Just relax and let me get you off

When I had tucked my shirt-tails into my skirt and was once again decent, he handed my books back to me. As I took them, I whispered, "Thanks" in a voice so low as not to be audible to anyone else in the room.

He nodded and whispered back, "My pleasure" which, from the fixed grin on his face, I'm sure it was.

I wanted to be mad at him for staring at me, but I couldn't manage it. It was my fault for having my boob hanging out in plain sight, not his. Besides, I would be more unhappy if boys didn't stare at me and try to catch peeks of those areas of skin that happened to be covered by whatever I had on at the time. It would be terribly hypocritical of me to wear the sexiest clothes I could get away with and then get mad when someone ogled me. I knew girls who did just that and it annoyed and puzzled me. I mean, if you don't want to be looked at, wear a sack. Don't prance around with your clothes three-quarters off and then slap someone who whistles at you. It makes you look stupid and petty.

That doesn't mean I didn't have or at least understand the impulse. It's a game, but a cruel one. I flaunt - you look. I tease - you approach. But once you're in range — pow! Gotcha!

The problem is, you're running the risk of playing with people who don't know it's a game. You end up creating people like my buddy the Torturer. I should never have listened to him. I should never have tried to figure him out. Now I understood too much to be oblivious to the risks of playing games with people's heads. I had seen first-hand how that can mess people up and ultimately turn them into monsters.

Since I had to sit turned in Ron's direction anyway, I decided to play a different game. I tucked my shirt-tail into the back of my skirt as tightly as I could to pull my blouse taut across my chest. I pulled my elbows in tight so I could lean into the fabric and make it as tight as a snare-drum. With two buttons almost at the point of popping through the holes, I sniffed to get his attention.

When he turned his head, I grinned at him. He smiled back and then noticed what I was showing him. His eyes bugged out and his jaw dropped as I slowly traced the outline of my puffed-up nipple with the eraser end of a pencil — just in case he had forgotten where it was.

He stared like he had x-ray vision, then he thought he'd better not be too obvious about it. He acted like he was copying the stuff off the board, but he kept watching me out of the corner of his eye to see what I would do next. Being cool seemed a good idea, so I played it the same way, writing in my notebook while continuing to stress the front of my blouse.

I worked the buttons until one of them slipped through the hole, leaving a gap through which Ron could see the deepest part of my cleavage. The view seemed to appeal to him. I saw him shift his butt in his seat, like his underwear had started to get too tight for him; then he tugged at his shorts to try to get some more room in the crotch.

I watched for anything happening in Ron's pants and was pleased to see a distinct bulge beginning to form along the inside seam. It looked like Ron might have a fairly respectable cock between his legs. I wondered how much bigger it would get. I decided that I had the rest of the period to find out.

I couldn't do anything else until Miss Albert finished explaining the problem on the board three times in a row and had turned to erase it and replace it with the next one. Once her back was turned, I went back to work on the next button and Ron went back to watching me try and undo it without using my hands.

The effort was getting me worked up and I was helped by the swelling of both nipples and all the neighboring tissue. With the additional pressure, I had the second button undone in a matter of minutes. Now there was an eight-inch gap open in my blouse that showed most of the insides of my breasts. I pushed in with my elbows to make them bulge into the opening and managed to force one so close to the gap that the nipple and its ring were peeking out. If I tried to move any further the bell might fall out and ring. That would give the game away, so I had to leave things as they were.

Ron gave me a nice smile when my breast almost popped completely free. It was a good thing that his desk was next to the wall, so there wasn't anyone behind him who would have the same view. As long as I didn't turn straight on in my desk, he could have his own private peepshow and no one behind me would know what we were up to.

I wanted to do more, but the bell would have given me away, so I had gone as far as I could in flashing my tits. Instead, I thought I would try to flash my pussy. I gradually edged my knees around from under the desk so I would be sitting as well as facing at an angle. Considering some of the poor posture many of my peers displayed in class, me sitting straight up but at an angle wouldn't be out of the ordinary.

When my knees were pointing at Ron, I slid my butt back as far as I could in the seat and pressed my spine against the support bracket for the wooden desktop. Then, a little bit at a time, I walked my ass-cheeks forward, leaving my skirt bunched up behind and making the modest-length hem ride up my thighs.

