Astral Slash Blade Beam

Li Xuan and company noticed the egg-sized crystal that Zhou Wen pulled out.

The crystal looked dreamy with a glow flickering within it. The glow had the appearance of the Demonized General, making it an Essence Energy Skill Crystal.

"The Blade Demonized General's Essence Energy Skill. I wonder which one is it. He's really struck it rich if it's Astral Slash Blade," Li Xuan said as he approached to take a look at the crystal.

As the Blade Demonized General had several Essence Energy Skills, with Astral Slash Blade being one of them, the chances of it dropping were extremely low even if an Essence Energy Skill Crystal were to drop.

By the side, An Jing suddenly said, "The Demonized General figure inside the crystal has a faint red glow on the word engraved on top of its head. This Essence Energy Skill Crystal is Astral Slash Blade."