Chapter 5

I excused myself before I burst out laughing in front of Ter. I hurriedly went to the washroom to composed myself. Upon reaching the washroom I saw Lexie leaning on the wall beside the washroom grinning from ear to ear. I approached her and frowned at her.

 "You look stupid a while ago. You know that?" She said when I reached her.  "Can't you distinguish Me-is-ter from Mister?" Her voice so full of mockery. This gay! Why is she so mean?

"I panicked okay?" I immediately defended myself. I didn't pay attention to Ter's pronunciation of Meister coz I thought he is just like Barbie when pronouncing words. You know, making their own pronunciation.

"Stupid reasons." She just said and turned her back on me. The hell! Grr...I want to grab that gay's hair. She annoys the hell out of me. Is she saying that I'm stupid?

 I tried to ignore Lexie and went inside the washroom to retouch. That Lexie totally ruined my mood. Speaking of Lexie…my eyes suddenly grew wide. My God! I couldn't let that gay come near Ter. She will seduce him for sure. I won't allow that to happen. I don't wanna lost my forever.

I immediately went out of the washroom and headed to our table. I don't wanna see Lexie already sitting on my future boyfriend's lap.

I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw that they are only talking. It's not that I don't trust Lexie because we have a rule, but if she really wanted she could seduce Ter and steal him from me. She can also offer him money and she can effortlessly charm Ter.

I know that Lexie can be very pretty and she could beat me anytime. If she dresses up like a girl, wear a wig, put on make up, she could be very beautiful and no one would think that she is a gay. That is if she hides her muscles. Yes, the gay have muscles. I laughed at what I'm thinking. That's what she gets from frequently visiting the gym. She got muscles instead of boys. Well, she only frequents the gym because there are so many yummy guys there. What a flirt!

I demurely sit on my chair and I saw Chelsea's brows rose. She knows that I'm not really the demure type. Sometimes I even act like a man. I just smiled at her even if I wanted to frown. Well…I should be grateful. After all they are the reason why my forever is now sitting beside me.

"Missy, we give your number to Ter." Barbie suddenly said which made me look at her. Oh my!! Barbie is such an angel. I'll treat her tomorrow. I widely smiled at Barbie to show my approval. What a friend.

"He is looking for an interior designer for his condo and we told him that you are an interior designer so we give your number." Chelsea explained further. Wait…when did I become an interior designer? I can't even fix my own apartment. I can't even distinguish the right color combination!

"Is it okay for you that they give your number to me?"Meister said with his mesmerizing voice. Even my panty is hyperventilating already.

"Yes of course, it's okay." I sweetly smiled at him while tucking some hai in my ear.

"I hope you can give me discount." He jokingly said while intensely looking at me. I wanted to melt that very moment. Shit! He got such an expressive eyes it can rendered me senseless. His mouth is so sexy and seems like it is always smiling. What wonder how would it feel to be kissed by those lips? Oh my God! I can't imagine, I feel like I'm running out of breath.

"Sure." I said. In fact, I can give my services to him for free. Even if I don't have any idea what interior designing is all about. Maybe I should start studying it. Besides guys, mostly wanted black, blue and white hues. Or maybe, I could get some designs from the internet. Right! I'm sure he wouldn't notice. Wow! I'm so smart. Desperate situations calls for desperate measures. .

"We're going now." Lexie suddenly stood up and all of us looked at her. But my eyes looked at Meister when he also stood up.


"You will come with her?" I blurted out.

"Yes, Why? Is there something wrong?" Lexie snapped at me. Yes! There is something wrong. She might steal Mesiter from me.

 "I'll go with you!" I suddenly declared. All of them looked at me bemusely. I immediately think of an alibi. I don't want them thinking that I'm already guarding Meister.  

"You wanted me to design your condo isn't it? I am free at today." Nice!

"Lexie and I still have a photoshoot. You might get bored waiting." Gosh! Meister is so caring. I love it.

"I won't get bored. Besides, I want to see Lexie's creations." I reasoned out even if I don't really care about her designs.

"Let's go." Lexie irritably said and went ahead of us. Meister followed her and I'm about to follow them when Barbie and Chelsea stopped me.

"Hey, flirt! Please can you be discreet? You are so obvious that you are willing to drop your panties for him."  They hissed at me.

"C'mon I am running out of time. My hymen already has roots and turning into a tuber. It needs to be harvested." I reasoned out. They just heaved a sighed of exasperation.

"Alright. It is up to you. You are old enough" They let go of me and I hurriedly went out of the café. I saw Meister waiting for me beside his car. What a gentleman. I can't see Lexie anywhere. She might have left.

"I assume you didn't bring your car." Meister said smiling. I discreetly glance at my red Hinda civic parked beside his BMW sportscar.

"I didn't. Coding day." Liar! Shouted my conscience. But a white lie wouldn't hurt especially if I'm doing this for the good of the humankind. Lol!

"Great. You can ride with me. Lexie already left. She said she will have some business to attend first." He opened the car door for me and I enthusiastically get inside his car. I hope that someday, I could also get inside his heart or his pants, whichever comes first.