All Big and Hard!!!

"She saw a woman and two children were trapped inside and she tore the car in half to get them out," my blabbermouth chauffeur said. "If there had been a mountain in the way, it would have a Sam-sized hole through it right now."

Mrs. Reynolds smiled and nodded at Neeka's exaggeration. She looked me up and down and said, "And was this what you were wearing at the time?"

"No," I told her, "I put this on in the car afterward. I bought a swimsuit at the mall and I wanted to get your opinion."

"It's lovely. It shows you off perfectly. I'm surprised that you found one that fits so well. I can't imagine how you found one that would let your jewelry show as well. That's a really nice touch. Was that a custom alteration?"

"Yes. The material is special, too," I said stepping within her reach. "Feel it."

She put her hand on the top of my breast where the 'material' covered an inch above my nipple. She stroked down over my nipple and put her finger through the ring.

"You tease!" She said, pulling on the ring and twisting it to get even with me. "You tricked me. I aught to chain you to a pole and whip you, but you'd love it, you scamp!"

"Ooooo. Can we do that after supper? I have my own chain."

She knew when she started it that she wasn't going to be able to top me. She laughed and pulled me into her arms. I hugged back and patted her butt under the dress.

"I guess we will have plenty to talk about over dinner," she said. "Come on inside and wash up. Everything is laid out in the dining room. We can sit down when everyone is ready."

I got dressed again and we took turns freshening up in the half-bath down the hall from the formal dining room where Mrs. Reynolds had supper waiting in a set of chafing dishes. The good china was out and the crystal goblets and wine glasses sparkled in the light from the chandeliers over the huge dining table. I wasn't going to say a word to her about overdoing it, though. She hadn't had a party since I moved in and this was as good an excuse as any to dress up and go all out.

Even Jim and Bud were wearing clean shirts and slacks that looked freshly pressed. They were both perfect gentlemen when I introduced them to Sue. By that, I mean that they managed to both say something complimentary about her clothes and her physique without drooling too terribly much in the process.

We all helped ourselves from the buffet, which neatly solved the problem of a lack of a serving staff that I'm sure the caterer would have provided under other circumstances.

Mom poured wine for everyone from a couple of carafes. I put on a brave face and sipped at mine, hoping it wouldn't be too strong for my inexperienced taste. It was grape juice. The unfermented kind, I was grateful to find. It looked just like what she poured for Sue and Neeka and herself. I thought maybe wine was one of those acquired tastes that I hadn't had a chance to pick up yet. All the wine I had ever tasted had been terrible, not that I had ever had more than a sip.

The conversation over dinner was polite, if a little formal and stilted. I was starving, so I'm afraid I paid more attention to my plate than to the discussion. When everyone else had finished eating, but I was just sitting down with my second helping of the delicious lasagna when I heard my name mentioned.

"Hunh?" So much for my reputation for snappy repartee.

Sue said, "I was just saying that I had some doubts about when I might wear the clothes you encouraged me to buy at the mall, but your mother has convinced me that dressing well is never inappropriate."

I managed to swallow a mouthful before I answered, "Mom taught me that there are two ways to look at clothes, either as protection or as decoration. Protection is fine, if that's what you need to be wearing, but if the weather is nice, you have much more fun and get a lot more compliments if you think of clothes as purely decorative. If you have the body for it, you should wear clothes the same way you would wear jewelry — as accents."

"You make it sound like I could just wear a necklace and a pair of earrings and consider myself fully-dressed." Sue didn't sound shocked, just intrigued.

I pointed across the table at Jim and Bud, who had become alert at hearing the direction the conversation had taken and who both looked like they were imagining Sue wearing the outfit she had just described. Sue took note of the interest and sat up straighter in her chair.

"You see," Mrs. Reynolds said, "the idea has an undeniable appeal for the males at the table. And you reacted naturally to their attention by displaying yourself to them."

Sue blushed at the suggestion that she had 'displayed herself'. She slouched her shoulders forward and pulled her elbows in on either side of her chest.

"Stop that!" Mrs. Reynolds ordered. "Sit up straight and put your shoulders back!"

The Imperial Command took Sue quite by surprise. She snapped to attention just as quickly as I had been taught to do. I almost smiled before I realized that I had unconsciously obeyed the command as well. My shoulder blades were flat across my back and my breasts were pressed against the material of my top.

Mrs. Reynolds lips quirked as she suppressed a smile at how well she had trained me to obey her. She looked back at Sue and said, "Chin up. Head high. You are a beautiful woman and everyone wants to look at you. You owe them the chance to appreciate your beauty. Chest out! Tummy in!"

