Silver Hair

A loud shriek broke through a calm and serene evening.

Standing in front of the bronze mirror, Jiang Ying Yue was stupefied.

Who was this?

Why did she look so weird?

In the mirror, sat a beautiful 13 year old girl.

Her soft and silky hair was silver in color, he skin was as white as snow; healthy, soft and plump. The previous black mark across her face was gone, replaced by a beautiful and bewitching countenance that could move cities. She might still be young but even now her countenance was beyond compare.

Sitting peacefully in the middle of her unblemished forehead was a red crescent moon symbol. The red symbol against her almost translucent skin enhanced her beauty even more. Silver brows, a phoenix shaped eye framed her small face. Her pupil was ink-black, so black that it could instantly hypnotize you the minute you look into it, and circling it was a red iris. The red was glowing.

Small and high pointed nose and a small red lips could be seen.

This was why Jiang Ying Yue decided to greet the manor's inhabitants with her loud scream right before dinner time.

She could not believe what she was seeing in the mirror.

'Who is this? Is this me?'

She touched her face and pulled her right cheek.

'Oww! Yikes that hurt. This is me and I am not dreaming. What the hell actually happened?'

Her mind was in turmoil.

Actually, back on Jiang Ying Yue's previous life, she was a beautiful woman as well. It was just she did not expect her current body to posses this much beauty.

Damnnnn what a hottie.

Despite her still in shock, Jiang Ying Yue still wore her white robe and red veil carefully and strode towards the dining hall.

Whatever it was, she needed to ask her master about it.


"I know you have a lot of questions. Ask ahead Ying Yue."

Currently, Jiang Ying Yue and Yan Hua were at the main hall. They directly went here right after dinner.

Jiang Ying Yue did not waste time at all. "Master, do you know why do I look like this?" Her left was holding her weird silver-colored hair.

Yan Hua had already expected her to ask that. "Ying Yue, when I went to the hot spring that day, I found you unconscious on the floor. At that time, despite your whole body was charred black, I could still see your silver hair. I was astonished at first but I wanted to save you first."

He sighed heavily. "In fact, even I don't know why you hair changed color, not why your eyes are like that. I am still confused as to why was there dark clouds and lightnings hitting you. And it was even red and black lightnings!"

Yan Hua was still figuring out on what was happening with his disciple. Was the lightning a good or a bad thing? Why did her hair and eyes changed color?

"As far as I know, the mark on your face disappeared due to the poison is no longer in your body. And, people only changed their hair and eye color when they have awakened their full potential but the thing is, you haven't even started cultivating! No matter how talented you are, it will take at least 5 years to awaken it but many people can't even do it in their whole lifetime!"

"And the mark on your forehead is weird as well. I have never seen anyone with the moon symbol before."

That was what puzzled him the most. Only people with high innate talent would have the mark, yes, but he had not even tested her innate talent yet so how come the mark suddenly appeared?

A lot of mysteries surrounding this little disciple of his.

Jiang Ying Yue really wanted to know the answer but, if even her great master did not know, then it would be useless to continue asking about it. It was better if she could ask some other important matters.

"It's okay master. Maybe I will know the answer to it one day. I wanna thank you for saving me." Taking a pause, she asked, "Master may I know why did I feel three different kind of pains during the process? I am curious."

Heh, this little lass sure was a curious cat. "The first phase was the 'cleansing meridians' phase. The poison had embedded itself deep into your veins hence the first phase was to clean it. It was to clean every vessel and meridians and unblock them for cultivating. Your meridians are now clean and flowing steadily, if not better than a normal person."

"The second phase was 'bone strengthening' stage. You had been sick all this while making your bones really weak. Plus, the poison weakened your bones as well. But now, even though the process was painful, the result is worth it. Your bones are now 5 times stronger than a normal person. Even a normal cultivator who took 'bone strengthening pill' could only make their bones 3 times stronger than a normal person."

"The last phase was 'impurities cleansing' stage. Your body, with the poison in it had accumulated a lot of impurities in your body. Adding the less nutritious food you eat and you body have not started cultivating even at this age, which considered very late, it had many impurities in every part of your body. Which showed in the changes on your skin and your inner now."

But.. Yan Hua hesitated to say the last part. "But.. in the ancient text, it did not mention anything about dark clouds and lightnings striking the person who is dispelling the poison. It did not even mention hair and eye color changes. That is what baffles me the most."

Jiang Ying Yue heard everything that Yan Hua said. 'No wonder the pain was different for each. But no matter what, the poison is gone and maybe I can start cultivating now.'

Jiang Ying Yue was grateful to her master. She smiled sincerely and got down her knees and kowtowed to him- which surprised Yan Hua greatly.

"Thank you master for saving my life twice. No matter what, Ying Yue is indebted to you and will forever be your disciple."

Yes, twice. Once, from the poison. Second, to calm the chaotic energy in her body.

Yan Hua quickly reached to raise her up. Making a fake stern expression, he reprimanded her. "What are you thanking master for? Master is YOUR master. Of course I will save my disciple. Don't you know? A master is a father for life. So no need to thank me. Just bring me honor and be successful will do."

Despite him making a not-so-convincing stern face, Yan Hua was in glee in his heart. He had been single his whole life! Now he had a daught.. ehem disciple to dot on!

Hmpph he can show off to them old guys too.

Hearing her master, Jiang Ying Yue felt warm in her heart. Yes, her master was a father for life. She will do her best to bring honor to his name.

Smiling from the bottom of her heart, she said: "Master, I will do my best to be successful. But, how do I know whether I can cultivate or not."

She was worried about this. Of course, her master had said that he could teach her something else of she could not cultivate. But she still wanted to be strong in order to fulfill her promise to Gu Mingxia.

But if she could not cultivate, then she could find another way to exact her revenge.

"Heh,you don't have to worry about that. Tomorrow after lunch, master will guide you." Yan Hua said.