Best Friends

When Jiang Ying Yue got downstairs, she saw Liu Weimin and the Han siblings already waiting for her.

She smiled and wished them good morning. "Morning everyone."

Her smile was gentle but it still gave a distant vibe to the people around her.

All of them smiled and greeted her back. "Good morning to you too Yue Yue."

"Good morning to you too Ying Yue."

All of them then had breakfast and moved in the same carriage bought by the rich Liu Weimin.

When the carriage moved, somehow, she could feel that someone was looking at her but she ignored it.

Who else would be staring at her other than Mu Shao Qing. He was not in a rush. He had already received her full information which was why he knew her name when he stood in front of her room.

"Jiang Ying Yue, Elder Yan Hua's direct-disciple, only daughter of General Rong of Heavenly Cloud Empire, also went missing since a year ago in Mount Trux. Ha interesting. What did you encounter in the forest, hmm?" He mumbled alone in his inn.

Jiang Ying Yue's carriage soon move away and disappeared out of his sight.

If it wasn't for his own personal matter that he needed to settle here, he would've followed after her carriage. But again, he wasn't in a rush. He knew almost every information available about her so he would follow after her later. "Wait for me little tigress."

His thin lips curved up slightly, making him even more attractive than ever.


The carriage moved steadily and it would take them 8 days to reach Mount Caligo. Back then, they took only 5 days because they used Ignium horses, but since they couldn't find it at the small town, they could only buy the fastest horse available there.

They ate and cultivated in carriage well except for Han Jinghua though. She slept almost half of the time. Both Liu Weimin and Han Jianyu took turns coaching the carriage and they didn't want the girls to do it at all.

It was soon night time and they camped near a forest to rest. They had already bought raw ingredients beforehand so they just made a simple chicken stew and ate together.

Soon after, the Han siblings entered their tents while Liu Weimin stayed behind.

Jiang Ying Yue raised an eyebrow when she saw him looking troubled.

"What is it?" She asked.

Startled, Liu Weimin scratched the back of his head. "Can we go a bit farther away from here first?"

Jiang Ying Yue agreed as she knew that this guy must've wanted to ask her a personal question. If not, he wouldn't be sneaky like this. She could see that he didn't trust the Han siblings fully. "Let's go."

They both used their qinggong and went near the riverside. Well, they had been here before when they were on the way to Mount Trux a year ago so they were quite familiar with this place.

Both of them sat on stones face to face. Liu Weimin started.

"Yue Yue, I know what I am about to ask you is a bit inappropriate but I am really curious. Back then, before we fell into the crack, we all felt a different aura from you. I am not going to ask about that because it's your own secret to tell but I just want to know why didn't you use your master's aura back then to fight the wolves?"

Jiang Ying Yue looked at her best friend. "Weimin, you are my best friend, if I could, I don't want to hide anything from you, but I can't tell you what aura that was. But one day, I'll tell you everything. I promise."

As if trying to recall a memory from a year ago, she answered his question in a light tone. "Why I didn't use master's aura? Because I wanted to grow stronger on my own effort and not rely on anyone unless I really am dying. I am not dumb. It was a choice between revealing my secret to you guys or use master's aura."

Liu Weimin cut her off. "But you chose to reveal your secret because you trusted us and you knew you could fight the wolves if you fought using your real power right? And at the same time, you could grow stronger from it, am I right?"

Jiang Ying Yue nodded. "Right. And if I use master's aura just for the wolves, it would show me as a weak person and master would be alerted that I was in danger. I didn't want master to worry about me unless I was in a real danger."

Ha? That wasn't real danger? They almost died! Ha this girl. So strong-headed.

Jiang Ying Yue wasn't lying. Plus, she also knew that it was hard for a cultivator to put their aura that was able to fight against cultivators or magical beasts and it required a lot of their Spiritual Qi to do that. It also required a bit of their life essence.

Therefore, she didn't want to trouble her master at all by using the jade plate that stored his aura to fight the wolves back then.

Liu Weimin nodded in understanding.

Jiang Ying Yue asked him back, "Back then, why didn't you use your talisman?"

Liu Weimin smiled sheepishly. "Heh I had a feeling that we would get out of that situation so I didn't use it. Plus, I didn't want to give up. I would only use it to get us out of there if we were really dying."

Jiang Ying Yue rolled her eyes dramatically. 'Hello! We are just the same alright?'

Truly birds of a feather flock together.

Suddenly, Liu Weimin looked at her intently before saying with his earnest voice, "Yue Yue, thank you for being my best friend. Whatever happens in the future, remember, you have a best friend to talk to about anything."

"We are your best friend too. You can talk to us about anything." Han Jinghua's voice was suddenly heard.

Following that, 2 heads poked out from behind the trees.

Liu Weimin's eyes widened in surprise!

"You guys! How long have you been there?" He shouted.

Han Jinghua walked over to them with her waist moving left and right seductively. Well, it was a natural walk to her so Jiang Ying Yue couldn't say anything.

Han Jinghua rolled her eyes. "Since you started thanking her to be your best friend. Tsk, we are a team and we are best friends who had been through thick and thin together. So, we can talk to each other about anything and everything alright?"

Han Jianyu just nodded his head at her side.

Jiang Ying Yue had noticed their presence the minute Han Jinghua came but she didn't say anything. She wanted to know what the siblings were up to.

Liu Weimin retorted in an annoyed tone. "She is MY best friend. Not yours. Don't dream about it."

Alright, these two, every time they met, they would always quarrel. They quarreled even in the carriage.

Before things could get worse, Han Jianyu intercepted his sister. "Enough. We should ask Ying Yue's opinion. What do you think, Ying Yue?"

Jiang Ying Yue swept her gaze over everyone and said in a loud voice. "We are all a team and best friends. From now on till the end of our lives, we shall not betray each other and grow stronger together no matter for what the reason is."

All of them nodded together including Liu Weimin albeit his reluctance to do so.

Liu Weimin raised her right hand up in the sky and shouted, "Together!"

"Together!" All of them echoed.