Almost immediately, I got a signal. It wasn't very strong, but I thought that could have been because of distance or because whoever was giving it off was tired and their fear had mostly been used up over the time they had been out there. There seemed to be other emotions mixed in with it, but I couldn't read it well enough to tell what the person was feeling. It was like hearing a distant shout and not being able to make out the tone of voice well enough to know if it was a call for help of just someone calling to someone else.
"They're out there," I said. "It's not very strong. Maybe we need to hurry."
I tilted my head and swung it around one way and then the other.
"Seems to be coming from that way," I said, pointing to our right. I couldn't say why I thought that, I couldn't judge the direction very well with such a weak signal, it just seemed to be coming from the right.
"Lead on, Jungle Jane," Neeka said, hitching up her pack. We struck off into the woods at a slow pace with me leading the way. We were both glad that the lost campers seemed to be alive.
It might have been smarter to have gone back and told Sheriff Foster what we knew, but this ability was something I still wasn't ready to trust completely and neither was I ready to try to explain it. Regardless of my rep with the Sheriff, walking off for two minutes and then coming back and saying, "Yeah, they're alive, scared, and over yonder somewhere" would have strained it. So into the woods we went, pausing every few yards to recheck my shaky bearings. A side-benefit of this was that we got a good look at the lay of the land, and we had no worries about finding our way back.
After walking for a half-hour into the brush and detouring around a couple of marshy areas, we came to some higher ground that was a few feet above the rest of the area. The slope was relatively steep for the area, and would put us in an exposed position when we climbed it. On top of the rise was a cluster of trees that looked like they would provide good shade and privacy for a couple of horny kids if they wanted to get far enough away from the main group to discourage any of their friends from hassling them and close enough so they should have been able to find their way back in the morning. But they hadn't found their way back, and from current evidence, they hadn't left their little nest.
I was convinced from the strength of the feeling I was getting that the kids were in among the trees, only about thirty yards away. The question was, why didn't they go back to the main camp. We needed to know the answer before we went up that rise.
I stopped and squatted behind the closest bush. Neeka followed my lead. I used my ears to listen instead of my mind. There was a faint murmur of a human voice, drifting in and out in the slight breeze, but it was low-pitched and I couldn't make it out. I didn't think it belonged to one of the kids, but I couldn't be sure.
The only way we were going to find out what was going on was to get closer, so we crept out of the bushes slowly, keeping low as we snuck up the low slope. Every few feet I paused to listen, but the sounds remained faint until I got far enough up the rise to see over the top.
At first we didn't see anything. The trees were in the way, so we moved further along the bank, keeping low in the weeds and trying not to make any noise. About twenty feet along, we had a clear view into the group of trees and the voice — and the situation became clear.
Three people, not two, were on the far side of a small clearing littered with clothes and a torn-up sleeping bag. Two of them were gagged and tied with their backs to the trunks of a couple of trees. A boy and a girl who looked like they must be the lost hikers had their arms pulled behind them and tied in what looked like a painful position around the trunks of two of the biggest trees. They were completely naked and looked scared. Tears had made streaks down both their faces, but neither was crying at the moment. I noticed that the boy was sporting a lovely big erection that was rigid enough to make his cock stand up in a curve and point to the sky. It glistened like he had cum and the cum had run down the underside of his cock. It seemed odd to me at the time, but I wrote it off as a case of him just having an odd reaction to the stress of the situation. I was admiring the way it wobbled stiffly as his hips moved when someone else moved across my line of sight and drew my attention away.
The third person was naked, too. It wasn't as obvious as it was for the two pale captives because he was filthy dirty and tanned a dark brown all over his body, even the parts covered with coarse body hair. His head was a mass of tangled curls that draped shaggily over his shoulders like a lion's mane. It was so long that the only way I could be sure it was a 'he' and not a 'she' was the improbably large and obviously erect cock swinging between his legs as he danced back and forth between the two teenagers. In contrast to the boy's almost vertical erection, this one hung down at an angle and ended in a wide head the size of my fist. As soon as I saw it, I felt my pussy quiver and I squeezed my legs together to try to get it to be still and not distract me.
