Fire-Runic Divine Armor Queen

That's right. In such a place, they don't have the ability to hunt dimensional creatures. How can they have Companion Beasts? It's only normal to be unaware of them, Zhou Wen thought.

"Companion Beasts are pets that help you in combat. Furthermore, these pets are loyal. Even if you get them to carry out a mission that they know they will die, they won't hesitate to carry it out," Zhou Wen said.

"Master, we are willing to sacrifice everything for you. If you want us to die, we will not hesitate… If we do anything wrong, please punish us." The two girls clearly misunderstood Zhou Wen's intentions and immediately knelt down.

"Get up." Zhou Wen knew that there was no way to explain it to them as he gave the order.

The two girls' eyes were still brimming with tears as though the tears would fall at any moment. However, they still obeyed Zhou Wen's orders and stood up.