Your name is Jiang Ying Yue (1)

"General, we found out that the child's name is Gu Mingxia. She is the 3rd young miss of the Gu's household. Her father is Gu Bolin, the left prime minister of this country. Based on our investigation, apparently, she is the adopted daughter of him. He told people that she is his concubine's daughter and that concubine passed away shortly after giving birth to her. While he did have a concubine that died giving birth to a daughter, it was said that the baby died 3 days later and he found Gu Mingxia a day after that thus, adopted her as his real daughter instead. We also found out that it was he that whipped her yesterday. Everyone in his family was present at that time. He then spread a news that Gu Mingxia died from an illness." Du Yi gave his report the next day as per Jiang Rong's instruction.

Jiang Rong the looked up at his deputy with a barely noticeable surprised face. "If he decided to adopt her, why did he beat her and leave her to die there?"

"General, it was found that Gu Bolin adopted Gu Mingxia to marry her off to one of the nobles to strengthen his position in court but unfortunately she has always been sickly since she was a kid and she has a birth mark on her face that continues growing. At first, it was just a small dot then it got bigger and bigger. And yesterday, when they tested her for her inner aptitude, it was found that she could not cultivate and therefore, ruining his dream to use her as a chess piece. What should we do now General?"

Jiang Rong was furious upon hearing that. He then made a decision without much thought "Du Yi, you have been with me since we were young. You know me the best. I have always wanted a daughter. We are going to bring her back to our country and take care of her. Tell our spies here to not disclose anything to anyone. This investigation is only between you, me and my son. Tell our subordinates who were present yesterday to keep the matter of we finding this child disclosed ."

Du Yi was shocked but it was expected. "I understand General. I will deliver your instruction. Luckily there's only 10 of us close subordinates for this envoy. May I ask if you need me to help you on handling the adoption papers?"

"No need. I have my own arrangement for it. You may retreat." Jiang Rong said while giving a mysterious smirk. "Ah, and I need full information regarding the left prime minister and his family."

" I have already prepared it beforehand General. Here it is. If I may add,as your close friend, I do agree with your decision. That child is too pitiful" Du Yi smiled and handed a scroll to Jiang Rong. He then cupped his hands and retreated.

After Du Yi left, Jiang Rong opened the scroll the read about the left prime minister.

<< Gu Bolin, Left Prime-Minister of Blazing Sun Empire. Age: 45. Became a left prime-minister since 15 years ago. Cultivation: Lower Spirit Master

Wife: Chen Yi (40 years old). Cultivation: Qi Refiner Level 4

Concubines: Feng Juan (35 years old). Cultivation: Qi Refiner Level 2

Yang Mian (32 years old). Cultivation: Qi Refiner Level 2

Yang Jiu (Deceased)


Gu Yang (20 years old). Cultivation: Qi Refiner Level 5. Known as a genius in the kingdom and is a inner disciple of Sky Sect, a 2nd rank sect in the East Continent.

Gu Meifeng (18 years old). Cultivation: Qi Refiner Level 4. An inner disciple of Raging Fire sect, a 2nd rank sect in the East Continent. Engaged to the third prince of Blazing Sun Empire.

Gu Meifen (15 years old). Cultivation: Qi Refiner Level 3. An outer disciple of Blazing Academy, the first-tier academy in Blazing Sun Empire, a 3rd rank academy in East Continent.

Gu Mingxia (13 years old). No cultivation.

Gu Meilin (13 years old). Cultivation: Qi Refiner Level 2. An outer disciple of Blazing Academy. >>

Jiang Rong read the scroll and threw it to the side. "Hmph, a mere left prime-minister dare to dream high. What? His son is a genius? In our country he will just be an outer disciple at most. What a joke"


At the same time, Xi Ying Yue who had been treated by a doctor, had a long, long dream.

"Dark.. so dark.. Where am I?"

"You are in your sea of consciousness. I cannot be here for long." A voice was heard.

Startled, only then did Xi Ying Yue see a child in front of her. She was so thin with a birthmark covering a quarter of her face. "Who are you?"

"I am Gu Mingxia. I need your help. Could you please help me?"

"Gu Mingxia? Why are you asking me for help?"

"I am already dead. And your soul is occupying my body. I.. I need your help. Could you please help me?"

"So, I am already dead?But how can I suddenly enter your body? And what kind of help?" asked Xi Ying Yue.

"I don't know how you can enter my body and I don't have much time. I need you to help me take revenge against my adopted father and his family. Kill them or torture them, I don't care. Second, could you please help me find my real parents? At least knowing who they are and why they left me would do." pleaded Gu Mingxia.

"Okay, I will help you but I don't know who your adopted family is"

"I will leave you all of my memories. I pray for your success.". And with that, Gu Mingxia's figure started blurring and disappeared.

Suddenly, Xi Ying Yue felt a splitting headache. It was so painful and she could not move at all. It was only darkness. Every memory belonging to Gu Mingxia started appearing one by one in front of her like a movie. And then... everything turned black.