Needless to say, Ray needed to cook more dishes to satisfy Artoria's appetite. It's not like he didn't like to cook though since Artoria kept praising his food even with her mouth full.
But because of it, the ingredients ran out and Ray needs to buy more before the matron of the boarding house knows.
The matron was a 53-year-old lady with the looks of a 30-year-old. She has black shoulder-length hair and curves in the right places. Her name is Christina Chandradiningrat.
She lived far from the boarding house, so seeing her was quite rare. Every time Christina visited, she chatted with everyone, asking if there is anything wrong, etc. She also cooks every time she visits, so she was the best matron everyone can ask for.
There was one time where one of the people living in the boarding house did something illegal, brought narcotics to the room. That time, people heard the girliest shriek from the said person and they never saw him again.
If Christina was Isekai'd, she will be the strongest female knight in that world.
Although Christina will buy more ingredients when it runs out, Ray didn't want to know what happens when she knew that all those ingredients went to only one person.
Speaking of one person, the boarding house rules permitted cohabitation or in the Indonesian term is "Kumpul Kebo". Though people need to say it first if they wanted to live together with someone.
Fortunately, tomorrow is the time where Christina will visit.
After they ate, Ray bought a dark blue Sleeping Bag for 10 System Points and slept on the floor.
Ray kept refusing Artoria's demand. Ray wanted to sleep together, but he can't convince himself that he won't attack her. Not that it will work anyway.
A red dragon was walking through the paradise called Heaven. The scene was so overwhelmingly beautiful that people will forego their humanity just for a single peak.
People called Heaven 'a place', which is not true. Heaven has its own will
The red dragon was smiling. He was seeing the first day of Ray's life.
Yes, the red dragon was God.
"Hahaha, why is he so shy all of a sudden?" God was amused by Ray's antics. At one point, he was fearlessly training against Artoria. But another he was like a shy cat.
Suddenly, he felt something from far away. Something like a glass cracked.
"So, it began. I hope he can finish faster-"
"He can." Suddenly, an ancient voice speaking from his behind.
God swiped His tail and turned around. He saw a light so divine that it surpasses His.
"Who are-"
"Oh, did you forget your creator? Here I am looking for a warm welcome."
The sun rises from the east. The sound of chickens crowing, welcoming the new day.
Ray began his morning routine even before the chickens start crowing. The crisp air helped his body waking up.
His past morning routine was 5KM run, 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups. But now, he did triple what he used to do.
It only took him 2 hours to finish his morning routine before he went back to his room and take a shower.
When Ray entered his room, he removed his clothes, revealing his body that seemed like it was carved by God.
His muscles were not as big as a body builder, but it was so compact that every move that Ray did screamed 'Strength'.
If women were to see it, they will swoon over him, trying their best to get a touch.
He also has a 'dragon' that will make women faint.
For some reason, he didn't hear the running shower. So when he entered the bathroom, he can see the full naked body of his teacher.
The water flowing from Artoria's hair and body are a masterpiece.
Artoria realized that Ray wanted to go in and she didn't mind them showering together. But when she saw his naked body, she's feeling hot for some reason.
In the past, she knew Ray is a man but she never considered it much. Now, however, she was starting to see him as one.
They were looking towards each other awkwardly. There was silence until the 'dragon' on Ray's crotch woke up.
Ray realized this and closed the door.
"I'm sorry, teacher. I didn't know that you are using the shower."
Artoria instinctively covered her private parts and said, "No, it's okay. I was the one at fault for not informing you."
"No, teacher. It's my fault. I should've heard the sound of a running shower."
'Goddamn it, calm down little me!' He was struggling in yet another internal battle.
There was silence after that. Ray just wore his previous clothing again.
Meanwhile, inside the shower. Artoria was having an internal battle, though not similar to Ray.
She's confused with the feeling that she's currently having. It's making her body hotter for some reason. Her heart also beats faster like yesterday.
She didn't mind bathing with him earlier. But now, she didn't know if sleeping together in the same room is appropriate or not.
Ray's phone vibrates from the table.
He turned on the screen of his phone and a notification came in. It was from Nadia, his 'Girlfriend'.
Nadia: Ray, when are we going on a date?
Ray: Tomorrow. I'm going to the cafe today.
Nadia: Is there any place that you want to go? Just checking
Ray: No.
Nadia: Well, okay. I'm going with a friend today.
Ray: Ok, have fun.
Nadia: Thanks.
"What bullshit," Ray whispered. He knew that Nadia will go on a date with Brian.
Nadia's usual chat if she's going to a cheating date was 'I'm going with a friend today', so Ray knew her antics already.
In all honesty, Ray forgot his revenge when he was with Artoria.
But now, he wanted to enact his revenge. He needed a bigger plan to shame them or destroy their lives.
Cheating may seem trivial, but it was the main reason why he took his own life. He wanted them to taste of their medicine.
"Now that I think about it, a day has passed after I tried to kill myself."
It seemed like it was a long time ago that he tried to kill himself, but in reality, it was only a day.
For him, there were so many things that transpired yesterday. From going back in time, meeting God, becoming Hana's host, gifted Excalibur, meeting Artoria, training, and going to the dungeon. There was so much that went in just a day.
The reason was the time dilation inside the [Training Ground].
Ray's ringtone was playing, someone was calling him.
It was from Brian.
