Overlord Sword

I can't fail three consecutive times, right? Heavens, please bless me with success! Zhou Wen gritted his teeth as he clicked on the fusion. He saw the sparkling light on the two Companion Beasts slowly fuse together.

Amidst Zhou Wen's uneasy feelings, all he heard was a chime. The phone emitted a light as a new Companion Beast appeared on screen.

I succeeded. Zhou Wen was delighted as he hurriedly checked the new pet.

The new pet looked somewhat different from the Overlord Snake and the Sword Fang Fish. The Overlord Snake was black, while the Sword Fang Fish was golden; the new pet was a dark gold color. It wasn't as dark as black, nor was it as bright as gold. It looked quite pleasing to the eye.

Mutated Overlord Sword Snake… Epic stage… Zhou Wen saw its name and saw that it looked like a sea serpent. He didn't waste his time looking carefully and directly checked its stats.