Strange Jade Ball

Eh, what's going on? Zhou Wen held his phone and aimed it at the jade ball. He aimed the camera from every angle, but his phone didn't react at all.

Zhou Wen immediately realized that something was amiss. If it was a Companion Egg, the phone would definitely have reacted. It should be able to be stored in-game.

Now that there was no reaction from the phone, there was only one possibility—this thing wasn't a Companion Egg.

No way? Zhou Wen looked at the jade ball gloomily. He had taken such a huge risk and taken so much effort to obtain it, but it wasn't a Companion Egg.

What is this? Since it was spat out by the Calamity-grade Dragon Turtle before it died, even if it's not a Companion Egg, it should be something good, right? Zhou Wen carefully studied it for a while but failed to figure it out.

This thing looked like a ball both from afar and up close. Even after fiddling with it for a long time, it remained a ball.