Level 8 Ferrio Snake

Both Jiang Ying Yue and Liu Weimin were walking around when suddenly, a 'ssss' sound caught their ears.

Suddenly, a huge snake appeared in front of their eyes hanging from the tree.

It was a grey colored snake with red eyes.

Fuck! This was a poisonous Level 8 Ferrio Snake!

Jiang Ying Yue got ready to face it immediately and Liu Weimin retreated slowly as per agreement beforehand that Jiang Ying Yue would face whatever they encounter next alone.

Hisss the snake hissed at Jiang Ying Yue.

It perceived Jiang Ying Yue as a danger and *puh* it spit its saliva at Jiang Ying Yue.

Jiang Ying Yue avoided it immediately as she was already anticipating it. The saliva then hit the tree behind Jiang Ying Yue and the part that was hit started smoking as if it was burning. It was almost the same as the effect of acid when it hit a surface! What a strong poison!

Luckily she had read books regarding the magical beasts in this world before coming here.

She knew that the snake's special skill was not the poison but its body instead. The snake's body was as hard as steel which acted like an armor protecting it.

The snake's weakness was under its chin was that was the only area uncovered by the 'skin armor'. But to get there would be a difficult task. The snake was fast and it slithered around agilely.

The Ferrio Snake was angry that it did not manage to hit the human with its' poison. It then got down the tree and slithered towards Jiang Ying Yue. At the same, it activated its personal armor.

The gray scales on its body suddenly hardened and glistened under the sunlight that peered through the trees.

Hiss it gathered its Spiritual Qi at its mouth and shot it towards Jiang Ying Yue.

Jiang Ying Yue barely managed to avoid it before another ball of Spiritual Qi came shooting twards her.

Fast! Too fast! The ball of Spiritual Qi was of fire element meaning that this snake had fire attribute!

Good! Let's compare whose fire is stronger!

She gathered fire balls in her palms and shot it toward the Ferrio Snake one after another while avoiding the snakes' attacks.

Boom! One of her balls hit the snake and at the same time, one of the snake's fire ball glazed with poison scraped her skin.

Hiss painful! Jiang Ying Yue could see the skin on her left leg burning and smoking.

What a potent poison.

Jiang Ying Yue had to think fast! The snake suddenly shrouded its entire body with fire element making the temperature around them seemed to have risen up significantly.

Jiang Ying Yue too covered her entire body in red and she ran towards the snake while making a blade made of fire on her right hand!

The blade was scarlet red in color and the temperature around them rose up making Liu Weimin covered in sweat immediately.

Jiang Ying Yue utilized her maximum qinggong to run towards the snake with extreme focus. She couldn't miss opportunity!

She condensed a huge ball of flame on her left hand.

She arrived less than 10 steps in front of the snake and jumped to the right. The snake followed her movement and she immediately threw the fire ball on her left hand towards the snake's tail.

The ball hit its tail and it lost its focus to look at its tail.

Jiang Ying Yue took this opportunity to ran close to it and she jumped while aiming her scarlet-red fire blade upwards.


The blade stabbed deep into the snake's chin but that wasn't the end!

The snake struggled with all its might to shake Jiang Ying Yue off its body.

Jiang Ying Yue held onto the fire blade tightly and at the same time, she focused and condensed of all her Spiritual Qi into the fire blade making it bigger and hotter melting the skin under the snake's chin almost instantly.

Arggh!! She shouted channeling all of her Spiritual Qi into the blade. The blade flared brightly and she slashed it across the snake's neck cutting the snake's head in half!

Jiang Ying Yue landed on the ground and looked at the snake's corpse.

She did it!

Liu Weimin's mouth was wide agape.

A monster! This girl was definitely a monster.

She fought and defeated a Level 8 Ferrio Snake single-handedly while she was just at Qi Refiner Level 5!

Suddenly, Jiang Ying Yue felt like her bottleneck was about to be broken through. She turned to Liu Weimin, "Weimin, help cover for me. I'm about to have a breakthrough."

Liu Weimin nodded and stood in front of her to protect her. This process couldn't be disturbed or else the cultivator might suffer a backlash.

The Spiritual Qi around the forest started rushing rapidly into the body of the cross-legged Jiang Ying Yue on the ground.

A green halo surrounded her body and the surrounding enigma energy started rushing more rapidly into her body.

Jiang Ying Yue channeled of the energies into the Life Bead in her dantian.

After half an hour, the surrounding Spiritual Qi started calming down and Jiang Ying Yue slowly opened her eyes.

She smiled. Finally she had broken through to Qi Refiner Level 6!

Liu Weimin couldn't see her smile but he could roughly guess that she was happy. I mean who wouldn't?

But now she was on the same level as him ah! And she was only 13 while he was already 17 years old ah!

How embarrassing!

But at the same time, he was proud and happy for her. This meant that he needed to work harder in his cultivation and martial arts!

Look at Yue Yue. She was not only utilizing her elemental power but also her martial arts skills. But he wondered, what was Jiang Ying Yue's other element? She had two lotus petals meaning she was a double-elemental wielder.

Ha! He would just wait for it. For now all he knew was he needed to work harder.

Oh yea he learnt another thing too. In battle, one shouldn't panic and must think rationally to fight the enemy. He learnt this thanks to Jiang Ying Yue of course.

"How do you feel?" Li Weimin asked.

"Better than ever." Jiang Ying Yue answered.

Her Spiritual Qi in was full thanks to the breakthrough just now. It was just the injury on her leg that needed to be treated.

She took a pill to stop the wound from getting worse and applied an immediate ointment to revent it from scarring.

After she was done, she went to the snake's head and took out its core. It was a rather easy task because once the snake died, its skin became normal again without the steel armor protecting it.

She smiled looking at the core and put it in her space ring.

She didn't know what to do with it yet but she'll figure it out sooner or later anyway.

Both Jiang Ying Yue and Liu Weimin decided to go back to the riverside to rest, change clothes and have eat.

It took them almost 2 hours going back to the riverside because along the way back, the encountered few low level magical beasts and they took turn fighting all of them.

They had had a long and tiring day and they were famished.