That was too much for me. I moaned loudly and pushed my hips forward, trying to get her to lick more of my clit. I started to pull my hands out from under me to rub it myself, but Bud grabbed my wrists and held on. I could have pulled free, but the idea of being forced to endure Neeka's tongue on me with no control over the situation made me so hot I almost came then.
Neeka kept teasing me until my clit had expanded to its full size of almost three inches long and over a half-inch thick. It curved out and up and quivered when I moved, which was all the time, because it felt so good to wiggle it like that.
"Oh, my!" Sue said. "That is a big one! I bet that feels fantastic."
"Ummmm, it does. It feels absolutely wonderful!"
Neeka kissed the end of it and then sucked it into her mouth all the way, coating it with her saliva and then pulling back off to let it cool in the air of the room. I almost went nuts when she did that. It was like sticking it into Jolene, the same hot, wet, tight sensation. I think I started to cum then, but I was so excited I couldn't really distinguish being so strongly turned on from an orgasm.
Neeka sucked it into her mouth again, and Bud put his hand under my chin and tilted my head back to kiss my open mouth. I started to cum harder at the feeling of having a tongue at both ends.
I broke the kiss and squirmed closer so I could lie back against Bud and have him kiss me without either of us straining our necks. Neeka stayed glued to my clit, sucking it like she expected cum to squirt out of it any second.
I glanced at Mom and Sue out of the corner of my eye. They had retreated to the love seat and Sue was watching Neeka suck my clit with her mouth hanging open and her tongue moving around it like she wished she were Neeka and could taste my flesh for herself. Mom had her hands under Sue's blouse, massaging her breasts and rubbing her nipples. I heard a moan and couldn't be sure whose it was. I looked down and saw Jim kneeling behind Neeka. He had her skirt up around her waist and had his hand between her legs, working her pussy juice into froth with his fingers.
It looked like everyone was going to have fun but Bud. I raised my butt and Neeka unzipped him and pulled his slacks down to his ankles. His big hard cock sprang free and I planted my feet on the arms of the chair and arched my back high so Neeka could shove the head of it into my soaking wet pussy. As soon as I felt it against my opening, I pushed down hard and impaled myself on it. After a frenzy of humping and shoving, I had him in me all the way to the root and Neeka resumed sucking my clit, just as Jim speared her pussy with his cock. I saw her eyes roll and then try to cross as his cock fought its way deep inside her.
With four of us connected like that, if was tricky to get a rhythm going. Since Jim seemed to be the key, we let him lead. He would thrust into Neeka, she would suck my clit into her mouth, I would pull up slightly on Bud and then let my pussy slide back down as Neeka backed off and Jim pulled out. It was something like a cheerleader routine where we had to do things in a particular sequence. I thought if cheerleading had been this much fun, I never would have quit.
I reached a plateau of arousal where the fog parted enough for me to focus on how everyone else was doing. The first thing I did was to check on Sue and Bambi. The elegant dress was in a pile on the floor and Sue's shorts and panties were on top of it. Sue's blouse was open and she was lying on top of Bambi, kissing her passionately as they caressed each other. I was mildly surprised to see that Sue seemed to be the aggressor, but they were both very much involved with each other. So involved that they were missing out on the team-fuck going on across from them.
My attention was drawn back to my own situation when Bud reached around me and cupped my breasts in his hands, pulling and twisting my rings and giving me sensations I had never had before as the metal loops moved in my flesh. The next time I looked at the love seat, it was empty. The only thing left was the pile of clothes on the floor.
Even having to accommodate and coordinate among the four of us, it was majorly exciting to make love in a group. I felt more connected than I had even been, and not just from having a cock in me and my clit in Neeka's mouth. It was similar to how I had felt on the roof Saturday afternoon, when we were all in a pile and no one could tell who they were getting off. It was a group of people who were giving and taking pleasure from each other while each of us conscious of our duty to the others. 'Team fuck' seemed a good name for it. We had to perform as a team to make it work and when we were successful, everyone got the most out of it. It seemed to me to be a good model for optimizing group dynamics, which meant I was letting my attention get too far from the fun of the thing.
I relaxed and let my over-analytical brain take a vacation while I concentrated on more immediate sensual and sexual matters. I tried to copy the feeling of what Neeka's mouth felt like on my clit onto Bud's cock using the muscles in my pussy. It must have worked pretty well, or at least my efforts were appreciated, because Bud started getting very worked up and his cock got very hard inside me and started to twitch like he was going to cum any second.