"Holy shit!" Neeka said, silently. "What is that? It looks like the pictures in my Mythology textbook of a half-man, half-goat creature called a Satyr. Except for the lack of hooves and horns, that is."
"I have no idea," I said. "He looks like some kind of feral nudist. He's filthy, though. I think I can smell him from here."
"What's he saying? I can't make it out."
"Me neither. I can hear him fine, now. I thought I just wasn't close enough. But it's not any language I've ever heard. I don't think that's speech at all. I think he's just making noises like he's talking."
The man might not have been speaking sense, but there was no mistaking what he had been doing, and was getting ready to do again, to the girl tied to the tree. She had long streams of shiny white goo running down the inside of both legs and her blonde pubic hair was a matted mess that shone glossily in a shaft of the yellow light of late-afternoon. Her feet and knees were pressed together and her eyes were wild as she shook her head from side to side, pleading for her animalistic attacker to spare her another raping with the fleshy club swinging obscenely from his groin.
As we watched, the man capered like a chimpanzee back to the boy tied to the other tree and roughly grabbed hold of the boy's hard cock with one hand, making him squirm and rise up on his toes to save it from being torn off. Like a magician, the feral man made a shiny hunting knife appear in one hand and held it sharp side up under the terrified boy's testicles, letting his scrotum hang over the edge of the shiny blade with his balls resting on the flat side. His speech might not have been intelligible, but the message was clear — give in or I castrate your boyfriend.
In a dumb-show that may have been repeated several times that day, the girl quit shaking her head and hung it in resignation instead. She spread her feet slowly apart and braced herself for another assault.
The feral man gave the boy's cock a hard squeeze, forcing a spurt of fluid from the tip and making him grunt so loudly that we could hear him across the clearing despite the gag in his mouth. Then he strutted back to the girl, holding his much more massive cock in one hand and the knife in the other. He bent his knees slightly to bring the head of his cock down to the girl's pussy and then shoved it inside her hard enough to lift her feet off the ground. For a couple of seconds he held her up, impaled on his massive cock. Then he started fucking her brutally, making her back slam against the tree trunk and her boobs slide up and down on her chest with each powerful stroke.
Neeka and I slipped quietly down the bank to consider how to deal with the nightmare situation.
"What the hell?" Neeka said. "That's been going on all damn day! Did you see all the cum on that girl's legs? He must have stamina to match the size of that cock. He'll keep that up until he kills her. And she doesn't look too good to me right now."
"I agree," I said. "I don't see how she's lasted this long if that's the treatment she's been getting since this morning. We don't have time to go for help, we've got to put a stop to this now."
"OK, the big question is how? He's got a knife. It looks new, so he must have taken it off them. That means it's probably sharp. He may be a wild beast, but he knows how to tie knots, threaten to get what he wants, and he obviously knows how to use that knife."
She paused a moment as she shrugged her pack off. "I could shoot him," she said.
"Can you hit him and not hit one of them? Can you be absolutely sure of that? Remember that even Grogan wouldn't let his trained snipers try to take out those thugs in the grocery store because he couldn't be sure it wouldn't turn out badly for the hostages? If it were a clear shot — maybe. But if you miss, or if you just wound him... Are you willing to take the chance?"
"No, dammit! I can't. Even if I were an expert with this thing, I couldn't be that sure. Not with them that close. We have to get him away from them."
"Exactly what I was thinking. And I think I know how. Something to distract him. Something to get him away from the girl — away from them both. Have you got a knife?"
"No, but you do. Those throwing stars have sharp edges. I almost cut myself when I packed them. You had taken them out of the fanny pack."
"Good. Then you take a couple of them and work yourself around behind the boy. I'll get him away from the girl and while I have him distracted, you cut them loose and get them down the bank and around to here. Hide them in those bushes we just came through."
Neeka knew the rest of what I planned because she was reading my mind when I thought of it. She looked at me like I was crazy. Then she looked at me like she was jealous. Then she helped me off with my pack and pulled my shoes off while I unbuttoned her father's shirt.
When I was stark naked, Neeka took two of the stars and started working around the bottom of the rise so she could sneak up and free the kids while I kept the man-beast busy. I gave her enough time to get into position, then I walked up into the clearing.