It took a few minutes for him to see what I was doing, but when he did, he jerked his head around so quick that I was sure the teacher would notice. I kept my eyes directly forward until he had himself under control and I was sure Miss Albert's attention was elsewhere, then I slid back again, pushing more of my skirt out from under me and turning a conservative skirt into a micro-mini.

At last my bare cheeks were resting on the wooden seat, and the front hem of my skirt was just above my slit. It felt deliciously bad to be sitting in class with my skirt bunched up and my ass and pussy bare. I was so excited that I was having a hard time keeping my breathing under control. I kept wanting to pant like a dog in the summer sun.

When I was sure Miss Albert had her back to us and Ron's attention was on me, I spread my knees apart as far as I dared to give him a good look at my pussy. The cool air rising across my damp labia felt wonderful. I could feel that they were plastered open and that Ron had a good view of my pink hole. It wasn't until a few second later that I remembered the recent alterations down there. Not only could he see my opening, but also my very naked and completely exposed clit as well. As soon as I thought of this, I felt it stiffening in the brisk air-conditioned air of the classroom.

It was intensely exciting to be showing a boy my big stiff clit right there in class like that. I had intended to give him a flash, but having my legs apart felt so good that I rolled my hips back and gave them a little jerk to make my clit wave at him before I closed my legs and ended the show.

The effect on Ron was very entertaining. His cock had got so big that it was almost out of the leg of his shorts. It was so hard that I had no trouble at all seeing its outline even under the denim. It was a very nice outline and I wished I could see it without his shorts in the way. I wanted to know if the veins on it were as distended as Bud's got when I teased him into an erection. I wondered if he were leaking a little, too. I leaned forward as far as I dared to try to see, but it was too dark under his desk.

Ron seemed surprised to see me trying to peek at his cock. I guess he thought looking was something only boys did. He was wrong about that. I decided then that I had go get a look at his equipment, even if it was just a quick look.

Our little game had used up most of the period and when the bell rang to signal the end of school, Ron was still rock-hard. He stayed in his seat, slowly stacking his books and neatly arranging his pencils in his backpack while everyone behind him filed past and out the door. When only he and I and Miss Albert were left in the room, I got up and walked around in front of him so he could stand without Miss Albert seeing his erection tenting the front of his pants.

"Ron, would you mind letting me copy the English class homework assignment from you? I didn't get it all written down." Which was a complete fabrication, because we didn't have the same English teacher, much less the same class. Fortunately, Ron wasn't a complete idiot. He caught on immediately.

"Sure, Sam. I have it in the notebook in my locker. Let's walk down the hall and I'll get it for you." He gave me a quick wink as he said that.

I walked very close to him as we left the classroom to cover his condition. Maybe too close. When we were almost out the door, I could swear I heard Miss Albert mutter to herself "I wish they'd get a room" or something like that.

Instead of the lockers, I led Ron down the stairs to the basement and into the unused boys' restroom. I thought he might me more comfortable there than the girl's, but he didn't look all that comfortable either way, so it may not have mattered. I took the backpack out of his hands and set it on the counter next to the sink with mine.

"OK. You've seen mine. Let me see yours," I told him. When he didn't move quick enough I said, "Come on, whip it out. Let me see that lovely cock." I wasn't too sure about calling it 'lovely' but I couldn't think of a better adjective at the time.

Ron unzipped his fly and pried his stiff rod out of his briefs and eased it past the teeth of his zipper until it was dangling out of his shorts like a fat sausage, bobbing and swaying between his legs. I was there in a flash and had it in my hand before he could get away.

"Careful!" he said. "I've been ready to shoot for a half-hour now. It won't take much to make me pop my rocks."

I thought that was good of him to let me know that, but I could tell from the way it throbbed in my hand with the beat of his racing heart that he wasn't going to last long.

"That's a beautiful cock you have there," I said, stroking it as gently as I could. It seemed to only make matters worse, though. He stiffened and pushed his hips forward, fucking his hard cock through my fingers.

