
"Senators, I've already made my case. An Tianzuo is arrogant because of his talent. With the support of the An family's business in Luoyang and the support of Leng Zongzheng, he has always thought little of the Senate. He won't hand Zhou Wen over." The bureau's director-general, Shen Yuchi, said to the senators present as he stood in the meeting hall.

"Since An Tianzuo is so stubborn and disregards the safety of the Federation, we can only use our own methods to defend the Federation's peace. Director-General Shen, I'll leave this matter to you. We have to see Wang Mingyuan's four students as soon as possible," said Senator Xia who represented the senators.

"Yes." Shen Yuchi bowed slightly before leaving the meeting hall.

In fact, they had reached an understanding before sending Fu Yu to Luoyang. If Fu Yu couldn't succeed in persuading An Tianzuo, the Senate would tacitly allow the Special Investigation Bureau to take action.