Mid-Autumn Festival

"You are here, Yue Yue." Liu Weimin smiled.

Today, he wore a midnight blue robe. He stood tall in front of the carriage.

5 days ago, after coming back from the town, Jiang Ying Yue asked for her master's permission to go to the Mid-Autumn Festival. Yan Hua happily agreed. He did not want this girl to be cultivating and studying all the time and he was happy to hear that she made a new friend.

So here she was, at the same town.

Liu Weimin looked at the girl in front him. Today, she wore an indigo robe with a violet belt on her slim waist. The dark colored robe mad her white milky skin even fairer than the way it was. She did not put extra accessory on her but already looked beautiful enough. An indigo veil covered her face with only her pair of beautiful eyes visible.

He then looked at his own robe. Haha the color of their robes were almost similar. People might mistaken them as a couple instead.

"Shall we go?" He invited.

"Let's go." Jiang Ying Yue was really excited. She really wanted to know how they celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival here. Was it the same as back on earth? Did they have mooncake? Or lanterns?

The sky started getting darker and Liu Weimin brought her everywhere. They tried different kind of snacks, some that she had never even heard of before. The town was bustling with activity and there were a lot of people everywhere, mainly couples.

When they walked, the pair attracted a lot of attentions from the people around them. Some were curious, some were jealous. But considering their identities, no one dared to get close to them.

"Yue yue, let's go to the restaurant to have dinner together. I have booked a private room that overlooked the lake. We can just release our lanterns later on after we eat. We can see the firework from there too. Is that okay? There'll be too many people by the lake now. Why not we just eat and wait till the people reduce down a bit?" Liu Weimin suggested.

"Hmm sure. There are too many people now anyways. Let's go." She agreed.

They walked and arrived in front of a 3-storey building.

It was the the biggest restaurant in the city and you would need reservation for you to enter.

The pair walked straight to the third floor under Liu Weimin's guidance.

At that time, someone caught the silhouette of the girl in the indigo robe.

His hawk-like eyes followed their movements till they reached the third floor.

The restaurant's outline was common seats on the first floor, small private rooms on second floor and big private rooms on the third floor reserved only for the nobles.

The middle of the restaurant was empty with a stage in the middle for performances so that was how that man caught Jiang Ying Yue's silhouette.

He looked intently at the man next to Jiang Ying Yue. He recognized him. He was Young Master Liu Weimin, the heir of Chrysus Auction House.

When they reached the third floor, Jiang Ying Yue looked up and saw the man who had been staring intently and both of them.

When she saw then man, she smiled. The person beside her froze. He too saw the man.

Jiang Ying Yue opened her mouth first. "Fan Xiu, long time no see. What are you doing here?"

Looking at the girl calling his name with a sweet voice, Fan Xiu's heart felt happy for inexplicable reason.

He walked up to them. "Ying Yue, I am here to eat with my friends. Are you here to eat too?"

What else could it be? Wash clothes?

But Jiang Ying Yue did not say that.

"Right. Weimin, this is Fan Xiu. Fan Xiu this is Weimin." She introduced them.


Fan Xiu?

The guys thought at the same time.

They are familiar with each other?

Then they both looked at each other's eyes.

Fan Xiu's eyes was slightly cold but Liu Weimin's eyes on the other hand.. was quite weird. It looked happy and.. sad?

Huh? Why sad?

Liu Weimin recovered quite fast and invited Fan Xiu. "Would you like to eat with us too? If you want to eat with our friends, it's understandable too."

To Fan Xiu, it looked like a challenge on whether he will choose Jiang Ying Yue or his friends.

But Liu Weimin truly did not mean it that way. He was really nervous when asked that question. His palms were even sweating.

Fan Xiu agreed without a second thought. Still with his serene image, he accepted the offer. "Thank you for the offer Young Master Liu. I will be troubling you then."

Jiang Ying Yue did not know what to make of this situation. Why were they both acting weird?

Fan Xiu went to his private room to inform his friends while Jiang Ying Yue and Liu Weimin entered their private room.

Shortly after, Fan Xiu came into the room.

He took a seat and said "Please order anything that you want. It's my treat tonight."

This man, even he was taking a seat he looked graceful and otherworldly. Was this even fair?


Jiang Ying Yue wanted to say that it was her treat but Liu Weimin beat her up to it.

"It's fine. It's my treat tonight. I was the one who booked the room anyway." He said.

Fan Xiu's face was still calm and composed. But one was sensitive enough, he could feel that the aura surrounding the ethereal man was slightly cold.

"Okay then. Thank you Young Master Liu." He thanked quite insincerely.

Soon,a waiter came. Liu Weimin gave the menu to Jiang Ying Yue. "Yue Yue you have to eat a lot. You are too skinny."

Fan Xiu paused. 'Yue Yue? They are already that close that they have nicknames now?'

"Ying Yue, how about you try their braised pork? It is really good." He suggested gently.

Jiang Ying Yue nodded and ordered.

They each ordered food and the waiter left.

Jiang Ying Yue took the initiative to ask Fan Xiu. "Fan Xiu, are your friends not mad that you are here eating with us instead of eating with them?"

"No they aren't. There are 8 of them and I rarely join them anyway. One less me wouldn't make any difference." He replied.

Soon, their meal arrived. They all talked quite harmoniously but Jiang Ying Yue noticed that Liu Weimin had been acting weirdly eversince they met Yan Xiu in front of the door just now.

Then, fireworks started exploding coloring the beautiful night sky in various colors. With the full moon as the background, it looked like a beautiful painting.