan your day. I think you should have at least two sessions and then one at bedtime. Try to remind each other." I got up, but I was reluctant to let go of George. I was becoming very attached to him.

"Are you going to call me?" I asked him.

"You bet!" he answered with enthusiasm. "Mom? Can I ask Sam over this weekend?"

"Yes, you may. I'd like to talk to Sam some more myself. She's certainly an interesting girl. Sam, would you like to come over and play with George on Saturday?"

Someone wasn't completely up on her post-puberty etiquette. I tried not to smile at her slip, but I had to give up and let it out.

"I'd love to come over and play with George. I bet George knows a few games he'd like to play with me, too." I slid my arm around George's waist and he put an arm around me as well. It felt very comfortable.

"Sorry," she laughed, "I'm not used to thinking of George dating."

"I can tell you that George has certainly been thinking about it. When it comes to girls, he has a lot of sound theory, but very little practical experience. Don't you think it would be good for him to spend time with a girl his own age? Maybe a nice blonde girl about my height?"

"Yes, I suppose it would do him a world of good to get to know a girl his own age. Especially one as smart and considerate and outgoing as you. I guess I don't have to worry about him being embarrassed about his... our... problem."

"Don't worry. I'll help him keep it under control. There won't be any accidents while I'm around."

"Thank you. I guess you and George can work out your own plans for the weekend, then. Just let me know what you decide to do, OK?"

"No problem, Lucinda. I'll see you both later, then." Before she could stand up, I leaned over and gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek. She went to kiss me back the same way, but I turned my head so she got half my mouth instead of my cheek. The look in her eyes was wonderful. She was caught between being shocked and enjoying it. I think enjoying won out because she gave my arm a squeeze as she stood up.

I kissed George goodbye, too. But none of this cheek stuff for him. I quit as soon as I felt his cock twitch where it was pressed between us. Any longer and we might have had to make another trip to the restroom. I was looking forward to a time when we wouldn't have to worry about one of us getting too worked up.

Sue, Neeka and I were several stores away when Sue tapped me on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, but did I just see what I thought I saw? Did you just talk Mrs. Whitley into letting you have sex with her son, in... about fifteen minutes flat?"

"Yeah. And she's going to be thinking about us while she masturbates, too."

"Oh my God! Is this what you do all day — run around and solve people's problems by having sex with them?"

"This is just a hobby." I really wanted to tell her that it beat the heck out of my other job, which was to throw myself in front of bullets and let lunatics make holes in me and burn off parts of my body. Putting it like that, having sex with people as a way of solving their problems sounded like a really great hobby. It was nice to hear it from an outside perspective.

"Actually," Neeka said, in a 'putting her two cents in' tone of voice, "she took much more time than usual with the Whitley's. I think her record for getting someone naked and begging for sex with her is like — half a second."

"I don't doubt that at all," Sue said. "Do you know she sucked George off in the restroom while I was standing right there? It was so damn hot that I couldn't keep my hands off my clit. I came all over the place while they both watched me. I feel so good it aught to be a crime."

"Be careful what you confess to, Sue. I might just have to arrest you again. We don't want that, now do we?"

"Oh, we do! We do!"

"How about if I make you 'assume the position' right here against the front of this bookstore and strip-search you right here in public?"

"I'd probably cum so hard I'd pass out like you did when George licked you."

"Do you want to do that? Come on, just put your hands on the glass here. Spread your legs for me. Let me strip you down and make you cum so hard you scream right here in the mall. Come on, do it. You know you want to."

"Yessss. Oh, my! It's such an attractive idea. Oh, damn! I'm getting hot just from thinking about it. Give me a minute here. I need to catch my breath."

Sue stopped just past the door to the bookstore and leaned against the plate glass window. She had been a mere second away from letting me humiliate her in public so she could have a big orgasm. She was getting further away from the uptight, straight-laced PhysEd teacher every minute.

"I wonder what Bambi would think of Sue?" Neeka asked me silently.