As entrances go, it was less than stupendous. The satyr — and I think he probably earned the name, if he had really been raping the girl regularly all day — was completely involved with his task and unaware of my approach. He had slowed his pace to a slow lunge, forcing his obscenely large organ into her as deeply as it would go over and over and over. He grunted like a pig with each stroke, single-mindedly masturbating himself in her body.
The girl had her eyes shut tight. At first, I thought it was so she wouldn't have to watch what was happening to her, but as I got closer, I could hear her moaning and see that her face wasn't contorted in pain, but in lust. She rocked her hips forward in the same slow tempo as his thrusts. The repeated rapings had broken down her resistance and her body was responding to the animalistic attacks with its own primal instinct. She was obviously riding from climax to climax in time with her assailant's thrusts. She wasn't rising up on her toes to avoid being skewered on his cock so much as to get more of it into her ravaged slit.
I felt a pang of jealousy that she was getting such a great fuck with such a huge cock. My own pussy was begging to get in on the action and I felt the first trickle run down my leg of what I was sure would be a flood. My areola crinkled up and my nipples started to swell. This made my rings swing out, freeing the bells to dangle freely and announce my readiness with their music. My clit began to throb and push down and out in my own miniature erection. The tableau before me made me intensely horny and I quickly went into full rut and was ready for anything.
The man and the girl were oblivious to my presence, but the boy noticed me as soon as I came into view. I knew because I saw his eyes lock onto me. I could also see that his cock was bobbing up and down obscenely as he unconsciously jerked his hips in imitation of the thrusts of the man who was raping his girl. The business end was shiny from the tautness of the skin across its purplish knob and from the sticky fluid running down the underside of his shaft and dripping from his balls. It looked to be a good-sized one, but it was puny in comparison with the fleshy weapon that the satyr was using on the girl.
I held up a hand to warn him to be quiet. I didn't want him making the perp turn his way at the wrong moment. When he nodded sharply in reply, I walked quietly over to a tree only a few feet from the one the girl was tied to and leaned up against it.
"Hey, handsome," I said, in my best sultry, satyr-enticing voice. "Got enough of that to go around." I put one hand under a breast to offer it to him and with the other I started spreading my pussy-juice around on my labia so I wouldn't be dry anywhere when he entered me. What would happen after that, depended on how long it took Neeka to free the others and how long I wanted to give them to get away.
His head snapped around so quickly that his mane of dirty curls flew around and hit him in the face. He snarled at me, angry that someone had been able to sneak up on him while he was busy. He froze with his cock deep in the girl, and she moaned loudly through the gag, climaxing again from its brutal stimulation. He pulled out of her roughly, nearly pulling her pussy inside out in the process. Then he turned and advanced on me.
As he approached, he seemed to notice that I was a) naked, b) gorgeous, and c) hot as a fourth of July sparkler. He looked me up and down and then he sniffed — no doubt to get a whiff of the pheromones that I was pouring into the air. I put my hands behind me and took a grip on the tree, since that seemed to be the position he liked - helpless.
He dashed the last few feet that separated us and pressed his belly against mine, trapping his cock between us and grinding it against me. If was so long and I'm so short that it rode up between my breasts, spreading his precum and her pussy-juice into my cleavage. He pushed up with his hips so that the head was right under my chin. I had a real close look down his pee-hole as it oozed more slimy liquid that ran down over his cock, lubing it up for its journey into my pussy. The stink of it was rank and overpoweringly male. It was strong enough to make my head swim and came close to covering up his terrible BO. While I watched the fluid coat his cock he grabbed one breast roughly in his left hand and pressed the knife in his right against my throat, threatening me with decapitation if I didn't yield to him.
Yielding was what I was there for. I splayed my legs on either side of the tree trunk and tried to climb up high enough to put my pussy even with his incredibly large and hairy balls. I pushed my hips out and jerked them sharply, waving my desperately horny pussy at him.
"Come on, dammit! Fuck me!" I moaned through grit teeth. It was a tie whether I wanted him to get on with it so we could save the teens or whether I was just desperate to feel that monster cock driving deep into me.