Do You Long For Power?

Gu Yu was still dazed after he came out of the flashback.

"Boss! Are you alright? Why are you frozen in place?" Sun Qi hollered at him as he clung to his legs.

"Go away!" Gu Yu kicked Sun Qi aside. Then, his expression became very serious.

The previous scene was just like a dream, but he could clearly sense the Demonic God's evil intentions to destroy the world.

From the Demonic God's birth until his awakening, Gu Yu truly resonated with the change in mentality that he had gone through. That feeling was like deja vu, as if he himself was once the Demonic God.

He stared at the pagoda column. Obviously, the pagoda column was erected here afterwards. The skeleton must've belonged to the first King of Beiqi.

Gu Yu fell into deep thought. He did not know what was going on. Why would Sun Qi be repelled when he touched it, while he had a different experience when he did the same thing?