Sue jumped to obey each command. With each adjustment to her posture, her expression became more confident and more self-assured.

"That's it. With your beauty and that attitude, you can wear anything, or nothing at all. Women will envy you and men will worship you. You've obviously worked very hard to look this good and you deserve their admiration. Moreover, you have an obligation to show them how lovely you are. There is a shortage of beauty in the world and you cannot be permitted to hide yours."

Sue smiled at the thought that she deserved to be admired. Mrs. Reynolds rose and stood beside Sue's chair.

"You're wearing that gorgeous blouse like a sack. Stand up and I will fix it for you."

Sue stood up and Mrs. Reynolds turned her around to face her like a mannequin in a store window or a recruit being taught how to stand on parade. Mrs. Reynolds studied the blouse and then undid all the buttons but the one right at the level of Sue's bosom. Turning Sue around, she pulled the sides seams of the blouse out and folded them back and overlapped then down to the tails and tucked them smoothly into the back of Sue's shorts. She turned Sue around again and pulled the lapels open and pressed them back to let Sue's collarbone show. The blouse now opened in a wide V, showing all of her cleavage, her chest, her throat, and her neck. With the tails tucked in, the blouse was snug across her breasts and the outline of her nipples showed through clearly. The lone button in the middle looked like it would pop off any second.

Mrs. Reynolds raised the collar so it framed Sue's face and hair. The white cloth reflected more light under her jaw, giving her a more radiant look. She stepped back to her place at the table and we all admired the improvement she had made to Sue.

The transformation was remarkable. A plain white blouse that looked attractive enough before had now become the center of attention in the room, and deservedly so. Sue looked like an Amazon princess who was uncomfortable wearing clothes. She looked like the blouse was about to fall off her shoulders and reveal all her native beauty. The blouse moved with her every breath and everyone in the room was entranced by the movement of her breasts under the thin cloth.

Jim and Bud seemed to be holding their breath. They were no doubt engrossed in an attempt to mentally weaken the threads holding the button in place. Even Neeka was riveted by the sight. It seemed up to me to make some comment.

"Whoa! Now that is a big difference. You look marvelous. How does it feel?"

"It feels fine," Sue said. "It's certainly cooler. It's comfortable enough. I can feel the fabric moving on my skin, now." She ran her hands down the sides and then across the front of her breasts.

Jim and Bud leaned forward in their chairs as if a magnet had been turned on. I would have bet good money that their cocks were both rising in salute. I know if I had one, it certainly would have been trying to raise my skirt for a peek at Sue. We could all see that the close contact with the blouse was making her nipples swell.

At first, Sue looked embarrassed again to have everyone stare at her, then she recovered and resumed her pose. Her nipples had grown large enough so that even her areolas were visible under the blouse. From the way she shifted her hips and touched the skin of her thighs below her shorts, I knew she was becoming very turned on.

"May I make a suggestion?" I asked.

"Sure, Sam," Sue said.

"I think those shorts are riding too low on you. The legs look baggy. You need to pull them up higher on your butt."

Sue tugged on the waistband and pulled the shorts a little higher. It didn't make a significant difference.

"Let me," Neeka said. She took a firm grip on Sue's shorts and yanked up firmly, pulling the shorts high enough so that Sue's thighs were exposed and even a little of her rear end could be seen.

Sue gave a yelp as the crotch was pulled deep into the crack of her ass in back and slipped into her slit in front, spreading her pussy lips into a cameltoe and grinding into her clit. Her look of distress quickly became a flush of arousal at the unfamiliar contact with her sensitive areas.

"Yes, that's much batter," Mrs. Reynolds said. "Now walk around the table so we can all see the full effect."

Sue did as she was told, trying her best to ignore the zipper teeth that I knew were threatening to bite through her panties and into her clit. She walked around the table, pausing beside each of our chairs to let each of us appreciate the profound change that just a tuck and a tug had made in her appearance. Neeka ran a finger into each leg of her shorts, pulling them higher still and making them fit better around her legs. I pulled the tail of her shirt further behind her back and tucked in into her shorts so that the front gapped open below that one overstressed button, revealing a three-inch-wide strip of her ripped abs.

"Oh, my!" Mrs. Reynolds exclaimed when she saw Sue's abdominals bunching and rippling as she walked over to her chair. "You've been holding out on us, you naughty girl! Come here!"

Sue stood compliantly as Mrs. Reynolds undid the fly of her shorts and ran the zipper down three-quarters of the way and locked it in place. Then she folded the fly open and pressed it down with her hands to reveal more of Sue's impressive musculature.