I tightened the ring of muscle in my cervix around the head of his cock to seal in all his cum and I tried to squeeze his cock.
The feeling of having his cock trapped inside me until he came pushed Bud over the edge. He bucked twice and I felt his hot cum hosing the top of my womb, filling me with his essence. I moaned into his mouth and kissed him hard to thank him for his gift, just as my own orgasm spiked and the fireworks started up.
Neeka's orgasm matched mine and we shared the intense waves of pleasure between us as we twitched and panted and moaned in an orgasmic duet.
Jim came a few seconds later. No male could have held out in the face of our song of lust. He pressed deeply into Neeka and shuddered again and again as he poured himself into her.
When the boys had run down, we all mostly collapsed in place. I dropped my feet off the arms of the chair and closed my legs to savor the feeling of a good cum and a cock inside me. Neeka fell back on top of Jim in the same situation. Neither of us wanted to part with those big cocks. We both wanted to keep them just where they were as long as possible.
"That was wonderful." Neeka said.
"Yeah," I agreed. "I could get used to this. What do you guys think? Does it bother you if we do it together like this?"
"Not at all," Jim said. "It was a real turn-on."
"Fine by me, "Bud added. "I hadn't done any group stuff until this weekend. That was really great and this was, too."
"I'm sorry I missed most of that," Jim said. "But the red-headed minx here had a bad case of hot pants and wouldn't let me up until I made her cum three times."
That earned him a dig in the ribs from the minx in question. He took it good-naturedly.
"So it didn't bother you, screwing in from of Mom?" I asked Jim.
"I didn't even think about that. Even if I had, she and Sue were so into each other that they weren't paying much attention to us."
"I noticed that they seemed to hit it off pretty well," I said. "They must have snuck off upstairs while we were 'occupied'."
"We should check on them in an hour or so," Neeka said. "They might wear themselves out and fall asleep."
"Yeah," I said, "you know how old folks are."
That got me a raspberry from everyone. After going to all the trouble to prove to one and all that Bambi could pass for much younger than her calendar age, I had no call to be making jokes about 'old folks'. Especially now that she had seduced a woman eight years younger than herself while being 'Mrs. Reynolds' instead of 'Bambi'. I actually thought it was very appropriate that two women who had managed to make their age so irrelevant — one through beauty and style, the other through her magnificent physique — had been so visibly attracted to each other. For a second, I was jealous that I wasn't upstairs with them.
"Maybe later," I thought. "Right now, this is very nice, indeed." Then I remembered a conversation Neeka and I had that morning in the car and I wondered if this was a good time to bring that up. Neeka thought it was.
"Soooo," she said, hesitantly, wondering how to approach the subject without injuring any male egos, "what do you guys do with these cocks when we're not around?"
No one immediately jumped at the chance to answer that, so I guessed it wasn't a subject that they were comfortable discussing.
"Yeah, I'm curious too," I said, following her lead. "I know I have to frig myself off several times a day or I get distracted. Do boys have the same problem or what?"
"Well..." Jim said, working himself up to talk about something that personal, "I tried ignoring it, but you're right, it does get distracting. I tried taking cold showers, but you can't spend the whole day in the shower, you know?"
"So what do you do about it?" Neeka asked, stroking his cheek.
"Heck, I beat off. OK? I pound the pud. I choke the chicken."
"How about you, Bud?" I asked. "Do you beat off, too?"
"Yeah. You've been a lifesaver, but I still have to flog the flounder or it gets hard and just won't go down. It's embarrassing, you know?"
"It gives me headaches if I don't jerk off regularly," Jim said. "The pressure can be real bad, you know? That stuff can back up on you."
This was all fascinating information. I knew boys masturbated, but it sounded like they had a lot of the same problems I did if they didn't. What had been a case of trying to have the most fun I could with people I cared about turned into a feeling of responsibility to help them with their problem — or our problem. I had been wondering if I was putting too much demand for sex on Bud, using him to meet my need for a regular dose of male hormones. Now it seemed that I wasn't being available enough to meet his needs. Our idea of sharing looked better than I had first thought.
"So... like, how many times a day do you jerk off?" Neeka asked Jim.
"I dunno," Jim said, "three or four."
"How about you, Bud?" I asked.
"Gee, this is kinda personal, you know," he said.
"C'mon, you can tell me," I coaxed, clamping my pussy down on his limp cock and squeezing it, "we're pretty intimate here, in case you hadn't noticed."
"Oooo, that's nice," he said. "You're amazing, how you can do that, down there. You better be careful or you'll get a surprise."
