You're still weak


(Azass) - "So, you've chosen death."

With that, Azass raised his giant arm and brought it down onto Hikari.

All Hikari could do was close her eyes and smile.

(*Hikari*) - "Sorry... Alderam."



*Alderam P.O.V.*

As I get the message that allows me to evolve, I smile and immediately choose the option to evolve.

(Alderam) - "Tiamat, stop biting the dragon; he's dead. Anyways, hey Tiamat, Taiyo, and Yami want to see your cool dad evolve!?"

They all look at me with sparkles in their eyes, but someone is thinking of something else.


Ignoring the pain, I realize something...

Oh shit, I haven't evolved in years, and I forgot the most important part.

I feel drowsy, and my eyes start to close on me.

Hell, Tiamat just shed right in front of me without even looking to be in any pain. The first time I evolved, I was in so much pain that it felt like every cell in my body was on fire.

Overpowered little brat.

I then say with a slow voice that has a slur to it...

(Alderam) - "D-don't w-worry *whisper* a-abou..."

I collapse and fall asleep.

Noodle is the first one to freak out with Tiamat letting go.

(Noodle) - "What did you do to dad!? [Tackle]!"

Noodle charges to only hit the brick wall that is Tiamat.

She then is alarmed and shocked when she hears a huge growl, thinking that is another enemy come to take her brother away. She looks at the dignified man that she calls her father to see him with his mouth wide open with large puddles of drool around him.


(Noodle) - "O-oh, sorry, Tiamat. How dare these dragons make my father have such an unsightly form!"

(A/N - Even with a monstrous intelligence stat, Noodle believes that her father is smarter than her and is just as prideful/elegant as Hikari.)

However, she notices a small change in Alderam. His scales are visibly starting to turn more black from their original dark purple look, and he seems to be growing larger.

Noodle looks back at Tiamat to see him with watered up eyes.

(Tiamat) - "Did. I. Kill. Daddy?"

(Yami) - "I. Fight. Big. Brother. For. Kill. Dad!"

Yami glares at Tiamat with murderous eyes and starts to release his magic, causing pressure around him.

(Noodle) - "STOP! He couldn't be killed by someone like you, Tiamat. He is evolving while asleep."

As all of this goes on, a wild Taiyo is seen on her back with spread-out legs snoring next to Alderam.

(Noodle) - "Looks like she got that from dad..."

*Meanwhile Charlie P.O.V.*

(Guildmaster) - "Another successful job Dragon Slayer Charlie!"

(Charlie) - "Yeah, it wasn't too bad. Any A-ranked team could've completed it easily."

Man, I really need to get a better title. It is very ironic considering that I am technically part dragon. A leviathan isn't even a dragon. How could they mix the two?

(Guildmaster) - "You sell yourself short. Anyways, thinking about any more jobs?"

(Charlie) - "Nah, right now, I was..."

I then start to sense a powerful demon.

Seeing Charlie stop mid-sentence, the Guildmaster asks.

(Guildmaster) - "Anything wrong?"

(Charlie) - "Yeah, my plot senses are tingling. I'll be back later. Something has come up."

Leaving the guild after a successful job, I head outside only to get people cheering my name.

*Sigh*, if it were me a few years ago, I would be flexing all the time and signing autographs. Now it isn't very pleasant to get recognized everywhere I go.

Giving a look of seriousness, I look towards the castle of that bastard.

That energy is seriously bad news. Even if the king is a douchebag, it will suck if he managed to die. Man, can't I just have a day off? I can't use my wings because I'm still selling the whole 'dragon slayer' schtick, so I guess walking in my only bet. I forgot how boring it was to walk long distances.

I eventually decide to jump rooftop to rooftop Naruto style, so I don't have to bother with the crowds of people, and I can move a lot faster.

After a few minutes of hopping towards the castle, I come to see Daisuke standing in the courtyard with eyes with no pupils.

Eh, that's creepy. Why is Daisuke always the one getting screwed over in this world? Man, he's had it worse than me.

'Looking' directly at me, he gives a deranged smile before shadows burst out from where he was standing. These beings start to give shape as they turn into low leveled demons.

Shit, I need to stop them before they reach the city, but I don't know if I can get them all.

(Charlie) - "Daisuke, what the fuck are you doing!?"

Daisuke, still with his smile, drools as his neck does a 360.

Yep, he's totally possessed again...

