Darkness Domain Devil

Boom! Boom!

Terrifying footsteps sounded from the Door of Darkness. Every step seemed to shake the void.

Seeing a black figure walk out of the door, Zhou Wen retracted his Night Immaculate Sword and didn't continue attacking Zhou Ming because it was too late.

Through the cube, people gradually saw the creature that came out of the door. It was a monster that seemed to be enveloped by darkness. Its indistinct figure in the darkness was like a huge minotaur.

With its huge bull's horn, arrow-shaped tail, and legs with reverse joints it walked out of the Door of Darkness step by step and landed in the arena. The entire arena seemed to be enveloped by the terrifying dark aura.

Unlike Night Thearch's Evernight powers, the dark aura didn't block out the light. One could still see the monster's faintly discernible figure, but this feeling made one feel even more terrified.