"You're dodging the question, sport."
"OK, OK. I do it three or four times a day. Three, if you come see me in the morning. That really makes my day, you know."
"Why Bud! I think that's one of the nicest things you've ever said to me. Thank you! But you mean there are at least six loads of cum between the two of you that are just going to waste? I think that's a damn shame!"
"Me too!" Neeka chimed in on cue. "We've got to put a stop to this wasting of natural resources. We're supposed to be conserving, you know."
"Hunh?" Bud said. "You want us to quit jerking off? That's harsh!"
"No silly," I said, "She means if you're going to cum, we want you to do it in one of us. We're a couple of girls with very thirsty pussies and we're not getting nearly enough cum in them. That's not a problem, is it?"
"Noooo!" Jim said. "No problem at all. We can use all the help we can get along those lines. Can't we bro?"
"Oh yeah! Like, you can have all I got. I thought we were damn lucky to have what we were getting, especially when you started having your friends over and stuff. I think we didn't want to, you know, push our luck by seeming too... needy?"
"I'll tell you a secret, guys," I said. "Girls absolutely love to be needed. Don't ever feel embarrassed about saying, "I need you". It makes us go all gooey inside. So the next time one of you needs relief, you just let one of us know and we'll take care of your problem for you, OK?"
"Um... OK," Jim said. "Either of you?"
"Yep. Why?"
"Well, I just thought that... you and Bud, you know. And Neeka and I..."
Neeka spoke up, "It's still 'Neeka and I' Jim. You're still my guy and I'm still your girl. This isn't about commitment or relationships or... love. Bud is still going with Jolene. Sam is still going with Steve. You're cute ass is still mine, sweety. This is just about sex and having fun and making each other happy. If you and Sam hook up, that's not a problem for me. I hope if you walk in on me and Bud, it won't be a problem for you."
"Neeka and I have this bond between us," I confided. "I don't know if you've noticed, but..."
"... we can to more than finish..."
"... each other's sentences."
"We can also..."
"... read each other's minds..."
"... and even experience each other's orgasms."
"So if we're within a few hundred feet of each other..."
"... if you fuck one of us, you're fucking us both. See?"
"Tough to be jealous in a situation like that, you know?" I finished.
"Holy cripes!" Jim said. "That explains a lot of things. I just thought Neeka was really hot and could cum with almost no provocation. But it was really you. That's really cool!"
"Wow!" Bud exclaimed. Understanding spreading across his face. "So when you two are doing it together, that's got to be really intense!"
"Very good! You're absolutely right. It's almost too intense. We get so wrapped up in each other that we lose track. It's something that scares us a little, really. We'd like to have a spotter the next time. It would help ease our minds if someone was there to shake us out of it if we forget to come up for air."
Two hands went up immediately followed by a chorus of "Me! Me!"
"Noted. The next time we'll call for a lifeguard to stand by and dive in if we start to go under," I promised. There seemed to be a general feeling of excitement at the possibility of getting to watch Neeka and I make love to each other. I wondered if we hadn't been missing a great opportunity.
"Would you like to see us do it now?" Neeka asked. "Just for a bit."
I guess watching girls doing it was one of those things that every guy got real turned on thinking about. I can tell you that girls don't get off on thinking about two guys doing it, though. Another example of the sexual double-standard. I filed that bit of information away for future use.
"OK, let me get cleaned up here," Neeka said. "I'm about to leak all over the carpet."
She rolled to one side and Jim pulled his cock out of her. She pressed a hand between her legs and dashed for the powder room down the hall. Jim laid his wet and limp cock over his thigh to dry and leaned back on his hands.
"How come you don't have to do that?" Bud asked as I unscrewed my pussy from his cock. It came out of me almost completely clean and was no danger to the gold and rose brocade on the chair.
"I have it trained," I said, stroking my abdomen. "I can go all day with a belly full. It's one of those kinky things that makes me feel good, carrying cum inside me as long as I can. That's one reason I want as much of it as I can get."
"Fan-fucking-tastic! That's seriously hot!" Bud said.
"No shit!" Jim agreed. "That'll make my pecker proud, just thinking about you keeping it warm, having it riding around with you when you... do stuff."
"Like the car wreck today?"
"Yeah," Jim said. "I think both of us want to tell you how incredibly proud we are that you're our sister. Even more so since it was by choice. When you kicked those two convicts out of here, we felt kind of embarrassed that we didn't do more to help. But now we both feel really good about you going out and helping other people, you know?"
"Yeah," Bud said.