Almost throwing up at the sight, I shoot a fireball straight at him, to which a group of demons jumps to protect him.

(Charlie) - "This is going to be more annoying than I thought."

Bursting forward with crazy speeds, I appear behind Daisuke, to which his neck does a 180, and kicks me in the chest to only hit what seems to be a wall.

(Charlie) - "There was nothing behind that kick! Sorry Daisuke, but I need to stop you before you cause havoc in the kingdom. [Weeb Attack No49 - Human Path Soul Extraction!]"

Grabbing his soul, I start to pull it out, rendering him useless while his demon summons stops as well.

Just as I thought, he is supposed to be the 'hive mind' of the demons or something like that. Sensing danger coming from my left, I immediately let go and jump back a few meters.


The smoke clears to reveal a demon that is basically Satan.

(Baal) - "Sorry, child, I can't have you destroying my precious demon."

(Charlie) - "Bro that is nasty. Chris Hansen would have you arrested on the spot if he heard what you just said."

Suddenly getting a brilliant idea, Charlie uses his weeb attack.

(Charlie) - "Ah! [Weeb Attack No69 - Take A Seat!]"

A table with a chair suddenly appears. A man is seen sitting in one of them with a stack of papers in his hand.

(Anime Chris) - "Can you take a seat over there, Baal? I'm Chris Hansen with Dateline NB--."


Baal instantly kills Chris destroying the setup as well.

(Baal) - "Enough playing around. You will die here today, child."

Well, shit, I guess it won't be that easy...

*Back to Dragon Kids*

Some dragon children can be seen snuggling onto Alderam as he rests whilst evolving.

Surprisingly, one of them wasn't giving him an *ahem* 'love nibble' feeling bad that he thought his dad was dead.

All of the children then feel a huge pressure weigh down onto them when out of nowhere, a massive silver dragon is seen flying above.

(Azass) - "Where is he?"

Landing, he slowly makes his way towards the group, increasing his magic onto them paralyzing Taiyo, Yami, and Noodle.

Looking all around, Azass can see the corpses of his most trusted guards. Decapitated and speared through. Clearly getting agitated, he snarls towards the group.

(Azass) - "Young divine dragon, come out now, or I will end the man you call father as well."

Hearing this, Tiamat was confused until the realization hit him...

Getting extremely angry, Tiamat looks at his father before looking right back into Azass's eyes.

(Tiamat) - "Bastard!"

An eye slowly opens to reveal Alderam, who is pitch black and 50 meters taller than he was before.

(Alderam) - "Where did you learn language like that, brat!?"

Looking directly at Azass, Alderam growls and starts to charge up a darkness breath that enlarges his chest.

(Alderam) - "[Darkness God Breath!]"

Azass slowly widens his eyes as he charges one of his own.

(Azass) - "[Light Breath]"

Alderam's attack slowly gets pushed back as he puts more magic into it, creating a massive explosion. Panting heavily, Alderam gives a concerning glare.

(Azass) - "Ha, this is unexpected! The weakling that met me just a few days ago got a little bit stronger, however..."


Alderam gets sent flying towards a mountain, to which he immediately gets out and tries to fly back, but the next thing he sees is Azass right next to him.

(*Alderam*) - "He's fast!"

Azass brings his claw up and slams Alderam's neck shoving him onto the ground.

(Azass) - " are still weak."

Charging up a breath, Azass aims right at Alderam's head point-blank. In the corner of his eyes, he sees a massive Chinese-like dragon larger than himself before he fires.

(Super Noodle) - "You dare... UGH!"

Noodle just gets bitch slapped away when a wild Tiamat is seen speeding towards Azass with his mouth wide open.

(Tiamat) - "[Divine Bite!]"


Azass grabs Tiamat off of him, and Alderam takes the perfect opportunity to whip Azass with his tail. He gets sent back a few meters before taking flight with Tiamat.

(Azass) - "Well, I got what I wanted, so there is no more need for us to fight. Don't misunderstand. If Hikari weren't such a troublesome foe, you would undoubtedly be dead right now. If you wish to perish just like her, then you are welcome to come to find me, but for now, this is goodbye. Farewell, black lizard."

He speeds away, taking Tiamat with him.

Smashing his surroundings and splitting the earth, Alderam roars of pure rage.

(Alderam) - "DAMNIT!"

With that, Alderam collapses on the ground.

