The Last Test

"Congratulations. You have passed the second test. The test just now had something to do with our valley. Now, let's move on to the last test shall we?" The male voice sounded.

Give her a break ah!

Her body felt so exhausted that she wanted to sleep right then and there!

What was all this test for anyway? Oh right for her to escape.

But why was she even trapped here and going through all these tests for?

Jiang Ying Yue took a blood replenishing pill and stood up after a bit of time. Who knew what wound happen if she remained on the floor?

What would the last test be, she wondered.

Jiang Ying Yue suddenly felt as if a vortex appeared in front of her and sucked her in!

Whoosh she was sucked and she felt dizzy.

Jiang Ying Yue opened her eyes and whoaa!

What in front of her was a treasure room! It was filled with gold, bolt of silks, silvers, rubies and more!

What was this test for?

The room was as big as a studio apartment and filled with treasures to the brim!

"Your test is to choose only one thing in this room and no more than that. Choose wisely." The voice said.

Ha? Just choose one thing?

'This test must be for greed. Wasn't this too easy?' Jiang Ying Yue wondered in her heart.

Jiang Ying Yue looked around the room to see if there was anything worth it for her to take. She knew that the test was just to not be tempted and greedy but she did not find anything that could make her go greedy.

Maybe, this test was designated for a normal human's desire but she truly didn't feel anything toward gold and silvers.

That was until, she caught something at the corner of her eye. It was a white pearl at the end of the room sitting quietly on top of a pile of golds.

But she knew that it wasn't a normal pearl as this one was bigger,shinier and it had a weird aura around it.

She took a few steps forward and touched the pearl. She wondered: 'What is this pearl? Why is it different than normal pearls?'

It was then a row of information suddenly appeared in her head. It was about the pearl that she was touching.

- An ancient pearl called the 'Dicio Pearl'. It was made by fusing the power of 7 peak of Saint Regno level cultivators and the blood essence of a divine beast. Function: A cultivator can raise up to a whole complete level by absorbing the power from the pearl. Example: If someone was at lower Spirit Master, that person could raise up to lower Spirit Ancestor level.-

Usually, it would take more than 30 years for a person to go complete a whole level! This was something she needed!

Jiang Ying Yue retreated her finger and she caught the sight of another thing next to it. It was a small bead of purple in color, stored in a transparent jade bottle. Somehow, she was curious about the red bead.

If her theory was right, the minute she touched anything in this room, as long as she was curious about it, a row of information would appear in her head.

To test it, she extended her hand once more and her forefinger touched the jade bottle.

In her curiosity, a row of information then appeared in her head.

- The phoenix's blood. A genuine phoenix's blood that was taken from the ancient phoenix. Formed a bead when the phoenix willingly gave it. Function: Useful for concocting pill or potion to increase fire element's power.-

It was the phoenix's blood?!

Jiang Ying Yue was surprised. But why was it purple in color? No that didn't matter right now because that was one of things she was looking for to calm the dark element in her body so that she wouldn't turn into a full devil and lose her mind if there was ever one day she lost control of her emotion.

Long Xing had told her that she needed to find 3 things: Ancient Black Star Crystal, phoenix's blood and mermaid's tears. And now she found one!

But that wasn't the end! Next to the phoenix's blood was something in black.

It was a round black crystal but what took her attention was the star shaped mark inside the black crystal.

If she was right then.. this was the legendary ancient black crystal!

She touched and read the information in her head. She was right!

-Ancient Black Crystal. Made of the purest Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth in the middle and the outer layer is made of the darkest dark energy of heaven and earth. Function: Able to control all the elements and be an 'Omnia Magus' when absorbed.-

Jiang Ying Yue almost wanted to laugh. So this was her test huh? The things that she needed were presented in front of her. The pearl to be stronger, the purple bead and the black crystal were all here. She was in a huge dilemma. She needed to resist the temptation to take it all with her because that would make her fail the last test.

Jiang Ying Yue took a step back to gather her thoughts around to think properly. All of the things in front of her were extremely hard to get and she could only choose one.

This was like choosing which one do you love more? Father or mother? So hard ah!

Okay maybe she exaggerated things a little bit there but hey! It was as hard as that alright?

Jiang Ying Yue closed her eyes to think but a soft voice was heard from her right side. "Touch me." The voice said.

Jiang Ying Yue opened her eyes and looked at her right, only to see an ordinary stone there. One wouldn't see it if one didn't look properly at the area.

"Come here." The voice instructed. The voice had a trace of temptation that was hard to resist.

Jiang Ying Yue went in front of it.

"Touch me." The voice instructed again.

Jiang Ying Yue was curious. Was it this stone that talked to her just now? She touched the ordinary looking stone out of curiosity.

This time, she did not see a row of information in her head but instead, a figure of a woman in white was seen.

Jiang Ying Yue couldn't see her face properly; it was as if a haze was covering her face.

But she could see clearly the woman's robe fluttered when the woman walked towards her. Oh wait it almost looked like she was levitating instead.

The woman in white arrived in front of Jiang Ying Yue and asked something that shocked Jiang Ying Yue to the core.

"Do you want to go back home? To your world?"