The Excruciating Pain

An intense pain suddenly hit every single part of Jiang Ying Yue's body.

She could feel something crawling in every single part of her vein in her body. It started from her heart to her head, arms, body and legs. It was itchy and painful at the same time.

If someone were to see her condition from the sidelines, they would see every vein on her body that visible to the naked eye started to bulge and slowly turned purple and red.

Jiang Ying Yue broke out in a cold sweat. She HAD to persevere!

She would not lose! This was only the first step.

She tried calming herself down, trying to divert her attention from the pain but she could not. Everytime she tried thinking about something else, the pain would bring her attention back to the current situation.

She bit her lower lip till it bleed. But it could not compare to her pain right now. She felt like something was crawling and biting every part of her pain.

By now, every part of her vein was very visible and red in color including on her face. She looked horrifying and ghostly. But despite everything, she did not let out a single sound.

Suddenly, her closed eyes opened wide! The veins on eyes were red too but slowly her whole eyes turned pure black with no trace of white at all. Jiang Ying Yue did not realize this, she looked very demonic at the moment. But not the alluring kind but a very scary one.

Luckily Yan Hua was not there as at that moment, her body slowly emitted black mist but it swirled around her body faintly.

Jiang Ying Yue did not notice the changes around her body nor her surroundings. Although her eyes were wide open, she couldn't see anything apart from darkness. She opened them as a reflex as she suddenly felt something in her eyes making her open them out of nowhere.

Jiang Ying Yue did not know how much time passed by but she was exhausted. She tried her best to not lose her consciousness and stay awake.

This was just the first step. According to Yan Hua, the whole process would involve three steps. But the pain intensify each time.

Slowly, the pain subsided a little bit. The visible veins around her face and body started diminishing bit by bit.

Jing Ying Yue was relieved but before she could even take a breather, another round of more intense pain came attacking her; but this time she did not feel it in her veins rather, it was in her bones!

And the pain was like all of her bones crushing at the same time. Back in her past life, she accidentally broke her arm once during an intense elite training but that was nothing compared to this!


Not even 0.01%!

It felt like she got hit by a trailer truck again and again! By now, she could not even differentiate between her sweat or the spring water. What she knew was, her bones were being crashed again and again.

This time, she did not notice that the water in the hot spring started bubbling and the heat was intensifying.

Jiang Ying Yue had her eyes closed the entire time. Her small hands tightly clenched as to hold the pain in.

She would not give up!! She would not lose this battle!

She tried taking short breath to try to calm herself down. Yes, the pain was too much for her to handle but she must live. She must survive.

This was the second life given to her and she would not waste it. She would live. For her herself, her family and for fulfilling her promise to Gu Mingxia. She was a woman of her word!

Cracking sounds could be heard from her as her bones were breaking and mending itself her in body.

This pain in her bones lasted for 3 days and 3 nights. She did not know nor realize it at all.

Slowly, the pain subsided but Jiang Ying Yue had no energy to move on. She was tired and depleted. She had no more energy to continue. She really wanted to succumb to her her thought to faint and let it be but she knew she could not!

And she still had one more step to go.

And she was right! This last step was the most painful of them all.

Jiang Ying Yue felt like her skin were being sliced one by one, bit by bit. It was painful!

She felt like her body was being sliced and burned at the same time. It was hot! So hot like she was burned alive and could not escape no matter what.

On the outside, every single one of Jiang Ying Yue's pore started opening up and blood started oozing out of it. It wasn't red but it was black instead. She looked even worse than before. Not a single part of her body was not covered by her own blood.

From black, it changed to dark red then.. fresh red.

Throughout the entire ordeal, she not only had to hold on to stay conscious and fight the pain but also to fight the demons whispering in her head.

'Give it up Jiang Ying Yue'

'There was no point in holding on. There's no benefit to it.'

'You can just die. Then you can go home.'

Home? Jiang Ying Yue was startled. She almost gave in to the whispers but luckily she did not. She knew, there was not way she could return back. She was already dead back there and she did not want to take the risk either. Plus, she had a lot of things to do here.

The bloods flowing out of her body colored the entire hot spring black and red.

Jiang Ying Yue's skin started changing color. If it was unhealthy yellow before, now it was soft, plump and snow white.

Again, the intense pain slowly subsided after a few days. She could feel a soft, warm and refreshing feeling slowly entering her. Jiang Ying Yue managed to hold on without making any sound. She won against the pain!!

But before she could even smile, suddenly, her head started throbbing, her eyes started changing color to all red and her dantian started hurting so badly. It was way more painful than anything other pain she had experienced.

Black and dark clouds started covering the sky above her and before long, a bolt of red lightning struck her!

It was painful! She did not know why this was happening but she knew she had to hold on!

Second bolt hit her and the pain was stronger than before!

Bolts of lighting started hitting her one after another until the seventh one, in black struck her.

Her body was charred black and her body felt like she was on fire. There was even smoke coming out of her.

Throughout the entire time, all she could of was to persevere. She could do it!

After the seventh bolt came down, a mark appeared on Jiang Ying Yue's forehead but she did not see it.

The dark clouds started dispersing soon after like it never came at all. Luckily, it was night time.

Jiang Ying Yue slowly opened her eyes and dragged her body to take and wear her clothes. her legs were wobbly but she did not care.

But right after she put her robes on with as much strength as she could muster, she dropped on the floor.

She could not hold on anymore.

Just before she lost her consciousness, she saw someone came to her. She could not say anything as she was too weak. Then, darkness clouded over her.