Her Family's Heartfelt Wish

"Good job Jing Ying Yue! That is all for today. I will see you again tomorrow."

"Thank you Lady Chun."

Today, Jiang Ying Yue woke up early in the morning for her etiquette class with Lady Chun, a palace lady who taught princesses and nobles etiquette.

She was a very strict woman. At first, Jiang Ying Yue was nervous but after one hour, her nervousness was gone; replaced with excitement instead.

Lady Chun was very satisfied with this girl.

Well, usually nobles or princesses that she taught would put on airs and some were very snobbish. But this girl, she was humble but never submissive, clear-headed but never too headstrong. She accepted her fault when she was wrong and asked questions when she could not understand. She picked things up very fast too!

Her lesson ended before lunch time and Lady Chun went to meet Li Mei Hua.

Currently, Jiang Ying Yue was in her room since it was not lunch time yet.

Today, she learnt about palace rules and what to call people by their ranks. For an example, calling a prince or princess 'Your Highness followed by their name', a prime minister or nobles Sir and so forth.

Luckily it was not as complicated as the ancient China! The rules in this world were almost similar to modern earth. She did not have to rack her brain to call a prince 'qinwang' or 'junwang' or their given title by the emperor.

Hahahaha! Yes!


During lunch time, all of the family members were home.

At this moment, Jiang Ying Yue took the initiative to mention about her encounter with Yan Hua yesterday.

"Father, mother, I have something to talk to you about."

Both Jiang Rong and Li Mei Hua stopped eating and looked at her.

'Did we do anything wrong that is unsatisfying to her? Does she not want to live her anymore?' Jiang Rong thought.

It had to be said that this family overthink things a lot.

Seeing the tense face of both Jiang Rong and Li Mei Hua, more or less Jiang Ying Yue could guess what was in the heads.

'Heh, this father of mine. He might look cold and stern on the outside, but he is surely soft on the inside'

Not wanting to suspense them further, Jiang Ying Yue started.

"Yesterday, when we were at Orbis Building, I went to see the lake alone. After awhile, I wanted to walk back to the restaurant but who knew I would encounter scoundrels trying to scam an elder."

Remembering it back, her face turned slightly cold.

"They accused him of stealing a wine from Orbis Building and to settle it, he had to pay 200 taels or they would pin a crime on his head. I decided to interfere because I felt that it was quite unfair for the old man. Hehehe the guy who ordered this fake crime to be pinned on his head was Wu Liang,the son of the head of Board of Punishment. Hehe I had to reveal to I am general Jiang Rong's daughter to scare him off."

She smiled sheepishly. She was not used to using her status as a way to deal with scoundrels but this time, she was really powerless ah! Could not cultivate at all; hence she could only resort to this.

Hearing this, Jiang Rong's stoic face had a slight smile on it.

Could not help it! He suddenly felt so proud of his status that he worked so hard for. He did not even feel this happy when the emperor bestowed the title on him nor when his sons praising him for it when they were little.

But now, hearing his daughter using it, he felt a sense of pride!!

What to do?? As what he expected having a daughter is nicer than having boys ah!

Jiang Ying Yue saw that her father's face had a slight smile on it but he was absentminded!

She decided to call on him. "Father, are you listening?"

"Hmm? Ha? Ouh yea I am listening. Good job daughter! You should scare off people like that using my name. I am not mad at all!"

Jiang Xiang could not believe his ears!

What? Is this his father? Waah so unfair loving the daughter, discarding the son.

Jiang Xiang had an irritated look on his face. "Father, how come when we were kids and we used it once you scolded us? You said to us that we should not use your title to scare people off and must earn our own merits so that people would respect us. But Yue'er could do it. Not fair not fair."

Actually, Jiang Xiang understood why his father did that. He wanted them to be independent and earn their own merits as a man to earn people's respect. He purposely said that to annoy his stone-faced father.

Jiang Rong glared at Jiang Xiang. "You brat! You are a man of course you have to rely on yourself. She is a powerless girl of course she could do it. As long as she does not bully anyone, it is fine. Plus, she was using it for the right thing yesterday."

"Hehe Yue'er, why not you use brother Qiu's name instead. His name is more reliable than dad's. He is more handsome and popular too!" Jiang Xiang shamelessly promoted his brother.


Jiang Qiu almost chocked on his tea.

This kid!

Jiang Ying Yue was flabbergasted. How come the topic of saving someone turned to a competition of whose name is more reliable?

"Anyway, that guy went away and the old man introduced himself as Yan Hua. He is a Celestial Achimia alchemist and also an elder of the alchemist guild. Due to certain circumstances, he ended up not bringing any money and his badge yesterday to prove himself to the scoundrels."

She then took a careful look at her parents' faces. She was about to drop a bomb and she just hoped that they could take it and not overthink anything.

Taking a deep breath, she continued. "In order to thank me for my help, he told me that.... I have poison in my body which resulted to me unable to cultivate. Perhaps, it is also the reason why my health has been bad since I was a child. I asked him if he could treat me and he said yes.. but it came with a price. Well.. he asked me to be his disciple.."


'My poor heart! This kid just drops one bomb after another.' Jiang Rong was still shocked.

An alchemist? A Celestial Alchimia level at that?

But poison?! Which fucker did that?

Not only Jiang Rong, even Li Mei Hua and the Jiang brothers were shocked at this news.

Yesterday, when she recounted everything to them, she did not mention of her having poison in her body. She just told them that he wanted her to be his disciple.

Their faces were sour. They had thought that her life of being tortured everyday, not getting enough food and was almost killed was bad enough.. but they did not expect that she would have poison in her body.

Jiang Qiu was the first to recover.

He looked at his parents' sour faces. "Father, mother, her master said that he would come to our house in another 5 days. We should prepare to welcome him. No one found the poison in her body but he could. We can only rely on this in order to cure her illness."

Li Mei Hua agreed. "I see. I will make preparation for it then." Then with tender eyes, she looked at Jiang Ying Yue.

"Dear Yue'er, honestly we do not mind at all of the matter you cannot cultivate nor your face. What we wish for is just for you to be able to grow up well and healthy. Maybe if you health gets better, you can make some friends too."

That was the heartfelt wish of the entire family. If Jiang Ying Yue could not cultivate, they did not mind it. They could protect her. But her health was the most distressing matter to them. They wanted her to smile, laugh and grow up normally like other kids. They did not want her to suffer nor remember her bitter experience when she was at Blazing Sun Empire anymore.