Suicidal Farming

"Don't do anything rash. The taboo power here is very powerful. It will really kill you," Zhou Wen said.

"I'm just afraid that it's not strong enough," Li Xuan said as he stepped onto the stone steps on Jade Emperor Peak.

Just as he walked in, the carapace on his body crackled. Large amounts of cracks appeared on it, and blood oozed out.

In the next second, Li Xuan leaped out. By the time he landed, most of his carapace had shattered. Only a few remaining pieces were hanging from his body. His body was covered in blood and wounds everywhere, as though he had just been scooped out of a pool of blood.

"Are you alright?" Zhou Wen hurriedly went over to check Li Xuan's injuries. It was a ghastly sight. There were bone-deep wounds everywhere.