When they arrived at the boarding house, they saw the matron, Christina Chandradiningrat, went out of her white Honda Jazz.
Her eyes instantly went to Artoria. Her beauty was like none other. Even though she looked like 15-year-old, she can see that Artoria has a strength higher than her own.
"Ah, Who is this beauty?" Christina asked.
"Hello to you too, matron."
"It's good to finally meet you, matron. My name is Artoria Pendragon. I'm Ray's teacher." Artoria bowed her head a little in a sign of respect.
She's going to live in Christina's boarding house, so a proper respect must be taken.
"Haha, so formal. I'm Christina Chandradiningrat, the matron of this house. Is there anything that you want?"
"Ah, its like this..." Ray lead the conversation. He explained that Artoria didn't have any place to live and he decided that it was the best for her to live with him.
"Do you want to live in another room? I have a room available."
"But she didn't have any money."
"You can handle it, right, Ray?" Christina was 'smiling'. She didn't want to know that there will be a time where Ray will attack Artoria in her sleep. Though Christina knew that Ray will be beaten up by the victim herself, she didn't want to take second chances.
It was not like Ray is not trustworthy in her eyes, it was the other way around. She trusted Ray way too much.
Ray always helped her when she was in need, like that time where she was moving from her old house.
Her husband was busy in another country when that happens so he cannot help. Fortunately, when Christina thought of Ray and ask for his help.
There were other incidents that led to her trusting Ray a lot, but that's a story for another time.
"Hahaha, I'm just joking with you Ray. If you two want to live together, then I don't mind. Just don't be so loud when the night comes, okay?" Christina jokingly said.
Of course, both of them understand what she was trying to say. Surprisingly, Artoria went red-faced instantaneously.
Ray was, for the lack of better words, surprised by Artoria's antics. Never did he expects Artoria to change so fast. Although it was more than 2 days for them because of [Training Ground], it was still too fast.
Unknown to them, the strings of fate that connected both of them has a play in Artoria's change.
"We're not like that." 'at least not yet.' He added in his mind.
"Well, no matter. But let me ask you something, Ray. If I remember correctly, you have a girlfriend..." Christina's words trailed off at the end. Ray knew what she was talking about so he answers while not mentioning him went back in time.
Christina was surprised, but more angry at Brian and Nadia for cheating on him. But what she was still don't quite understand was why Ray didn't do anything?
She knew Ray is strong enough to beat the hell out of his so-called best friend. Either that or Ray was planning for something nasty. For some reason, she shuddered at the thought.
"Ray, what are you planning?" Christina was sure that Ray didn't want to make him destroy someones lives just because of they were cheating behind his back. Sure, it's unfortunate that Ray must live his life knowing the people that he put his trust in back stabbed him. But it's not like him to plan something dangerous.
"Plan what?" Ray was feigning ignorance. It's better if only few people knew what he was planning to do to them.
Ray didn't care of their livelihood at this point. He needed to suffer all those years because of them. He wanted them to pay for their actions.
"Haahh... Just be careful, okay?" Christina sighed.
Ray just smiled and excuse himself, as well as Artoria.
'He was so happy last week. He even told me that he wanted to marry Nadia in the near future. If only I can exchange places with Nadia...' Christina is in love with Ray. But she didn't want to get too close to him because of her marriage status.
Her marital life was a dull one. Both her and her husband was so happy before. Ever since he becoming a CEO, he was busy with his 'business'. Sure, he's still send her a huge amount of money every month. But she didn't want to sleep in that king-sized bed alone every night.
Her husband only came home to eat, and only eat, before went back to his company 2 to 3 hours later. And that's only a couple of times per month.
Their marital life didn't even produce a child.
Christina was on a verge to cheat from her husband with one of her college friend. But ever since she met Ray, she decided to just be with Ray, even if its only for couple of hours every week, talking to each other.
At least Ray was there for her more than her husband.
Ray and Artoria stepped into their room and sat down on the bed.
"So, teach-"
"Just call me Artoria."
"Is it okay to call you that?"
"It's okay." Artoria's heart was beating faster than usual. She was more conscious of Ray as a man.
"Are you okay, Artoria? You have been acting different lately."