"Now that there is an excellent suggestion," I thought back at her. "Do you think Mom would mind if I brought a guest home for supper?"

"Not if you call her and let her know about it."

"Let's find a phone."

We led Sue down the central corridor to the mall offices where there were a few pay-phones in an alcove out of the flow of traffic. She had mostly recovered from her strip-search fantasy, but she was still very aroused. I could see her nipples poking against her blouse and she seemed to be deliberately walking so her breasts bounced up with each step.

"Sue, do you have any plans for supper?"

"I usually just heat up a frozen dinner and then go for a short jog, why?"

"Would you like to come home with me and meet my family?"

"The food is probably going to be better than what's in your freezer," Neeka said.

"Ha! The food is probably going to be better than the special at Le Bistro! So how about it? I think you and Mom will get along great."

"But I need to go home and change," Sue said.

"No you don't. That outfit will look positively conservative. Trust me."

"Why is it when you say that, I get a hot flash?"

"I can't imagine. Hang on and I'll let Mom know you're coming."

I stepped into the alcove and stuck my head under the privacy hood to make the call. Mom picked up halfway through the first ring.

"Reynolds residence."

"Hi Mom, it's me again." This time I didn't feel I needed to explain 'me'.

"Hi honey. Are you having fun at the mall?"

"Oh yes! I met the cutest boy. His mother asked me to come over for a play-date with him on Saturday. We'll set that up later in the week."

"A play-date?"

I laughed, "Yeah. She's not used to having a son who's 18. She still thinks of him as a little boy. It doesn't help that he's the same height as I am."

"Oh! I see why you hit it off so quickly. You two must have a lot in common."

"More than I thought we would. But that's not why I called. Would it be OK if I brought someone home for supper?"

"Of course, honey. We're having lasagna Florentine with a nice antipasto salad. I'm sure there will be enough for everyone."

No 'who'. No 'where did you meet them'. Just 'of course'. How did I ever get so lucky?

"Great! Her name is Sue Simpson. She's my PhysEd teacher and she's turning into a really great pal."

"A teacher? Well, do you want her to meet Bambi, or Mrs. Reynolds?"

"I think she'd like Mrs. Reynolds. I talked her out of a khaki skirt and a dumpy blouse and into a pair of sexy shorts and a blouse that it would be a crime to wear a bra under. She wanted to change back, but I told her she wouldn't look out of place if she kept it on."

"I understand completely. She's another of your projects and you want to get her out of her shell and show her that it's OK to be dressed-up and sexy. How long did it take you to get her out of her clothes? Does Monique's record still hold?"

"Oh, Mom! She was very repressed and she needed the release. I think Jolene beat Neeka by a smidge anyway. Speaking of Jolene, Sue is a virgin, too."

"Really? How old is she?"

"26. But she had a bad period as a teen, so she's reliving it. Nothing serious, just the fun stuff she missed. You'll like her. She's stacked. She's been competing with Neeka and me to see who can get the most wolf-whistles."

"She must be incredible, then. I'm looking forward to meeting her, but I better start getting ready. Are you coming right home?"

"We've got a little more window-shopping to do, but we'll be home in under an hour."

"Well, not much less than that. I need some time to change and get my 'company' face on."

"OK, an hour. I promise."

"Great. I love you, honey."

"I love you too, Mom. Bye!"

The call took longer than I thought. Sue and Neeka had wandered over to look in the window at Van Kline's. With summer coming up, they had their display window full of swimsuits.

"Look, Sam," Sue said. "See the blue one with the string-ties? That would look darling on you.

I didn't have a suit that would fit me anymore, so I let Sue and Neeka drag me inside the store. With the way the weather was warming up, I didn't know when I might get to go to the beach or be invited to a pool-party, so having at least one was probably a good idea.

The sizes on the suits were only a general guideline. Many of them were one-size-fits-all. Which usually meant 'one-size-fits-someone - just-not-you'. Still, I had to try the blue bikini on to see how it would look.

