Getting Stronger



I will get stronger, and then I will kick the shit out of him. When we next meet, he will be the one trembling in fear. With the new power that was given to me by Parthenia, I will get stronger to then be able to get a life to enjoy and protect the people that I love.


Leo then walked up the stairs to the guild master where he received his current payment for his quest. He walked out of the guild letting out his full aura, knocking out everyone there including the guild master.


A claw twitches in the Demon Mountain...



After around 3 more days, I finally recovered to my usual state to 9500 HP. I was finally able to fly again at my top speeds.

It wasn't that hard getting food considering that all I needed to do was go out of the cave and slash a horned rabbit or two. Having [Fire Breath](C) is really helpful to cook meat because even though I have [Poison Resistance](SS), Parthenia made me eat raw meat so that I would look like a 'normal' dragon. She even said that she sometimes ate humans which kind of ruined my appetite as I almost threw up when that subject came up.

Since I am fully recovered, I will only need to level up one more time to be able to evolve into a better, stronger, darkness dragon. However, even when I evolve, I still will be no match for Leo. I'll need to grind levels like a madman if I am to be considered his equal in battle. I will also need to find a way to reduce my [Weakness to Light](A) because it will be a huge problem if I fight him with this weakness.

I make my way out of the cave and start to kill everything in sight. Hey, I know that it might look bad from the outside, but look at it from my perspective. These guys are fodder and are not human, so it is a win-win scenario.

I kill 13 more ogres and then level up.

Level UP

You have successfully defeated 13 ogres and have now met the requirements to evolve into your next form of dragon.

Requirements: {Level 25, Fear of Death conquered, and Heartless title}

Evolution Options:

Adolescent Darkness Dragon (S+)

Evil Dragon (S+)


It says that I can evolve into an Evil Dragon, but it might be a final evolution because it does not have the age word behind the evolution of the dragon.

"Select" Adolescent Darkness Dragon (S+)

My horns grow to about a meter long and my wingspan has increased by about 3 meters. Holy shit, my body is growing taller and taller. Previously, I was around 1.5 meters tall, but now I am easily around 6 meters tall. Evolving does have a huge impact on the body.

My whole body started to shed and instead of being a lightish purple, it changed into a very dark purple almost black. I am starting to look more like Alduin. It hurt worse than the first evolution, but I have just been pierced through the stomach, so this pain was nothing compared to that.

You have successfully evolved into the {Adolescent Darkness Dragon}

Your Skills have been updated: [Darkness Breath](A - S) [Dragon's Might](S - SS) [Soul Tear](A - S) [Weakness to Light](A - B) [Conceal Status](A - S) [Appraisal](S - SS) [Fire Breath](C - A) and [Flight Speed](C - B).

You have gained the skills: [Communication](C) [Dragon Language](S) [Darkness Heal](SS) and [Skill Nullification](D)

Wow... my head hurts from all of that stuff. Sweet, I got [Communication] and all of my skills got a huge boost. I can't believe it, I got [Skill Nullification] which can solve my [Dark Aura] problem.

If one of my lower evolutions is this powerful, then I wonder just how powerful my mother must have been to scare the entire world of her mere existence.

Let me check my status real quick to see all of my new abilities.



[Alderam] (Sora):

[Race: Adolescent Darkness Dragon]

[Age: 5]

[Level 24 - 25]


HP: 9500 - 15200

Attack: 1340 - 2630

Speed: 820 - 1250 (Flight 4200 - 6000)

Defense: 1250 - 2250

Magic: 3600 - 8400

Intelligence: 200 - 500

Luck: 300 - 700


[Fly](SS) [Fire Breath]( C - A) [Soul Tear](A - S) [Intimidation](C) [Dragon Magic](SS) [Darkness Breath](A - S) [Appraisal](S - SS) [Conceal Status](A - S) [Dragons Might](S - SS) [Flight Speed](C - B) [Hover](F) [Air Slice](C) [Communication](C) [Skill Nullification](D)

