A memory of her past life

The dinner had ended 30 minutes ago but the Jiang brothers were still talking and enjoying their time with their group. Jiang Ying Yue was quite bored as she had nothing to say. Plus, she knew that her brothers had so much to talk about with the boys.

Jiang Ying Yue could see the lake behind the building from where she was at. She could see couples walking around, enjoying the view.

She wanted to go to the lake so without further ado, she asked her brother. "Brother Qiu, can I go to the lake? I want to see the lake and the flowers surrounding it. May I?"

Even though Jiang Qiu was talking with his friends, he had also been paying attention to his little sister. He just saw that she kept on looking downstairs toward the lake, so he had long figured that she would want to go there.

"Sure, Yue'er. But you have to make sure that you are really feeling okay first, only then can you go. Do you want brother Qiu to accompany you? "

A vivid frown was seen on Jiang Quan and Jiang Xiang's foreheads.

EHEM! They could accompany her too okay? It didn't have to be him right? Annoying creature!

Still with his wrinkled forehead, Jiang Quan offered himself.

"Yue'er, you don't have to go with him. Big brother Quan can accompany you. It's not safe to be alone."

"Right, big brother Xiang can also accompany you." Jiang Xiang chipped in.

"If not, this big brother Zhiqiang can also accompany you." Someone shamelessly offered himself too.

Three pairs of unsatisfied eyes immediately looked at him.

"Why would it be you? Plus, 'big brother Zhiqiang'? Since when are you so familiar with her for her to call you so intimately? No good.. no good.. She can only call us her big brothers." Jiang Xiang declared.

Li Zhiqiang never thought his offer would lead to dissatisfaction from the brothers. 'Hmpph! I bet it was them who did not let her out at all right? I also want a little sister..'

"Bro Xiang, I have never met her before therefore, I would like to get to know her better. I also can show her around. It's not like I can't take care of her. What are you so worried about?"

Li Zhiqiang was confused. He really did not have any impure intention at all.

Jiang Quan took the initiative to answer. "It's not whether you can take care of her or not. It's just we as her big brothers would like to protect her ourselves. Plus, we don't want to have you to rob our little sister away from us. Who did not know that you are still single?" He then rolled his eyes.

'Whatt? How did this become from accompanying her to me being single? I really just wanted to show her around. That is all!' Li Zhiqiang really could not understand these sis-con brothers.

Jiang Ying Yue was having a headache while listening to their arguments.

She just wanted to walk around. She was not a porcelain doll that could break easily alright? She could even see a lot of people walking around the lake so why are they so worried?

She helplessly said "Brothers, young master Li, I just want to walk around the lake. You can even see me from up here. So, I will go alone okay?"

Despite her asking, her tone was firm. She really wanted to be alone.

Hearing her, Jiang Xiang glared fiercely at Jiang Qiu. In his head, he thought: 'I told you we should have brought her maid too. But you said no, we can protect her. I really shouldn't have believed you.'

Jiang Qiu sighed. She was right. They could see her from here. With their high cultivation, they could even see her silhouette even if she was at the end of the lake.

"Alright. Be careful and if you ever feel sick or in danger, just shout our names and we will be there. Do you understand?"

"Yes, thank you!"

With that, Jiang Ying Yue got up and went downstairs. Even though she moved quite fast, she still had the elegance of a woman in her moves thanks to her past life. She had to always pay attention to her movement due to her family status.


The full moon was clear without any clouds obstructing it. The wind blew carrying a beautiful flowery scent towards a lone figure sitting on a rock facing the lake.

Jiang Ying Yue was sitting at the end of the lake, the place that had the least people. The reason? Because of a rumor that long time ago, someone was murdered and the body was found here. Therefore, people tend to avoid this area.

But Jiang Ying Yue did not know that nor that she cared. She just knew that this place had the least people and it was peaceful.

Sitting down, she could see the whole view of the lake. She could see the tall trees, colorful flowers, the Orbis Building and the couples walking around.

Watching them, she suddenly thought about that bastard, her ex-boyfriend.

There was once, it was spring time and they went to the park together. The flowers bloomed beautifully and they held hands. They sat by a lake at the park and had a picnic together.

At that time, she felt complete. She thought that he was the one for her. How wrong she was.

Without warning, droplets of tears fell one by one.

Too many things had been happening one after another. Her boyfriend cheated on her, her plane crashed, she died and now she had transmigrated to a strange world. She was a little overwhelmed, but she had made a promise to Gu Mingxia and she would fulfill it.

Speaking of which, she wondered what happened to Su Zihao. Did he die or did he survive the crash? If he died, did he.. transmigrate here too?!

No no no! She did not dare to follow that train of thoughts. She really wanted to stay as far away from him and she did. She did not want to meet him ever again in this life ever.

Her gloomy mood was seen by a pair of eyes.

He had been following her movements. When she sat, when she looked at the moon, even when her mood started changing. He noticed it all.

With his cultivation at the middle of Spirit Master, he could see her clearly.

Xuan Shanyuan wondered.

He could clearly feel her surrounding changing when she started crying. The plants around her seemed to start withering at a slow rate. If you did not pay attention, you would't notice it. But he did.

How could someone have that much grief that even plants were affected by it?

What happened that she had that much sadness in her?

At this moment, Jiang Ying Yue had no idea someone was paying attention to her nor his train of thoughts. She just wanted to cry, let it go and move on.

But.. she also did not notice that black mark on her face started growing ever since she started crying.