What the Hell?


To Ellie, Ellie P.O.V.

I slowly open my eyes to see a bright light and quickly shut them slowly to adjust to the lighting. I find myself in a carriage and my hands are still bound. I look over to my right to see a man in a strange blue outfit.

(Ralof) - "You're finally awake."



Alderam POV

So, the dungeon master has made himself known huh? I am personally going to shove that note right down his throat when I reach the 50th floor. All of that hype just for a single note with no value. Reaching the 40th floor was very easy because I wanted to get this over with so I could meet this little gremlin.

As I reached the 40th floor I looked at the door and it had the shape of a creature halfway in the ground. I pushed open the door and the room consisted of a dark cave system, so I knew I was going to have some trouble. Inside the cave was completely dark. It was not like it was night time, but it was completely black to where you couldn't see two feet in front of you. 

Nightmare really came in handy when it came to this by guiding me in the right direction. Being a type of cat helped me get through the cave. He decided to have a little fun with me by running me into some of the walls like the little shit he is.

I figured out that I could just spam "Appraisal" to constantly check things out so I could work around his misdirections. It's not like I ran out of magic because the cost of it is basically nothing when you look at my magic reserves.

I ran into an interesting being that consisted of a giant mole type creature that seemed like it didn't have eyes. His race must have had to adapt to the environment to survive so I knew this guy was going to be tricky. It was too small to be the boss of this room so I wonder if it's this things dad.

I had to make myself into my human form due to the smaller cave and I learned the hard way that the [Size Manipulation] drains magic as long as you are using it. I either had to use my big form or risk wasting magic. My human transformation does little to nothing in terms of magic because of its high skill level (SS).



[Race: Demon Mole]

[Age: 800]

[Level 65]


HP: 15000

Attack: 12000

Speed: 17500

Defense: 2000

Magic: 4000

Intelligence: 1300

Skills: [Intimidation](D) [Dig](SS) [Three Claw Slash](SS) [Screech](A) [Speed Boost](SS)

Special Skills: [Earth Style: Whack a Mole Justu](SS) [Sand Throw](A) [Blind](A)

Passive Skills: [Earth Resistance](S) [Extreme Instinct](SS) [Earth Sense](SS)

Titles: [Annoying as Hell, Floor 40 Boss, Brat, Demon Mole]


Uhh, this had me worried because I was nearly face to face with the boss. I was confused looking at his status seeing that he doesn't look all that strong, but when I saw his skills...

I licked my lips at his skills because something reminds me of [Extreme Instinct] and it is at (SS). I'm going to abuse the hell out of [Soul Tear].

I soon learned why he was given the floor 40 boss title...

He also has the skills [Sand Throw](A) which made me internally laugh because this thing thought it could beat me with sand. He doesn't have eyes though... shit.

I made the first move by throwing my first [Darkness Slash], but he just moved his head to the side. If I know anything about Ult-


Fine, if I know anything about SOME FORM OF ABILITY WITH DODGING CAPABILITIES, that it is almost impossible to hit someone while they are in the form unless you clash with the other person's attack.

He immediately went underground and popped up behind me to which Nightmare countered with a slash of his own, but obviously missed. It made him retreat back into the ground.

(Nightmare) - "Don't underestimate any of the floor bosses you moron. Not even the big ass spider bitch could hit him. He wears his opponent out before killing them, so you better have a way to hit him."

(Alderam) - "Since when did you know about this guy and when did you start caring!?"

(Nightmare) - "He became a floor boss a long time ago when I knew him and I have a grudge against this little bastard. He stole my fish and mocked me by hitting the top of my head with the wack a mole ability."

I jumped into the air to try to fly away from the ground but forgot that I didn't have wings right now and also forgot about the small cave. I basically slammed my head on the ceiling for no reason. 

I landed on the ground to which he clawed me on the back to then go underground. I can't believe that his attack pierced my skin. Even though I don't have an as good defense when I am in this form, a claw attack shouldn't pierce it. This is going to be a tough fight...

His attacks are so annoying which is probably why he got a title like that. I stood up and calmed down to not lose it so I would think rationally about this battle. I probably would have lost it if I didn't have the calmness ability.

He was switching between me and Nightmare, which is going very poorly for us. He is beating the hell out of us. Trust me, I have been trying to clash fists for a while and even try to fake some of my shots to catch him off guard, but it is literally 'THE DODGING ABILITY THAT IS USED BY GODS.'

I am starting to feel weak from the beatdown because this has been going on for over 20 minutes, so I thought of a brilliant idea. I start to act like I am almost done and out by falling onto one knee.

Moru decided to get cocky and use his speed to hit me many times before I realized it and take me out, but I knew what he was going to do because his types are predictable when I learned how he treated Nightmare.

He then starts to focus on me to finish me off by speeding up which was reckless because I could obviously feel where he was underground going fucking 40+ miles per hour.

As soon as he popped up from the ground, his claws were inches away from my face, but I caught his claws anticipating his move and I had him where I wanted.

(Alderam) - "You might be able to dodge well, but now I've got you where I want you." I understood that if I slashed with my other hand, he probably would have dodged it. However, he miscalculated because I gave him a bear hug.

I couldn't get a firm grip on him so slashing him point-blank was pointless. At that moment, a great idea popped into my head... literally.

(Alderam) - "DARKNESS HEADBUTT, DARKNESS HEADBUTT, DARKNESS HEADBUTT." I kept slamming my head into his body while screaming the skill. He starts to screech as to make me let go but I just keep slamming my head into him.

(Nightmare) - "Um, that's not a skill, but way to use your head!"

After around 5 minutes of banging my head on him, he goes limp and I do it a few more times in case he is faking it.

(Nightmare) - "He is dead, did you hit your head too hard?"

(Alderam) - "I phas makng rur he pahs deud" (I was making sure he was dead)

As soon as I realize that he is dead, I quickly activate [Soul Tear] before I pass out and hear the message.

You have gained the skill [Sand Throw] from Soul Tear!

(Alderam) - "Aww, phuck."

I pass out...

Ellie P.O.V.

(Ellie) - "What the fuck do you mean I was crossing a border!"

(Ralof) - "Face your death with some courage lass."

*Blah blah intro and name*

(General Lady) - "Ellie? Next!"

Ahhh, my head is about to get cut off and as the executioner's axe comes down, I see the one and only "World Eater" right in front of me!

(Alduin) - "I have summoned thou to save thy from the fate of death. However, thy must protect my boy to repay my kindness. I hate humans, but you are one brave young woman. This is the last time I will help thou, so don't go and die on me."

I wake up in a strange cold room and see a old man sitting down writing letters giggling hysterically.

(???) - Looks like you are fina-- YOU AREN'T A DRAGON!

He gets in a defensive stance.

(Ellie) - Sorry, my name is Ellie and the world eater teleported me here and I don't know where I am!

(???) - Oh, apologies, you must be the Ellie. She told me somebody would visit 20 years ago by the name of Ellie. She has some time mumbo jumbo ability.

(Ellie) - "Who are you?"

(???) - "Well, I was just an adventuer like you and then I took an arrow to the knee."