"What does he want?" Ray walked outside and reluctantly answered his phone.
"Yes?" Ray answered with the most annoying voice that he can muster. Unfortunately, Brian didn't seem to get it.
"Yo bro, do you want to go somewhere today?"
"No. So if yo- I mean, why?" Ray almost slipped.
"Nah, just want to inform you that I'm going somewhere with my old friend today. I was checking if you wanted to go with me or not."
'Who the fuck wanted to be you, back-stabbing bitch?!' He thought in his mind.
"Anything else? I'm kind of busy here."
"Ah, sorry bro. Thanks." Brian closed the call.
"Why must my day be ruined like this." Ray didn't care about both of them anymore, but he relived his past life, which was quite painful for him.
Ray entered his room again and saw Artoria neatly dressed. She wore her usual casual attire which consists of a white blouse, blue bow-tie, blue knee-length skirt, black stockings, and brown boots. Basically, Artoira's yesterday's attire.
There was an awkward silence, before Ray said, "I'm going to take a shower."
"...Ok" Somehow, Artoria became shy because of their earlier "lucky pervert" encounter.
Ray took a bath as fast as he can and get dressed. Since his intentions were not going to work, he wore his casual attire which consists of a black T-shirt, blue jeans, and brown boots. He didn't forget to summon his Microsoft Surface and put it inside his school bag.
On a side note, the laptop was customized by Hana so that Ray can charge it by inserting his mana.
Before his dream, he didn't know how to use mana at all. But after meeting the dragon in his dream, he suddenly knows how and even how to train in controlling it.
It was 8 A.M., the opening time for the cafe. So they walked which took 10 minutes.
When they wanted to enter the cafe, he was greeted by Santoso, one of the chefs.
"I envy that handsomeness of yours."
"Good morning to you too, Santoso. Come on man, can you at least greet me properly?" Ray thought while they fist-bumped each other.
"Ah, good morning to you too." Said Santoso to Artoria.
"Damn man, you only used a proper greeting to women."
"Hahaha, I'm just joking to you man. So, you gonna teach us at cooking?" Santoso didn't sleep properly yesterday after tasting Ray's cooking. It was the tastiest dish that he ever ate. He wanted to create dishes like Ray.
"I will since I have nothing better to do after discussing things with the owner later"
"Eh? You will cook again?" Angeline was going to greet them when she heard that Ray will cook again.
"Hmm, I think I will cook us breakfast. How 'bout that?"
"Please!" said both Santoso and Angeline.
After seconds of silence, they started laughing together.
Artoria was giggling a little. The three of them laughing reminds her of the past. Though she was burdened as a King, she still feels happy whenever she saw her knights together.
Part of her still wanted to fix her kingdom, but part of her already let the past go. She already saw her Britain becoming a big and successful nation and didn't want to change that afraid that if she did change Britain, only destruction will come.
Ray stopped and looking at Artoria.
"What is it, teacher?" He asked.
Angeline and Santoso stopped laughing as well and looked at Artoria feeling slightly guilty for not including her in the conversation.
"No, I was thinking of something."
"Uh, okay. The owner should be inside already, let's go. I'm going to make breakfast." Ray said and went inside with the 3 of them.
In the middle of cooking breakfast for the whole team, the rest of the employees came. Smelling the aroma from the prepared dishes brought a smile to everyone's faces.
Ray cooked more for Artoria's massive appetite.
"Good morning- Ah, Ray! Good to see you so early and even cooked us breakfast." Greg greeted the team, including Artoria.
"Well, I want to at least help before opening the store."
"Umm, can I borrow miss Artoria for a second?"
"Is there anything that you would like to talk to me, Owner?" Artoria asked, wondering why the Owner wanted to talk to her.
"I'm just going to talk here. Miss Artoria, do you want to work for this cafe?"
Everyone, excluding Artoria of course, knew that this will come sooner or later.
Artoria can be the face of the cafe with Angelica. With those two and Ray, their cafe will surely back up from its immediate doom.
"Why me?"
"So..." Greg explained his reasoning for desiring to employ Artoria. Of course, she will get a salary, though only a minimum for now because Greg can't give more.
He was sure that when he said about the salary problem, Miss Artoria will refuse. Unknown to him, Artoria didn't even care about money. If she can help his student she will do it.
Ray already has taken care of her enough, so money is not a problem for her.
"Are you sure? I mean-"
"I'm sure, Owner. I was going to talk about helping here too, so our goal is the same. I can't simply sit here while watching my student and his friends doing their best." Artoria innocently said, not knowing that her words can imply something else.
"Good for you huh, Ray," Budi said. He was jealous of Ray having a girlfriend and also have a girl wanting to help because of him.
"The life of a good looking man, huh." Said Adrian, trying to 'spite' him.
"Haha cut it out guys, she didn't mean it that way." Ray was trying to defend himself. He was happy to hear those words from Artoria that he tried his best to not get embarrassed.
Hello guys,
I hope you enjoy this chapter. Though this was not my first writing a novel, this is the farthest I have write.
From now on, you don't need to actually read this part because I'm going to pour out my thoughts when I finished writing. A diary of some sort.
To be honest, I kind of wanted to be a writer but I'm not confident enough. Well, that's what this kinds of website are for, right? I was wondering what should I do to increase my vocabularies besides reading and also improve grammar. I suck really bad at those 2 XD.
Thank you for reading and please write a review if possible.