The Promised Auxiliary Chapter

I will start by saying welcome to my novel.

Before I can start writing the chapters and 'you' reading it, I would like to clear somethings first. There will be minor spoilers though, but I hope we can get past the spoilers because I think things that will be explained here are important.

First, as I said in the summary, English is not my first language. This is also not my first time writing a novel. Most of my novels were either scrapped or just gathering dust in my GDrive or inkstone draft. I know this will make you less motivated to read this, but I will try to finish this short novel.

Second, this novel is intended to be introductory to another novel that I plan to write in the future. I wanted Ray, or the MC of this novel, to be OP even before touching fictional or other worlds, which brings us to...

Third, the reason why I upload this novel as fanfiction. There will be video games and anime-related things such as the last boss of this novel that I took from Nasuverse or Type-moon or whatever you wanted to call the franchise with. Despite the story will be set on our Earth, specifically my home country. I won't go into any complicated things related to my home country like the politics at the time because I'm not interested and also I don't give a damn. I can't say that this novel will 'promote' Indonesia but I hope you are interested to visit.

I intended to put this as an original but I wanted to use anime-related skills and characters so that's why I put this in fanfiction.

The most important thing, however, is that the names that will be used in this novel are purely fictional. Meaning that I genuinely need to think hard just for a single name. Don't get me started on how long that I have to think before using "Ray Purnomo" as the name of the MC XD.

This novel will also reference some of my personal experiences with some twists to make it sound more... dramatic.

And uhh... I think that's pretty much it. I hope I can finish this novel in like 20 to 50 chaps or so because I wanted to write another world type of story using Ray as the MC XD.