Be my disciple

Wu Liang never thought that his short moment of smugness would land him in this situation. If his father knew about this, he would be beaten beyond recognition.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something but Jiang Ying Yue cut him to it.

"Mr-whatever-your-name-is, so are we going to settle this peacefully or not?

Of course he would say yes! Did it look like he wanted to die yet?!

Nodding like a rattle drum, he pleaded "Yes, yes I want to settle this peacefully. Can you please let me go now?"

Jiang Ying Yue was satisfied with his answer thus she let him go.

Standing up, Wu Liang patted the dust of robe and looked at the store manager "Ah! I guess all of this is just a misunderstanding. Maybe I saw it wrongly."

The store manager was still stupefied over the appearance of this girl in white veil. He had seen her when she came into the restaurant just now. He knew that she was the sister of the Jiang brothers.

He heard Wu Liang said. While cursing Wu Liang's ancestors in his heart, he put on a fawning smile on his face. "Yes, it's all a misunderstanding. Old sir, I want to apologize to you for the trouble."

Jiang Ying Yue sneered. You think she would let go of this easily?! Hell no!

Back in the past life, Jiang Ying Yue was known as a quiet person and usually calm. But once you provoked her temper, you are a dead person.

When it came to manners and work, she was a very strict person. She took her job seriously. She would correct and help you if you are wrong, but if she found that you are slacking off because you were lazy, you'll get the military punishment.

"I thought you said that this old man stole the wine from your restaurant? And that mister over there was even a witness? So can this be just a mere misunderstanding? If I were just a nobody, wouldn't you just continue pressing this old man on a crime that he did not do?"

She looked frightening at this moment. "He clearly is someone with status. Look, even if his white robe is already black and tattered, the material is clearly of a fine silk. He also has a space ring, and as far as I know, space ring, even the one with the smallest space would cost around 10000 taels. So tell me, can someone with no status has it? Oh don't even try to tell me maybe he stole it from someone. A person's space ring only recognize it's owner so don't even try to fool me with that."

Jiang Ying Yue continued "And lastly, he has a faint smell of herbs on him which indicates that he is an alchemist. So you guys were clearly trying to frame him. I don't care what personal vendetta you have with him but bullying an old man is still a no no! Pining a crime on an innocent person's head is a huge NO! Do you hear me?"

At this moment, Jiang Ying Yue clearly forgotten her earlier thought of calling this old man a 'poor old man'. Her brain just started working when that idiot angered her.

The four persons could only nod their heads to end this matter quickly. This girl was so scary ah!

"Good. You guys may leave."

Getting her permission, they thanked her benevolence and ran away as if a ghost was chasing after them.

After the whole fiasco, Jiang Ying Yue then looked at the old man.

"Sir, I am sorry for interfering in your business. Are you okay?"

The old man was still pondering over her statement just now. Her observation was acute.

He looked at her and asked "Little girl, I am okay and thank you for your help. But how can you smell herbs on me?"

Usually, only a person who's used to smelling herbs or have an acute sense of smell could smell herbs on him. It was because, his clothes were made of a special material other than silk to repel the herb scent so only a bit would be left on him.

"Oh, I am not used to smell of herbs but I could just smell and earthy scent on you that is similar to plants." She wanted to say that was used to working in a lab and playing with chemicals thus making her sense of smell sharper than others but she could not say it.

The old man was still weird out by her answer but he decided to accept it. Well, he had been observing this girl for a while now and he could see that there was something wrong with her body.

To show his appreciation for her help, he offered a help.

"Little girl, I want to thank you for you help and for that...I will tell you that you have a poison in your body."

Poison?! She had suspected it before but..this old man could tell it by just looking at her?

This world was truly wondrous.

"Thank you for telling me this sir. May I know that since you could tell it as a poison from a glace while other doctors or alchemist invited could not, I am pretty sure you also are familiar with poisons and know how dispel them. Am I right?"

The old man was happy! He was right! This young girl was such a clever and acute girl! Hah.. what to do? He wanted her even more now..

Making a serious face, the old man said "I do know how to dispel them. But, I need to examine you first to make sure my assumption is correct. Give me your hand."

Jiang Ying Yue did not know why, but she trusted this old man. Thus, she extended her left hand and the old man put two of his fingers on her hand to feel her pulse.

Slightly furrowing his brow, he looked at Jiang Ying Yue. "Little girl, it is exactly what I had expected. The poison is the reason why you could not cultivate.I can dispel it for you but since it is slightly complicated, it also comes with a price."

Jiang Ying Yue was excited! She finally knew why she could not cultivate. She thought that the original owner of this body was born this way but apparently, she wasn't.

But the question is, who poisoned her and why?

Jiang Ying Yu decided to focus on the problem at hand first. "Sir, may I know what is your price for dispelling the poison?"

This was what he had been waiting for! The old man was very happy but he did not show it on his face.

"The price is.. I want you to be my disciple. Are you willing?"