An Sheng's Suggestion

In a cave, a pale-faced Ják spat out a mouthful of blood. His face flushed abnormally red. He had used a puppet avatar hex to battle Zhou Wen. Although the one killed was only a puppet avatar and not his main body, the death of his avatar dealt him some severe injuries.

Furthermore, the Blood Hex Clown Life Soul had really self-destructed. It was a very serious blow to him.

Although I can't wait to eat delicacies, I still need to get some Companion Beasts first. Otherwise, I might really not be his match. Ják wiped the blood from his mouth as he wondered how he could obtain a Companion Beast.

He naturally did not fancy typical Companion Beasts. With his present situation, he needed plenty of time to obtain high-level Companion Beasts.

Since those people from the Federation want me to do their bidding, they should pay for it. A look of mockery flashed in Ják's eyes.