Special Skills: [Accelerated Growth](S) [Darkness Eater](SS) [End of Creation](SSS) [Darkness Illusion](S) [Darkness Heal](SS)

Passive Skills: [Calmness](D) [Weakness to Light](A - B) [Magic Resistance](SS) [Poison Resistance](SS) [Fire Resistance](SS) [Cold Resistance](SS) [Pain Nullification](A) [Dark Affinity](SS) [Dark Aura](E) [Dragon Language](S)

Titles: Baby of Darkness, World Eater, Small Dragon, Heartless, Lust for money, Alderam, Adolescent Dragon


I decided to test out my communication skills considering I can speak fluent Japanese from my past life. I just hope it doesn't sound as horrifying as Parthenia's voice.

(In Mind Practice) - "Hello, my name is Alderam. I do not want to harm you humans"

(What it actually said) - You have the privilege of standing before me, for my name is Alderam. I shall not hurt you pathetic mortals as you are too far beneath me to even pose a threat to me.

What the hell is this! I just wanted to say a nice thing to tell people that I am friendly, but it came out extremely like an arrogant asshole. This is probably due to my communication skill being at (C) rank.

I guess I can talk, but I need to repeatedly use it so I can level it up so that I can say what I want to say to the people I talk to.

"Appraisal [Communication](C)!"

Communication Rank C

This skill is based on the race of the individual using it. If the race is human, the speech will come out as human, but if it is used by a dragon, then the speech will come out as if a dragon was speaking. The way of speaking can be changed as this skill evolves into its higher stages.

I still don't believe that I should approach the village I saw earlier because of the major problem that this communication skill could cause. If my communication skill makes sound like an arrogant asshole, then people will be even more scared of me.

Oh yeah, I remember getting a skill called [Darkness Heal](SS). The skill is probably already at (SS) because of my passive skill [Dark Affinity](SS) which has been awesome for new skills that I learn.

"Appraisal [Darkness Heal](SS)!"

Darkness Heal Rank SS

This ability can heal almost any wound that is inflicted on dark beings. If used on beings that do not have the dark attribute, it will have the opposite effect and drain them of their life in an extremely painful process of absorption. The life force is poured out from every cell in the target body. (More magic is consumed with greater uses of this skill).

Oh my god, this skill is extremely awesome and scary at the same time. I will finally be able to heal from wounds instead of waiting for days to recover to full health, but it can also be used as a weapon against people. The description is a little bit... too descriptive, but it is good nonetheless.

I use my skill [Skill Nullification](D) on myself to nullify my passive skill [Dark Aura](E) so that it will not be a huge issue in the future, but I may activate it later when things get really annoying. Turning this off will also help me in gaining experience, as more creatures will come after me.

I plan on exploring this world with flight so I can see the world from a dragon's perspective, but I need to be careful not to create too much panic when people see me in the sky.

Wait a minute...

I then realize that I am not too far away from the cave where Parthenia was fighting. I decide to start flying there because Leo is more than likely gone and trying to get healed after their fight because there is no way that he didn't get injured from their fight.

I fly over the cave and try to enter through the crack that I had destroyed, but I am now too large to do so. I fly around the mountain range so that I see the main entrance to the cave.

I fly in and land. I see blood everywhere with an arm in the middle of the cave. That was Leo's arm, but I don't see his body anywhere. I travel further down the cave where the treasure was being kept and I saw her.

Parthenia was spread out on the ground with an eye missing, a ripped up left-wing, and one of her horns cut in half.

(Alderam) - "Parthenia?"

I walk closer to see her and I start to cry.

(Alderam) - "Why the hell did you have to do what you did? I didn't deserve your protection and I sure in hell didn't impress you. I am nothing like you guys, for I... I... am not truly a dragon."






I hear something faint near Parthenia. I go closer and see her left eye open halfway.

(Parthenia) - I already knew, mine young prince...