"I... I don't know. I feel like I'm more conscious of you. Whenever I see your face when you put your mind in something, like all those times in the Cafe, I feel happiness. Something that I felt when I took care of that lion cub."
Ray's mouth was opened, surprised by what Artoria told him. If it's true, than Artoria started to see him as a man.
"But whenever I became happy when I see you, I think of my past. I still have regrets of the past. I know Britain is now okay even after my fall all those years. But that time, I failed so many people. They were unhappy of my reign so they decided a coup d'etat. Seeing you not only bring me happiness, but also my regrets. I have so many thoughts that if I accept Mordred that time, if only I didn't pull that sword from the stone..." Her words trailed off before she continued,
"I thought to myself that "becoming a king is to no longer be human". I uphold that ideal for so long and brought forth the old Britain to its glory while governing it from Camelot. We win every battle we came across, every threat to the country, but I still failed them. That final battle with Mordred, knowing people's discontent and forced to slew my own people I..." A slight tear came from Artoria's eyes.
Ray, seeing her that way, hurts his heart. He realized just how much she regretted her past. He then hugged Artoria, put her head on his chest as he caress her back.
He wanted to feel her pain, he wanted her pain transfers into him, but he knew it was almost impossible to do currently. All he can do for now was just to ask her to share the burden to him.
"I can't relate to your pain nor can I feel it. But, it is my dream to ease that pain even just a little bit." Ray said while caressing her back. He did cringe a little bit, but every word that came out of his mouth is sincere.
Artoria only nodded, hearing every word the man said to her. She feel relieved to hear that the man that is currently holding her wanted to ease her burden. She felt the sincerity in his words, so she didn't retort.
They stay like that for one hour. Ray thought that Artoria was grieving when the actual reality of it was Artoria was too shy to say anything.
She was not as confused with her feelings like before. She knew that she is attracted to Ray as a man. This comes with pros and cons though, at least depending on who saw it. But for Ray, it will only comes in pros.
Artoria wanted to let Ray share her burden, though not as much. Her burden as a King, a fallen King, is heavy enough to make ordinary people run away.
Artoria, unlike her version in Fate Universe, now called Nasuverse, didn't think of her past as much anymore. Although she still wanted to change her kingdom's fate, she didn't put an emphasis on that, courtesy of Hana and Ray.
Hearing nothing from Artoria, Ray asked, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I am. Thank you, Ray. I'm very grateful to you." She said with a little bit of affection.
She promised herself that she will make Ray strong, even stronger than her. So she can safely share her burden while holding some of his as well.
All of a sudden, Ray shuddered.
'Hmmm? I feel something bad coming my way. Well, its not from Artoria so it's okay I guess.'
They released the hug and stared at each other for quite some time until the door suddenly opened. It was Christina, trying to peek on what was going on inside the room. Unfortunately, she's instantly got caught by both of them.
"What are you doing, matron?" Ray asked while he exhale from his mouth.
"I... I just want to make sure that there are no bad things happening..." Matron replied as she opened the door. She was trying to be convincing by smiling as big as possible.
"We're not like that, matron." 'At least not yet' he added in his mind.
Artoria pouted, but went unnoticed by Ray and Christina.
"Well, since things end well, do you want to eat something?" Christina was trying to divert the conversation, which work tremendously to Artoria. The moment she heard the word was when her stomach started to sound it's complaint.
Ray and Christina looked at the source of the sound, while Artoria was hiding her face in embarrassment.
The three of them then walked to the kitchen. Ray and Artoria wanted to help, but Artoria was kicked out from the kitchen because she was creating a huge mess out of it.
Ray didn't forget to cook more to accommodate Artoria's appetite. At first, Christina was shocked by how much Ray cook. She thought that it was for his consumption, until the time they eat.
Let's just say that 'shocked' cannot begin to understand what Christina's feeling when she saw Artoria eating those dishes.
Hello readers,
I basically don't have any motivation to write, but that doesn't mean I'm going to quit though. I wanted this novel to be the first that I can finish.
And also, part of it was because I already have a rough idea on the sequel for this novel.
I don't know how long I'm going to finish this, but trust me, I will.