Myriad Sword Resonance

"If it's possible, please let me take a look." Zhou Wen felt that he really needed to change his train of thought. Otherwise, he would only walk into a dead end if he just continued doing the same.

Miya thought for a moment and said, "I'm a Golden Dragon. All my powers are obtained through inheritance. I only know one concept, and that is Golden Dragon King Battle Intent."

"Battle Intent? How is it different from ordinary concepts?" Zhou Wen asked.

"I'm not sure either. Have a feel of it yourself," Miya said as she pressed a hand to Zhou Wen's forehead.

Zhou Wen didn't dodge and allowed Miya's palm to press on his forehead. As he didn't dare cause too much of a stir in the Seven Seas Dragon King's body, Miya directly imprinted her Golden Dragon King Battle Intent into Zhou Wen's mind, allowing him to sense her battle intent.