"The more I see of you, the more impressed I am," she told Sue. "I'm beginning to think that earrings and necklace are about all you should be allowed to wear after all. And I'm having doubts about the necklace. Now go on and show the boys what hard work can do to enhance natural beauty before they fall out of their chairs."

Encouraged by all the flattery, Sue strutted over to stand and pose between Jim and Bud. She looked totally stunning. I even had to remind myself to finish the food on my plate rather than just stare at her with the rest. She stood with her torso leaning slightly behind her hips. This emphasized her abdominal muscles and showed off the fact that her shorts were open so far down that the top of her small strip of short brown pubic hair was visible.

Both boys took maximum advantage of the opportunity to ogle Sue at close range. They paid quite a bit of attention to her legs and her butt, both of which were layer on layer of sculpted muscle, none of which was overdeveloped or out of proportion or in any way less than feminine. Mostly it was just that she had worked hard to burn off as much body fat as she could and the result was a supremely well-toned physique.

Most girls have a certain amount of fat under their skin. It's what creates many of our more interesting curves. Sue had almost no fat on her body. Instead, she had muscles that flexed and moved. This created curves in places where most girls don't even have places. She was endlessly fascinating to watch, even if she was just standing and posing.

Sue was obviously enjoying being admired at close range. She patiently posed and flexed whatever part of her anatomy Jim or Bud chose to examine, even bending over so Jim could have a better view of her breasts and turning a knee out to let Bud have a closer look at her groin.

She didn't realize it, but the rest of us could see the damp spot growing in the crotch of her shorts where they were wicking fluid from inside her pussy. She was getting off on being the center of attention and being so blatantly scrutinized.

Her condition worsened when she happened to notice the physical effect she was having on the two boys. I couldn't see from where I was sitting, but from the way her eyes got wider and she stared down at them, both boys must have had serious bulges in their pants. On other males, the phenomenon might have been unnoticed, hidden by a napkin or passed off as an unfortunate fold in the cloth. On either of these well-hung lads, an erection looked like nothing but a really big cock straining to get out and cause trouble. The sight of one growing thickly down a thigh was a guaranteed leg-opener for any girl. For a 26-year-old virgin, the sight of two rampant monsters like that must have been intoxicating and compelling.

I'm sure it took quite a bit of will power for Sue to tear herself away from such an appreciative audience. She gave them a final roll of her behind and went to stand next to Mrs. Reynolds, who looked her up and down like she was a dessert cart loaded with tempting delicacies.

Mrs. Reynolds reached out and put one finger on the inside of Sue's left knee. She slowly traced the outline of her sartorius muscle up the inside of Sue's thigh and across to the outside of her hip.

A bright flush of red came over Sue's face and spread down her chest. She gave a little moan and then clamped her knees together and grabbed the back of Mrs. Reynolds' chair to keep from collapsing as her orgasm disrupted her balance.

We all waited silently while Sue recovered enough to return to her seat. On the way Neeka reached out and squeezed her hand as she walked past.

"That was beautiful, my dear," Mrs. Reynolds told her. "Thank you for sharing with us. Now you sit and rest up a bit. Those of you who are able to stand can help clear the table." She picked up her own plate and glass and left the room for the kitchen down the hall.

Neeka and I immediately jumped up and ran over to Jim and Bud to check on their condition. Both were pinned to their seats by the rampant cocks that had swelled their pants legs.

"Poor Jim," Neeka said, petting Jim's cock and making matters worse than they already were. "Did Sue make you all big and hard?"

"Yes," he said, "And if I could move without breaking it off, I'd show you how big and hard it is!"

I decided not to tease Bud that way. I wanted him to be kindly inclined towards me when I suggested to him that Neeka and I could be considered interchangeable sex partners if he and his brother didn't mind. I just bent over and shook my bells for him and said, "You sit here and talk to Sue while we help out in the kitchen, OK? Just relax and think about something other than how bad you want to fuck someone."

So much for my restraint, I suppose. He still smiled at me and patted my fanny as I leaned over the table to gather up the dirty dishes.

It took a couple of trips, but Neeka and I got every dish to the kitchen and helped Mom scrape and rinse everything before she loaded it into the dishwasher.

"Is it really safe to run the good china through the dishwasher?" I asked her.

"If this was the good china, it would be," she said, "but this is just the second-best set. The best set is all custom-made sterling silver — plates, goblets, flatware — the lot. It's all in a vault downtown and I have it delivered whenever I use it. I have to give them a one-day notice to have it brought out. This is just leaded crystal and porcelain in a standard commercial pattern. If we load it right, it should be fine. Now you two take the coffee in and I'll be along in a minute."