Beauty of Simplicity

"Haven't you already advanced to the Calamity grade? Why are you still searching for the Zone Core?" Jiuyang had seen Zhou Wen's speed before. It was definitely at the Calamity grade, so he was convinced that Zhou Wen had already advanced to the Calamity grade.

Zhou Wen didn't answer, nor could he answer. He could be considered a Calamity-grade, but that was under the condition of simulating other Essence Energy Arts. He himself hadn't advanced to the Calamity grade.

"You haven't told me how to distinguish the level of a Zone Core?" Zhou Wen asked.

"The Zone Core isn't an inanimate object. Levels are demarcated artificially. To know what level the Zone Core is, one can only observe the zone itself. The stronger a dimensional zone is, the stronger the Zone Core condensed. There are also some other details that need to be observed by yourself. There are no fixed standards," Jiuyang said.