Companion Beast That Makes The Master Jealous

After entering the game again, Zhou Wen summoned a large number of Companion Beasts—Imperial Lord Behemoth, Banana Fairy, Dr. Soul, and so on. He made them each be in charge of a creature on Mount Laojun.

Upon receiving Zhou Wen's order, all the creatures on Mount Laojun were killed at the same time. Not a single one survived.

With so many Companion Beasts needing to be killed, they should be able to help me stall for time, Zhou Wen thought.

Fantasy was always beautiful, but reality was harsh. The Companion Beasts that killed the creatures on Mount Laojun were wiped out almost instantly. Zhou Wen, the instigator, was immediately punished as the game screen went black again.

Seriously!? Zhou Wen was somewhat depressed.

However, he still had a backup plan. Now, there were only four Companion Beasts he hadn't tried—Prisoner, Demonic Neonate, Truth Listener, and Fiend-Armored Tiger Soul General.