A Monster! Simply A Monster!

In front of Jiang Ying Yue was a huge room almost as big as her penthouse. It was huge!

Everything in the room was made of iron and had weird carvings on it. The room was empty with only an iron table in the middle of the room.

"You are here." A deep, dark and eerie voice said to Jiang Ying Yue, startling here in the process.

Jiang Ying Yue managed her composure and answered him while looking around the room to look for the guardian.

"Yes, I am. I was told to be here to gain your approval to be the valley's successor."

The voice chuckled. But the chuckle was dark and scary. It carried a trace of maliciousness in it. "Correct. But do you think that it's easy to gain my approval? Before I approve you, you must go through a test first. Only then will I possibly approve you. And since you are here, you can't back off no matter what."

Jiang Ying Yue had somehow already expected for him to say this. He was the lofty guardian of the first palace master, naturally he had his own arrogance.

"Jiang Ying Yue, that is your name right? If you can stand my pressure and touch the stone in front of you in the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, I will approve you. Your test starts now."

Jiang Ying Yue didn't have time to answer him before a suffocating pressure assaulted her senses. She could even feel and see the air around her thickened and flew in waves.

She stood on her ground unbudging to stabilize herself first before moving.

Her body felt so heavy that she almost knelt on the ground, her head felt like blowing up and her heart felt like it was being squeezed so hard that it would burst.

Jiang Ying Yue shrouded her body in her Omnia Magus's Spiritual Qi, making her body covered in constant waves of colorful energy on the outside. This startled the guardian greatly!

He knew that she was Omnia Magus because he had secretly seen her training before but to be able to withstand 60 percent of his pressure and protect herself at the same time, she was a genius!

Only one person was able to withstand more than 50 percent of his pressure back then and it was the first palace master!

Although he was injured right now, he had already recovered most of his cultivation and only needed a few things to help him recover.

This girl was totally different than any other successors he had seen before. And yes, he purposely used more of his pressure on this girl to test her. He already had an inkling that she could pass this test so he increased his pressure compared to the one he used on other successors previously.

This girl would be the new hope for the valley. The one that was build single-handedly by the first palace master. Which was why he tested her harsher than the other successors.

At this moment, Jiang Ying Yue had already stabilized the pressure that assaulted her and she even turned it into her own energy!


This girl used the waves of his pressure and made it her own energy to protect her body?

This was insane!

And now, a part from the colorful energy shrouding her body, there was an additional wave of energy that was transparent, made of the guardian's pressure.

What was this? He had never seen this before!

And under his shocked gaze, Jiang Ying Yue moved forward. At first, she walked slowly but then, her movement became a bit faster.

Jiang Ying Yue's nose started bleeding. By now, she was sure that the pressure came from in front of her eventhough the guardian made it feel like his pressure came from all around the room.

So, the more she moved forward, the greater pressure she felt, but by now, she had already grasped the technique of absorbing and changing to pressure's wave through her meridians making it her own energy.

It was not easy for her to absorb a foreign energy and made it her own and she had to gamble her theory to do this but it worked!

Jiang Ying Yue moved forward and her robe fluttered as if there was a strong current of wind blowing in the room.


Jiang Ying Yue arrived in front of the stone and touched it. In an instant, all pressures disappeared into thin air and all that was left was her and the stone.

Well, along with the 'invincible' guardian of course.

"You did it! How did you manage to use my pressure and made it your own protective armor?" The voice asked in surprise, not able to conceal his excitement in the slightest.

Tsk, to think that he was the lofty and quiet guardian reacting this childish. Truly embarrassing.

"I just opened my meridian and absorbed your pressure which is a form of energy into my meridians and stored it into my Life Bead before regulating it back and channeling it outside."

At this moment, Jiang Ying Yue felt like she couldn't contain it anymore thus she hurriedly asked for the guardian's permission. "Guardian, I am sorry but I am going to breakthrough now. Please forgive me."

Then she hurriedly sat down cross-legged and started regulating the chaotic energy in her body.

After around 30 minutes, *Boom*

A boom sounded and Jiang Ying Yue opened her eyes. 'Ah, she finally broke through!'

It had been more than a year since she last broke through and Chanying had told her that after this, it would be much harder for her to breakthrough. After one broke through from the level Qi Refiner 1 till 9, it would be much harder for that person to have a breakthrough.

She spent 1 and half year breaking through from Qi Refiner Level 6 to level 9, another one and half year for Lower and Middle Spirit Master, and almost two years before she broke through to Peak Spirit Master which was now!

She was ecstatic! Finally she broke through.

The guardian was dumbfounded. Did this girl just used his pressure and made it her own energy to help her breakthrough? What the?

He checked his cultivation and sure enough! This girl actually absorbed his Spiritual Qi through his pressure! Luckily it only depleted his current energy and he only needed to cultivate a bit to store it back. But what if her skill improves and she would be able to absorb people's Spiritual Qi dry next?

At that time, that person would only be left with nothing but an empty dantian no? Forget about dropping in cultivation, that person's dantian might be injured too!

A monster! Simply a monster!