Two Years

Jiang Rong was really worried. What did Yan Hua want to discuss with them about?

He had no clue at all.

Tilting his head slightly, he asked Yan Hua. "May I know what is it that you would like to discuss with us elder Yan Hua?"

Yan Hua did not want to puzzle them any further.

"To treat her poison, it will take one week to do so. But, I want to bring her with me and train her for two years. I will not only treat her poison, but I will also teach her alchemy and potion if she has talents in it. If not, I will teach her medicine. I will take her under my tutelage for two years. But in this period, she is not allowed to return to this manor nor meet any of her family members."

He then looked at all of the family members including Jiang Ying Yue. "Are you willing?"

Actually, one thing that he did not mention was that he would also teach her poison. Of course, only Jiang Ying Yue knew about it as he already mentioned it the other day.

The family members felt conflicted.

They were just starting to pamper Jiang Ying Yue for a few days and now, she would be taken away for two years from them.

But they also knew, this was the only chance they have in order to save her. Plus, being able to be Yan Hua's direct disciple was already a privilege and honor.

Who did not know? A lot of people tried to curry favor with Yan Hua in order to get his pills and to be his disciple. Even getting a few pointers from him was already an honor. But everyone knew that it was very hard to communicate with this old man. If he hates you, then he wouldn't give you any face at all. If he did not want to treat you, even if you are the emperor, he would not treat you. Also, he would beat you up as well.

Just that.. losing Jiang Ying Yue for a few years was.. quite sad.

The Jiang brothers was especially sad but they also knew that this was the best for her.

Jiang Rong knew that this was the real price that his family and Jiang Ying Yue had to pay in order to cure her. This was for her future.

But there was a thing that constantly bothered him.

"Elder Yan Hua, pardon me for asking but why do you want Ying Yue to be your disciple? As far as I have heard, you have rejected quite a few talented people that wanted to be your disciple. You also know that she could not cultivate. So why?"

Yan Hua had already expected him to ask this question. He chuckled. "General, I chose her because I like her attitude. She's a clever, sharp and quick-witted person. She stood up for righteousness and would not yield against the wrong."

He sighed. "True, I could have any talented individuals that I want but I never wanted anyone that could use the knowledge that I passed down for the wrong things. Like what I have said, if she is not talented in alchemy and potions, I will teach her medicine."

He knew, in this world, once you are talented in something, you will be sought after by a lot of people. Sects, empires and even continents would seek for you. But, who knew whether those people would use that talented person for good or bad.

This was the reason why even though he was an elder in the guild, he chose to wonder around the empires to add more knowledge and find his disciple on his own.

What they did not tell them was, he somehow could see that this little lass would be someone who stand on top of the world in the future. He could feel it and his intuition was never wrong.

Jiang Rong was unconvinced with his reasoning but what could he do?

He could not ask and pester him just for the real reason could he?

After thinking for a bit, he agreed. "Elder Yan Hua, I agree on behalf of the family. But this matter, I also need to ask Jiang Ying Yue for her opinion."

He then turned to look at Jiang Ying Yue. "Yue'er, what do you think of this matter. Whatever you choose, mother and father will always support you."

Jiang Ying Yue had been listening to their conversations this entire time. She was till pondering over Yan Hua's answer of him wanting her to be his disciple.

Was that really the case? He chose her only based on her character?

But she was pretty sure that there were a lot of other good people in this world that could be his disciple. She felt that there must be another reason that he did not tell her.

Hearing her father's question, Jiang Ying Yue smiled. She did not expect that he would ask for her opinion. Well, usually the father would make the decision for the family.

But this was good too. This showed that her father respected her decision.

Even though her smile could not be seen under the white veil, her gratified gaze could still be seen.

She had already thought of her decision and stood firmly on it.

She had to be strong enough to protect herself and not rely on anyone. She also needed to cure her poison and be stronger in order to fulfill her promise to the original owner of this body.

Resolute with her decision, her determined gaze met Yan Hua's.

"I still agree to your disciple master. I do not mind to follow for two years. In fact, it will be my greatest honor to do so."

Yan Hua was elated!

He was going to treat her poison and treat this child right!

On one side, it was happiness all over. On the other side, gloomy clouds were overcasting the Jiang brothers' head; they were dejected.

Little sister was going away! For TWO years at that!

They would only meet her when she turns 15!

What to do? They could only enjoy her company while they can.

Yan Hua pretended he did not see the sad expressions hanging on the brothers' faces.

"Good. Then this matter is settled like this. I will come in 3 days to pick her up."

With that, the matter came to an end and Yan Hua had a scrumptious lunch with the family.

Luckily, due to Jiang Ying Yue picking things very fast, she had completed her etiquette class in less than a week making her tutor, Lady Chun very pleased.