My Hero


The two idiots are sleeping on me with a red face indicating that they have been crying. I smile and flick them both on the head which startles them and makes Jean fall over. They both look at me and give me a hug that could probably kill a bear.

I look outside and drop my head downwards.

(Ellie) - "All good things must sadly come to an end."



*Alderam P.O.V.*

So I had an interesting experience, to say the least. We agreed to 'have the ceremony' in human forms but... I have no experience with women! I wasn't a playboy by any means in my previous life and now I am a dragon that could easily destroy kingdoms without any issue! It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be considering that Hikari is bad-shit crazy most of the time.

I don't know how reptiles are supposed to reproduce but with how awkward it was I doubt that it was normal. I'm going to stop talking about this so I don't go into detail about what exactly happened. This isn't an R18 novel after all. Gotta keep it family-friendly if you know what I'm saying.

Who knew that a (DONT ASK) year old dragon was a virgin. She must've been lonely enough on her floor to go after anything which was me. A weeb in the body of a 'feared' dragon. I look to my left to see a sleeping Hikari with a huge smile on her face. I better not wake her up considering what I have seen in the years we have spent together.

I turn into my dragon form so I can fly up from the treasury. Walking seems so un-natural and it feels nice to spread my wings every morning.

When I reach the top into the main cave, I am greeted with one of the worst sights. A bunch of dead mammal carcasses lay on the ground in front of me. My eye twitches as I realized who's cave this was.

(Parthenia) - "Adequate morning young Alderam, I had made thou breakfast!"

Who doesn't love to wake up from a nice rest to see dead animal carcasses for breakfast? At least she tried, so I just used my fire breath to cook the food that was still edible as there were flies circling around some of the... ogres?

What made her think that ogres are a good breakfast? I've tried all different kinds of food before to see if dragon taste buds are different, and by no means are ogres a delicacy. I guess she went around and killed everything that was moving to try to give us a 'wedding gift'. I try to put on a smile but it's hard considering what lies in front of me.

(Alderam) - "Heh, thanks Parthenia, I appreciate the... food."

I start to dig into some of the more 'edible' pieces and they aren't as bad as I thought they would be. I don't want to brag, but I could burn something to perfection. I hear some rumbling behind me and turn around to see a lunging Hikari tackle me. She nuzzles under my chin as we finish tumbling around the cave.

(Alderam) - "How many times have I told you to not tackle me!"

(Hikari) - "Aww, I couldn't resist! It's now official, we are now mates!"

She gets off of me and turns around to the scene of dead things littered around the cave. Oh boy, what is she going to say about this? I tried to be nice but Parthenia and Hikari don't have the best chemistry due to their pasts.

(Hikari) - "Hmph, It's not like I want to thank you or anything."

Since when is Hikari a tsundere and why is she not... oh ya, dragon things. I go back to eating and I see Hikari take an entire cow in her mouth while Parthenia isn't looking to then swallow it whole before she looks back.

*Sigh*, typical family problems.

*Meanwhile in the Drurin Empire*

(King Arthur) - "By the gods, the entire kingdom was destroyed by the fabled Darkness Dragon and his cult?"

(Barton) - "Yes, your majesty. Our reports say that the cult of the darkness dragon raised undead with the support of the beast."

(Arthur) - "It seems like we can have no more conflicts with the other nations until this menace is dealt with. Who's to say that the dragon won't make its next target our empire?"

The king's court magician can be seen walking up to the throne and then kneeling in front of him.

(Farengar) - "I have a suggestion my king. Do you remember when the 8 legendary heroes took down one the World Eater's head guards and with the help of the Dragonborn, took down the World Eater herself?"

(Arthur) - "Who doesn't, the story of the heroes and the Dragonborn are told throughout the world."

(Farengar) - "It turns out that 3 of the 8 legendary heroes were actually summoned from a different land. It seems that people that were summoned had enough power to rival the most powerful of creatures, so it is my judgment to suggest that we should summon heroes of our own to deal with this problem."

(Arthur) - "Do we have any sort of method to perform this summoning you speak of?"

(Farengar) - "Why yes my liege, however, the summoning has risks as it costs an enormous amount of magical power and could kill the casters if not prepared for the spell. We would need to get as many mages as we can or we could suffer many losses. I alone could probably bring two heroes from a different land."

(Arthur) - "Hmm, an interesting proposal Farengar. I have decided, we will accept Farengar's proposal of summoning heroes! We shall train these heroes to protect our brothers and our kingdom! Farengar, can I count on you gathering the required mages to perform this summoning?"

(Farengar) - "Why yes my king."

*On Earth in a Random High School*

Students can be seen sleeping and laying on their desks bored as they were learning poetry for some reason.

(A/N - What the hell would you use poetry for unless you wanted to teach poetry?)

These students weren't prepared for what came next as some fantasy-like magic circle appeared in the middle of the room waking people up and freaking out the teacher.

(Teacher) - "Everyone, what kind of joke is this! Do you think poetry is a joke? Whoever is making this light needs to stop before I call down the princ--"

The moment he blinked, all of the students were gone.

*Back to the Drurin Empire*

A giant magic circle with 30 of the most capable wizards in the kingdom was standing doing incantations. They can be seen performing some type of large scale spell in a large hall with a throne at the back wall.

Arthur stared in awe as he had never seen such a spell before. It was bigger than any sort of spell he had seen before. He had obviously seen magic before but you could tell that this spell was going to be amazing.

The magic circle was complete with half of the wizards collapsing from magic exhaustion. A bright light filled the room before a bunch of 16-17-year-old children were sitting in the middle of the throne room looking around all confused and scared.

(King Arthur) - "Hello, brave heroes, we have summoned you here to defeat the menace known as the d--"

Some random kid yells in the middle of the group of kids.

(Mystery Kid) - "Holy shit, I got isekai'd, WOOOO! No more school and I get some badass cheats! Where is the demon king, what are my stats, what are my new abilities!? Holy crap, I have 800 hp and 10 intelligence! I bet that is super strong in this world!"

If you looked closely, you could see the king's eye twitching in annoyance but kept a calm composure.

(Arthur) - "*Sigh*, yes, please quiet yourself, your questions will be answered soon enough. Everyone, please follow my court magician Farengar and he will lead you to your rooms and fill you in on what is going on with you. I now understand that you must be wondering why you are here. *whisper* I wonder what the hell I just got myself into."

*Back with Alderam*

Since I have taken out Leo and Tennin, is the author going to make another big bad guy that is stronger than them? I guess I have to be ready for anything but considering that I have a yandere dragon clinging on to me, I'll assume I'm fine for the time being.

(Parthenia) - "So, have thy decided on a mountain to live on? I will not let mine young Alderam (and that bitch Hikari) live in my cave as thou must find thy own place."

Oh, yea, mountains, bitches love mountains. Is that how it went? Nevermind, it was something like that. Hikari's home down in the dungeon was nice so maybe I'll go there, but there isn't any action down there and it will be hard to write the novel down there with every threat having to come down there.

(Alderam) - "Hikari and I haven't found a place to stay just yet, but can we stay here until we do?"

(Parthenia) - "Yes Alderam, YOU can stay here."

(Hikari) - "Don't worry Alderam, we don't need this insects help and we can just leave."

Big surprise that I get caught up in yet another tug of war. *Sigh*, why does every chapter end with me getting dragged somewhere.