I decided not to make poor Ron wait any longer. I stepped close to him and pressed my body against his side with my arm around his waist while holding his cock in my other hand. Since I could not afford to get cum-spattered today, I aimed it away from both of us while I stroked it slowly and firmly from the head down the richly-veined shaft to his hard balls.

"Let me make you cum," I said, "Just relax and let me get you off."

He was more than ready. His cock was very hard and it kept trying to point upwards. I had to push it down so it was aimed away from us.

It only took a few strokes and Ron started to tense up all over. One more and I felt his cock throb and he moaned loudly as he fired a blast of cum into the air to land on the dirty tile floor over six feet away. The next glob of cum landed a bit closer and after only three big spurts he ran dry.

I tried to coax some more out of him, and he did his best to cum some more for me, but he had shot his wad and I realized that for the first time I knew what that phrase meant.

There was a small drop oozing out the hole in the end of Ron's cock and I couldn't resist having a taste, just for purpose of comparison, strictly in the interest of science. I squatted down and licked it off. It was kind of salty-sweet and had a metallic aftertaste, which was pretty much the same flavor as all the other cum I had tasted.

Ron saw me rolling his cum across my tongue and he squeezed his cock hard for me, trying to wring some more out of it. I let him rest the head on my out-stretched tongue while he worked one more drop down the shaft. I swallowed it and kissed his cock.

"Not bad, Ron. That's a pretty tasty cock you have there. If I wasn't on my way to an doctor's appointment, I might have gotten more... personal with it." I winked at him to let him know just what he'd missed and I grabbed my bag and left him to work his cock back into his pants and find his way out of the basement on his own. That was one boy who wasn't going home with blue-balls, or the start of a lifelong resentment toward girls.

Neeka was waiting in the already mostly deserted parking lot with Mom when I came out of the building. They were chatting away while I crossed the lot. Mom was laughing at something Neeka had said when I walked up.

"Hi, Mom. What's so funny?" I asked.

"Monique was just telling me about the pact you two made to share everything and how she's been covering for you today since you had an appointment this afternoon. It seems she got a bit more than she bargained for."

"Is that what's been going on?" I asked Neeka. "You seemed to have been very 'active' today."

"'Active' is hardly the word for it," she giggled. "Those two rats have been taking advantage of the situation. You'd think they had never had sex before the way they've been going at it. I think they got the idea from watching tag-team wrestling on TV. After every darn period, one of them would drag me off and fuck me. They switched off so they only had to cum every couple of hours, but I've been screwed every hour all day long. My poor pussy is a wreck! The only break I got was when I managed to suck Jim off instead of fucking him."

"Where are those two horn-dogs now?"

"Bud and Jolene are off somewhere together. No surprise there. I saw Jim and Steve drive off in Steve's car. I have no idea what that's about."

"I do, I'm afraid. They are plotting something. Those two thieves are thicker than I knew. Tell you about it later. So, your chastity-plug came in handy?" I asked, getting back to the subject.

"I'll say! Even though I tried to dump every load as quick as I could, I still wound up with about a quart of cum in me. If not for that plug, I'd have had it running down my legs all day. I was going straight home and douche, but I wanted to check with you first to see if you wanted to get together after your trip to the doctor's. And if you wanted me to go along."

"Thanks, but you go get cleaned up and take a break. You've earned some down-time. Besides, Mom will be there to hold my hand."

"That's right, honey. I'll be there all the time. You have nothing to worry about."

"Then let's get on with it. The sooner we get there, the sooner this will be over with."

I was wrong about that. Very, very wrong. I had forgotten how long you had to wait in a doctor's office before you were seen, even if you got there on time. After we had waited for forty long minutes I was about to jump out of my skin.

"This is ridiculous! How long is this going to take?"

"Please try to calm down, honey. This isn't like going to the shrink, where you get fifty minutes and then you're out. Different people have different medical problems. Some take longer than others to diagnose or to treat. You can't expect things to run by the clock. You wouldn't want to be treated like you were on an assembly-line, would you?"

"No, I guess not. But I wish they would hurry up and call my name. I just want to get this over."

"I understand. Try to take your mind off it. Read a magazine."

I chuckled and said, "I did. It had an article that said the President might be Impeached."