Human, Do You Want To Get Out Of Here?

In the pitch black darkness, a figure could be seen laying on the ground.

After awhile, the figure could be seen moving slightly.

Opening her eyes, that person groaned in pain. "Ugh.. So painful. Where am I?"

That figure was precisely Jiang Ying Yue. She got up slowly from the ground and looked around.

It was pitch black all around her and she could smell soil and something old. Like an abandoned building.


Every part of her body was in pain so she immediately took 2 pills out and ate it.

The pills melted and her body felt a lot better. At least she could move now and she was no longer bleeding.

Jiang Ying Yue slowly got up from the ground and made a fire ball on her hands to look around but suddenly, right after the fire ball appeared, it flew towards a certain direction on her left and disappeared.

Jiang Ying Yue was puzzled. Right after that, the area around her started brightening up bit by bit. Fire torches on her left and right that she couldn't even see previously started lighting up one by one.

Only then could she see her surrounding. It was like a huge ancient tunnel and when she looked at the area where her fire ball flew at, she saw a carving of a dragon on the wall. The mouth of the dragon was opened wide and she swore she could almost see her fire in there. It was almost like it integrated itself into the mouth of the dragon.


What was this place?

Jiang Ying Yue decided to be on vigilance and she strode forward. No matter where she was, she needed to find her companions.

Where were they?

Why was she here alone?

The area behind Jiang Ying Yue was only a huge wall. When she walked, she could see the carvings on the walls. She saw a human and a dragon, musical instruments and even other weird creatures.

At first, she thought the carvings were telling a story but it seemed like she was wrong. She couldn't understand anything.

Suddenly, she felt weird. It felt like she was walking in circles eventhough she had only been walking forward this entire time.

This was because she recognized the carvings on the walls being the same. What was going on?

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

"Human, do you want to get out of here?"

The voice was deep, dark and eerie.

Jiang Ying Yue gulped. She realized one thing though that since the time she woke up, she had lost contact with her Godly Space.

She felt nervous but she knew better than anyone that she needed to answer this and see what was going on.

"Yes." She answered firmly.

The voice chuckled. But it sounded dark instead. "Good. You need to pass 3 tests given by me before you can even get out. Do you accept?"

Jiang Ying Yue thought: 'Since I am already trapped in here anyway, there's no way I can go out on my own. Plus, the voice itself carries such an oppressive aura. With puny strength of mine, I can never defeat him."

As if she had made a decision, she answered with determination. "I accept."

"Good. Your first test starts now."

The voice went missing and Jiang Ying Yue didn't even know what her first test was.

Was it fighting monsters? Evading incoming traps and flying weapons? What was it?

Jiang Ying Yue walked forward in cautious but suddenly, she area around her dimmed down. In less than a second, it brightened up again but a bit further down the tunnel, she saw a silhouette lying down.

Who was it? Her eyes widened! Maybe it was Liu Weimin!

She ran towards that figure and when arrived beside him, she immediately lifted that figure up in her embrace.

But when she saw the person's face, her body froze. She dropped the person from her embrace.

Rush of emotions overwhelmed her immediately.

Th-that person. Did she see it wrongly? That must be it.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before using her right hand to turn that person's face towards her.

It was then that the she confirmed she wasn't seeing things.

He.. what was he doing here?

She was shocked, sad, angry and.. worried?

Jiang Ying Yue looked at him and she called out to him.

"Su-Su Zihao wake up." Her called out to him with her chocked voice.

Yes, the figure in front of Jiang Ying Yue was precisely Su Zihao!

Su Zihao didn't even wake up nor answer her.

With her trembling hands, she slapped his cheek slightly. "Su Zihao, wake up. Wake up."

She called to him 4 times more while shaking his body and it was only then that he opened his eyes.

Su Zihao looked at Jiang Ying Yue in front of him in a daze.

Jiang Ying Yu saw his eyes opened but this time, she didn't drop him down because she was afraid that he was injured.

"Su Zihao! Wake up! What are you doing here?" Jiang Ying Yue asked in a cold voice. But it didn't manage to hide the concern in her voice.

Tears threatened to fall but it didn't.

"Who are you?" Su Zihao asked in a weak voice.

Jiang Ying Yue was dumbstruck. Ha? What did he mean by who was she?

At this point, she had forgotten the fact that her appearance was different than she was back on earth.

"Zihao, what do you mean who am I? I am Ying Yue. Jiang- Xi Ying Yue. Did you hurt your head somewhere?"

Jiang Ying Yue immediately corrected her name to the one she was called back on earth.

The man was shocked! "Yue'er? Is that you?"

Jiang Ying Yue calmed herself down. "I am Ying Yue or Miss Xi for you. Don't call me Yue'er anymore. What are you doing here?"

Su Zihao answered, "I don't know."

It was only then that Jiang Ying Yue realized that she had been holding onto that guy in her embrace. She hurriedly let him go like he was some disgusting creature. Well, it looked like he was fine anyways.

Jiang Ying Yue was about to reply when out of nowhere, her head was filled the memory from that night than ruined her emotionally.

One after another, the images and sounds of Su Zihao's pants, his naked body, the naked secretary, the clothes all over the floor, and most vivid of them all was the image of him fucking that woman.

Her face went pale and she just stood there like a rock while the images played in her head like a broken record.

Without her realizing it, tears started falling like a broken damp.

Su Zihao saw her like that and immediately stood up. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He walked towards her and held her trembling hand.

Sensing the touch, Jiang Ying Yue broke out of her trance and she swung Su Zihao's hands, hard! "Don't touch me! Don't touch me with that disgusting hands of yours. I don't care how you ended up here. You can die for all I care!"

Suddenly the tunnel started shaking.

What was going on now?!