It was mix-n-match, so I picked out a Small thong-style bottom and an XLarge triangle top. The bottom fit OK, but left a lot of string hanging down my legs. The string for the top went all the way around and left just enough to tie and have a tiny bow. The material was a thin, stretchy synthetic than clung to me like paint. It looked larger on than off because it stretched so much. Even with the stretch, it only covered the front of my breasts and my rings. I had to pull the bells up and stuff them into the cups. It was tight enough for me to actually swim in and I loved the bright electric-blue color, so I decided to go ahead and get it. I just made one change — I traded the Small bottom for an XSmall. The smaller size meant that there was barely enough material to cover my pussy-lips and the thong back completely disappeared in the crack of my butt, but the ties didn't hang down as much and the proportion of skin showing looked much more balanced with the large amount that would be exposed up top.

Judging from the way Sue and Neeka looked at me when I had it on, it would be a real hit when I got a chance to wear it. I felt like a sheep at a convention of starving wolves.

The suit was pricier than I would have liked, but my friends assured me that it wasn't too out of line for the small amount of cloth I was getting. I still don't know why the smaller the suit, the more it costs. This one would just about fit in a thimble, if I took the strings out of it.

Buying the bikini took just enough time and we left the mall right on schedule for Mrs. Reynolds to be ready for company. Sue sat in the front this time. I think she was nervous about meeting Mom. She kept tugging her blouse closed and biting her lip.

We had just pulled off the highway onto Highland Boulevard when we saw the wreck. It looked like a bad one. A green minivan had gone off the road, flipped and rolled down an embankment. The roof was crushed in and there was smoke or steam coming from the squashed engine compartment. We couldn't see anyone but a State Trooper on the scene. He was on his knees trying to look into the mashed up vehicle. The EMS unit hadn't arrived yet.

Neeka pulled over onto the shoulder in response to my urgent unspoken thought. She stopped a few feet behind the trooper's car and got out. I climbed out behind her. Sue got out as well.

"Sue, you wait here, OK. We'll be right back."

She nodded obediently and watched Neeka and I walk down the bank. I thought about suggesting to Neeka that she wait, too, but the mental picture I got for even considering that was a foot stuck halfway up my ass.

As we approached, the officer stood up and waved us off.

"You two get back up the bank, now. You don't belong here."

I flipped open my badge and he looked at it with the usual surprised expression.

"What's the problem?" I asked.

"EMS is on the way, but the rescue truck is tied up at a house-fire a few miles away. They say they might be another 30 minutes getting here."

"Who's in the van?"

"A woman and her two kids. She's hurt pretty bad. I think her legs are broken. The kids are banged up a little and screaming their heads off, but they don't seem to be seriously injured."

"We've got to get them out of there."

"No shit. How? The roof supports have buckled and the whole top is closed up like a clamshell. You can barely get an arm in there."

"I'll do it. Do you have a blanket or something that we can use to keep the glass off of them."

"There's a blanket under the seat of my unit."

Neeka ran for it without me even thinking of it.

"But unless you have a hydraulic jack handy, there's no way we can pry that car apart."

I ignored him. There would be time for explanations later. Right now there were people who needed help and they were going to get it. I tranced and started dumping adrenalin into my system as fast as I could. This was going to be hard and I wanted it to be as quick as possible. I wanted them to be ready to go when the ambulance arrived.

I walked to the car and looked for a place to grab and a direction to pull. The windshield was in little pieces all over. Almost nothing remained on the minivan. The hole where it had been was a three-inch wide gap between the roof and the dashboard. The crumpled supports had twisted themselves into knots. It looked like the only way to get them out was to peel the roof off.

Neeka came up carrying the coarse gray blanket. I handed it to the patrolman.

"Cover them as best you can and hold them still. I'll make this quick."

He looked like he wanted to ask questions, but he knew that time was critical and he must have figured if I thought I could do something, he would go along. He crawled as close as he could to the victims and pushed the blanket inside the wreck as far as possible. I faintly heard him offering the woman assurances that we were doing everything we could to get her out and to hold on.